7-14-05 - 3 weeks post-op yesterday: I seem to be holding at a weight loss of around 20 pounds-21 pounds over the past three or four days.

I'm an introvert, so was very hesitant to get a profile going. But after browsing so many others' profiles, I decided that telling our experiences help others.

Why did I decide to pursue WLS? I had never considered it, in fact, I hadn't even heard much about it until a no-fault vehicle accident pretty much "did in" one of my legs. After a year and a half recuperation which ultimately required a total knee replacement; my orthopedic surgeon suggested that I look into WLS so that my artificial knee will last longer. I had always figured that WLS would be way out of my league expense-wise. I thought only rich people could afford it-sort of like plastic surgery. Needless to say, I was in for a wonderful surprise to learn that my insurance would most probably pay!

I'd always hated my excess weight; but had resolved after multiple diets that it was my lot in life to be obese. It was a rude awakening to be weighed after the accident and hear that I had gone above the 300 pound counter. I was sure ashamed of myself at that point.

When my orthopedic surgeon said he'd refer me (I'm so glad he suggested it); I decided to at least talk to the bariatric people to satisfy my curiosity. Reading Barbara Thompson's book about WLS and then looking through the before and after pictures on this website won me over. I did cry as I realized that I could potentially put before and after pictures of myself up for display as a success story. I considered WLS as being my chance to finally be successful at losing weight and keeping it off.

My PCP was very supportive, the bariatric surgeon's office people said my insurance carrier was one of the most positive and quick to approve the surgery, and I had a couple of co-morbidities (high blood pressure and arthritis as well as being morbidly obese). So after talking it over with my family (I'm not married), I made the decision to push forward.

Excited to get my approval promptly (within a month), we tentatively scheduled my surgery for last November-2004. But God and my body had other plans-I had a 'bout with a kidney stone which took its time to try to pass. I finally had to have intervention to get rid of it. That took a bit over three months to get fully resolved. I was so discouraged to have to put WLS on hold! I'm a teacher, so with all the days of work missed due to the kidney stone along with the normal illnesses school teachers catch from their students; I decided to wait until summer break to reschedule WLS.

So-finally-June 22 arrived, and with no complications, I was home four days later. My immediate goal is to get below 250. I expect that might occur by the end of August, 2005. Today, I am at around 270. Hopefully, I'll surprise and please myself by getting to 250 sooner than I think!

...291/272/ aiming for 125-130...
total lbs. lost-19 (3 weeks out)

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8-7-05 - 6 1/2 weeks post-op: I'm learning, I'm learning. I'm learning what my body needs in order to loose. I was drinking too much 100% juice! Once I cut down on the juice (started dilluting it to just 1 oz. to 15 oz. water), I started loosing again. The nutritionist said probably 4 oz. of juice a day would be okay-not the 8-10 oz. I was enjoying. I've also found some protein powder I like (Unjury), so I'm getting much better at getting enough daily protein. And...I'm getting much closer to drinking all the water I should each day. I've been walking a mile since about week 2 post op. But yesterday I did quite a bit of additional physical activity (cleaned out the garage and vacuumed/cleaned out the car) and knocked off more than the usual 1/2 pound or so average loss/day.
I believe I'm now getting started on making some truly life-changing eating habits. Pride in the knowledge that I'm losing weight is helping keep me on track. Also-hearing so many people say that sweets make them "dump" is keeping me from trying the 'ole favorites. I haven't "dumped" yet and would prefer to keep it that way!

I'm getting close to that immediate goal of getting down to 250 lbs. by the end of August-8 more lbs. to go. I think I might even have time to get another 10 off (?) by the end of the month. Incredible it seems to me...to set goals and actually be reaching them!

291/258/ aiming for 125-130
total lbs. lost-33 (one and 1/2 months out)

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8-23-05 - 2 months post-op: My two month check-up seemed to please the PA (physician's assistant) at my surgeon's office. But like all of us, I'd like to be losing my weight faster!

Last week, I began using "FitDay," a website for logging daily food intake. Documenting what I'm eating is helping me keep a better handle on how much I need to eat to get my protein in.

