4 Months-A little late

May 03, 2010

Ok...Im a little late for my 4 month blog entry, but life goes on.  This has been quite a month!  Weight loss has slowed I think.  I have to try to stay off the damn scale every day.  I will usually weigh just in the morning, but still...I do get somewhat frustrated when I see numbers not moving.  Overall they are, but not daily.  DH got laid off, so that didn't help any, but he is now in Truck driving school and has passed his CDL permit test, so we are going to be ok that way.

All my labs came in (1st ones since surgery) and I am NO LONGER DIABETIC!!!  A1c was 5.7!  I just cried when the doc told me that.  That is why I had this surgery to begin with.  To be here for a long time for my kids and my hubby.  I know I did the right thing!  I love my RNY!

3 Months Out

Mar 24, 2010

Well..we are now 3 months (and a few days) out from surgery and down 46 pounds.  I have been doing pretty well food and liquid wise, but do struggle, especially when Im traveling.  I have had to travel quite a bit lately and am getting really tired of my protein bars.  But, I dont want to try new stuff when Im not home...just in case ya know!

Mentally I have struggled somewhat with the "why havent you lost more" thoughts, but then I stop and realize that OMG, Im down 46 pounds in 3 months....never has this happened before, so stay happy and on program!  Then I get out of the funk.  I have wondered if Im eating too much carbs lately, so am pulling away somewhat from them.  I do have to have my daily 1/2 Orowheat Thin toasted with PB on it....its just heaven in my mouth. 

I have done some changing with my vitamins too.  I got some of the chewy bites from a friend of mine, have fallen in love with the BA rasberry flavor and the Calcet Lemon ones...so ordered those yesterday.  A little more expensive, but well worth it in my book.  Labs are going to be done too on the 1st of April to prep for my next surgeon appt, so hopefully they feel Im on track and the labs come back good.  First set since surgery, so Im anxious to see the changes.

New pics posted the other day.  I can now really see the difference...more so then the last month pics.  I am very happy overall with my progress. :)
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2 Months Post Op

Feb 21, 2010

Just posted pics for my 2 month post op date.  I dont see much of a difference on the front view shot, but the side view I can see the difference.  I am comfortably wearing size 20 jeans and 1x-2x tops (depending on the top).  I have been hovering between 237 and 235 all week.  Looks like I lost about 10 pounds in the last month, which is not as much as I had thought I would lose, but hey...any loss is a good loss!  Started going to the surgery support group too..that was pretty cool.  Ordered a couple of weight loss cook books from Amazon so am looking forward to having some good recipies to try out.  Emotionally I have done pretty well.  No real problems that I can see. :)

1 Month Post Op

Jan 19, 2010

Well...I am now 1 month post op.  I have lost a total of 27 pounds since I started my preop diet on 12/7/09.  I went to my 1 month post op appointment today and my surgeon is very happy with my progress.  He said I am the poster child for post op care.  Not sure I want to be the poster child...but oh well.  My clothes are starting to get looser and my husband keeps calling me Ms Baggy Pants...just makes me smile when he says that.  My blood sugars have totally normalized...never going over 105 now which still just amazes me.  Im getting in my protein and my fluids and feel like Im in better control of my life.  I went back to work last week....wow my job is high energy!  Im getting back in the swing of things though.  I have been cleared to go to the gym, but no weights just yet.  So all in all....I am so grateful to have been given this opportunity to get my life back!  So far...I love my RNY!  Oh ya...just posted pics...day before surgery and today. :)
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Preop Diet

Dec 07, 2009

Well...started my preop diet yesterday.  It was harder then I thought it would be.  I thought about food all day.  So...I chewed a ton of gum, drank my water, and stuck to the plan.  I hate the hunger feeling that I get so I hope that will go away soon.  Im trying to keep myself busy with work since I have a TON to do getting ready to be gone for 3 weeks.  I just keep telling myself that I have to stay committed to this process...that I am worth it and that I will thank myself in the long run.  My hubby was so wonderful last night.  He got home from work (after braving the snow storm) and just held me and told me how proud he is of me and that he is right there with me.  Later he even asked me if his eating some peanut m&m's would drive me nuts....I said no....but the smell of chocolate was almost too much....luckily he only ate a few and then put it up.  So this morning, Im feeling better about this...knowing I did it yesterday helps me know I can do it again today.  13 days to go till surgery day. Im very grateful to my new OH friends who are helping me through this...especially Nora...You are an Angel and I so appreciate your support! 
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OMG...Im Approved!

Dec 01, 2009

I am sitting here, after a good long crying jag, realizing that this is really real and its going to happen!  I was approved by hubbys insurance (cause mine has an exclusion).  I cant believe it.  I am so happy, scared too...but so happy!  December 21st Here I come!!!

About Me

Nov 03, 2009

Ok....so I guess it is time for me to let you all know who I am. :)

Im a recently turned 39 year old married mom of 4 boys.  I am 17 1/2 years sober by the grace of God.  I work as a case manager for medicaid patients in long term care.  I also sell Mary Kay on the side.

I have been over weight my entire life.  Pics of me when I was little show me being a little chubby kid so ths has been a lifelong struggle for me.  I have tried every diet out there from Richard Simmons, Atkins, South Beach, calorie counting, pills, starvation, laxitives, you name it...I've tried it.  I was diagonsed diabetic in 1995, but didn't really start to take care of myself in that area until 2001.  I had just about gotten to the point of just giving up on my desire to lose weight until last February when my NP suggested I look into WLS.  I went to the semiar with my DH and as soon as the surgeon talked about how WLS can reverse diabetes, DH and I looked at eachother and said "That is what I need".  I have completed my 6 month bariatrician program and have a surgery date set for December 21, 2009.  Just waiting for insurance approval as of this writing.  So there ya have it....me in a nutshell. :)
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About Me
Flagstaff, AZ
Surgery Date
May 15, 2009
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