It is all over.. and just begining at the same time!

Dec 27, 2008

So I survived my LBL.  By the grace of God, amazing nurses, and loving friends who are family along with my family.  I spent the night at the hospital.  It was kinda nightmareish because they couldnt get ahold of the doctor.  I couldnt give a shit as long as my pain was zero and I had help moving.  They were going to keep me until monday.  It was really neat that my night nurse had RNY 8 months ago and lost 140.  She was my fave along with the PCA that was assisting her.  I deffinately will be writing a letter for them.  They made me feel better and were totally sweet.  Peeing was a huge ordeal.  They almost had to cathiter me but I begged for a lil more time and gave them a lil more pee each time they came in and finally the bladder started workin again.  Tori, my best friend and total guardian angel slept in the hospital with me.  She passed out so hard she never even heard me get up which was huge to do cuz it freakin hurrrrrrrt!  I was on Delotted for pain with a PC pump.  I got to control it.  2ML ever 20 min was max .  It made me itch from head to toe and anything I could reach while awake got a darn good rub.  lol  Lets discuss the JP Drains... right leg... left leg and dead center right above my YOU KNOW WHAT!  EWWW  I had to perform a search and rescue to change the bandages.  They had them all twisted in guaze and tape that nothing would come free.  Little scissors are my friend.  So going home was fun.  It hurt but I figures blah suck it up and deal with it if you dont faint it will make u stronger.  And if you do faint you are small enough to be picked up and carried.  Boyfriend brought a recliner chair you see in pics.  LIFESAVER.  Borrow one before plastics... it is definately making it easier for me to get up and down.  I had a bunch of people stopping by today.  They made me laugh... laughing HURTS!  Dont try it!  And remember which friends are too funny... save them for later visits.  Michael is a riot and I swear laughing is why I hurt tonight.  But I love him.  I asked for a blender for XMAS - new years res is to eat healthy.  I am a total cheater.  I chew gum, drink diet coke, eat fast food, drink thru straws and I still have amazing results!  But it is no longer just about being thin because I dont eat much so staying thin isnt hard.  It is about overall health.  So... crackin the whip.  First I wanted a good protein shake.. which Michael made for me - it has all my green veggies for a day, all fruit for a day, and 50g of protein... and it tastes GOOD!!!!!!  I did not think that this was possible!  THANK YOU MICHAEL... LOVE YOU!  So blender was broken in and i drank a darn good shake.  YAY!  I cannot wait until I am mobile again and  not puffy!  It is hard when you are so independent and become completely codependent.  Boyfriend and best friend crack whips around here.  I am not allowed to do anything on my own.  Love them but totally frustrating sometimes.  I dont know what I was thinking when I signed up for this... ADD cannot sit still for 3 weeks!  Time to crash!!!  Happy New Year friends!!!


About Me
HUntington beach, CA
May 09, 2008
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6’1” but as round as I am tall!
Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!

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Xanax me baby
