I am a yoyo dieter.  I have been overweight my entire life.  I had to have major back surgery in 2011 and it took 2 years to heal.  My pain didn't go away and my weight just kept increasing.  I decided then and there that I could just keep feeling sorry for myself and continue to eat or I can make the best of my bad situation and do something about it.  When I got on the scales and weighed 248 I knew I needed to do something.  I started online Weight Watchers.  It took about a year and a half, but I lost 90 lbs.  I looked great and I felt great.  Still had the back pain, but it was better not carrying all that extra weight around with me.  I managed to keep it off for about a year and a half and then it started coming back on, much faster than when it came off.  I have put back on 39 lbs. of the 90 I lost.  I don't want to go back to that person I once was as I was becoming a recluse not wanting to go out because I was embarrassed with the way I looked.  I am now embarrassed again even though I have been trying not to be a recluse again.

I did my research and found a bariatric surgeon.  I have already met with him and am scheduled for the VSG surgery February 20 if there are no medical issues with me after I go through the battery of tests I have to go through.  I am very excited to have this surgery and have been doing a lot of reading of what to expect.  It's definitely going to be a challenge for me, but I do believe it is one that I know I can tackle.

I have been reading the posts of different questions people have and I am pretty confident that when the time comes that I need help from one of the forums, I will be able to get the help I need.

I'm not sure if this is being read by anyone or if it's just for me, but thanks for reading and I look forward to talking to you.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2017
Member Since

Latest Blog 4