...291/252/ aiming for 125-130...
total lbs. lost-39 (two months out)

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9-19-05 - almost 3 months post-op: I was in the grocery store in one of our local small cities this afternoon and enjoyed a surprise moment. Being faithful to making healthy choices of foods with no "no-no's items," the woman behind me in the check-out line spoke up. She asked, "Did you have surgery?" I chuckled and said yes and then commented sarcastically that I wondered how she could tell...as I stood there with my skim milk, reduced fat ricotta cheese, low fat cheese packs, low fat cheese sticks, Dannon Light 'n Fit Smoothies and containers of Dannon Light 'n Fit Yogurt and a package of 3 very small-size sirloin steaks! The woman went on to say she had had surgery (duoedenal switch...did I spell it right?) 3 years ago and was down 125 pounds. She looks great. I told her of my losses and we slapped each other a warm "high-five." I think we spoke volumes of encouragement to each other in that little exchange of comments!

...291/239/ aiming for 125-130...
total lbs. lost-52 (3 days shy of 3 months out)

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10-26-05 - a few days over 4 months post-op: I was away all weekend at a conference where the meals were provided. The food was all so good that I fretted about how much I was eating and what I was eating. I fully expected to see that the scales would register weight gain. But I was excitedly surprised that over the three days, I did lose!...another pound and a half. Hooray!

...291/224/ aiming for 125-130...
total lbs. lost-67 (a few days over four months out)

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11-24-05 - 5 months post-op a couple days ago: Today is Thanksgiving, 2005, and what I am most thankful for is my health. A year ago I was miserable with a kidney stone, two years ago and even three years ago I was struggling to get around after a debilitating car accident. BUT, this year, my school year teaching second grade has been fun again-not just a survival from day to day. My whole demeanor is improved I know...and it's because I feel good again. No kidney stone stent, no bronchitis, no leg infection from an old wound site from the accident. Believe me, I am very grateful to be feeling well! Should I say, "Knock on wood!"

The second thing I am thankful for is my orthopedic surgeon who suggested looking into weight loss surgery because he wants my knee replacement needed due to the accident to last. As I said earlier; I thought weight loss surgery was only for the rich and famous.

I'm now at the point where I've run out of clothes that fit from my wardrobe-what a wonderful problem to have! I've worked my way down through clothes I had stored in the back of the closet and have had to go buy sizes that I haven't been able to wear in over a decade. It's been fun to watch the sizes moving downward-and exciting to know that those sizes I've left behind will never, ever be back. That thrills me!

...291/212/ aiming for 125-130...
total lbs. lost-79 (five months out)
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12-24-05 - 6 months post-op: I'ts Christmas eve and I have already received my gift. This morning I reached one of my goals...I made it to "One-der-land." And from my highest weight, I've lost 100 pounds this week. It's sure gratifying to be reaching the goals I only dared dream could be reality as I started this whole process.

My wardrobe is still sparce...but since I'm not at my ultimate weight loss goal yet; I'm trying to make do with a few items. Yesterday I took another bag of clothes to the Salvation Army...these trips have become a kind of pat on the back for me.

I've made it far enough through the Christmas season that I believe I'll get through it being faithful to my new eating habits. I did have some concerns about this coming into December. Success is breeding success, thank goodness. I'm 'gonna get there!

...291/199/ aiming for 125-130...
total lbs. lost-92 (six months out)

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2-21-06 - 8 months post-op: The holidays came and went and I made it through them without any slips. In other words, I didn't cheat on my new eating habits. I was worried about that, but I feel like patting myself on the back...I did it. I am realizing that I can and will acheive my quest of losing all the way to my personal weight loss goal.

Strange, when my surgeon first asked me how much weight I'd like to lose, I was caught off-guard and said that if I got down to 175 pounds, I'd consider the surgery a success. Well...I'm 3 pounds from that and sure not going to stop there. I now know I am surely capable of losing more weight and intend to get down to a healthy range for my height. I'm just a few pounds away from not being classified as obese. You can bet I'm going to get all the way down to normal weight...even out of the "overweight" range.

...291/178/ aiming for 125-130...
total lbs. lost-113 (eight months out)

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5-9-06 - 10 1/2 months post-op: Spring time! Was it ever fun to do a bit of shopping. Oh, by the way, I can no longer shop at Catherines. Their smallest size is now too big for me. I was at a loss to know where to begin!

...291/151/ aiming for 125-130...
total lbs. lost-140 (ten 1/2 months out)

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5-27-06 - 11 months post-op: My annual check-up at my WLS surgeon's office was a success story. When I asked how much more weight I should try to lose; the PA said she thought I was there. ...maybe another 10 pounds or so but that should be it.
I told her I wanted to get to the middle of what "FitDay" lists as the middle of average weight for a person of my height. To do that, I would try to lose about 19 more pounds. I can not recall ever saying that I only needed to lose 19 pounds to be normal weight before...in my whole life!
It was a day for celebration when the "FitDay" records showed that I was no longer considered "overweight!" YIPPEE!!! From morbid obese to obese to overweight to being in average range for my height. I DID IT!!!
I can't remember when I was last able to wear the sizes of clothing I'm wearing now. The last I recall was when I was in college (37 years ago) and wearing a size which is now 3 sizes larger than I'm wearing today. What a wonderful accomplishment I've been able to complete with the help of WLS.
It's been a fine experience for me-no complications or problems.
BTW, at this time, my mind still tells me I'm fat. I see the sagging skin and think it's fat. But I feel the bones and see my veins and know I'm very close to the end of this very special journey.
Then I'll work at eating enough to maintain...but keep a healthy balance. Right now I'm very fearful that I'll start gaining weight back. I guess time will tell. I do plan to keep on attending our local support group monthly meetings-as a sort of accountability.

...291/144/aiming for 125.
total lbs. lost-147 (11 months out)

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7-22-06 - 13 months post-op: I have decided that I'm happy with my current weight and may not attempt to loose the 9 more pounds that I thought I wanted to loose. I'm now wearing a size 8-10. Shopping has been so much fun and has provided so many WOW moments as I moved into smaller sizes. Everyone is telling me that I look fine...and that if I loose more-I might look gaunt. If the pounds come off easy I'll see...but come back up if I need to. I feel great and am now telling myself that it's okay to invest in some nicer, quality clothing because I'll be wearing them until they wear out...not that I get too small...or (dread the thought) big for them. I've found some great end of the season closeout sales.

...291/134/ maybe aiming for 125-but happy where I am
total lbs. lost-157 (13 months out)

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6-25-07 - 2 years post-op: I am now at my goal weight; I arrived in July of last summer. I'm so thankful that I can say I've been hovering within a pound or two of this goal weight throughout the year. I like how I feel and look and am happy with my total self!
I believe there are two keys to my success. One is I found a protein powder (Unjury Chocolate) I use every day along with faithfully taking my vitamins and calcium. Secondly, I faithfully attend monthly support meetings. The meetings hold me accountable. For now, I intend to continue attending.

...291/129/ Been here a year!

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7-14-2010 - 5 years post-op: I'm here because I've gained, okay-I'm going to admit it: Two weeks ago I was at a weight 43 pounds over what I weighed at my last post 3 years ago.
I am a grazer. I have now realized it. When I hit 177; I decided I had to make a change. I'm now back to making sure I get to monthly support meetings and am back on-line to admit my need to be more vigillent. I admit that I can not walk down any store's candy aisle. I may not permit myself to eat any ice cream.
So last week, I began in earnest again to faithfully eat only the right foods that I know keep me on track. And I've successfully begun the trec back down. Since the end of June, I've been able to shed 11.5 pounds. So I'm on the track again. I'm back to only eating what I know will help me loose.
Thankfully, all along, I've been faithful to walking my one to two miles a day. Mid-winter, I found a treadmill on Craig's List at the right price in the right location. Now I can walk every day as it fits my schedule. That's been a good thing.
Stay tuned because it will not be long and I'll be celebrating a return to that glorious 129 mark. Here I come!

About Me
Somewhere in, NY
Surgery Date
Jul 13, 2005
Member Since
