I'm addicted to OH!!!!

Jul 21, 2009

I was up till 5 AM this morning reading different profiles and experiences others have had!!  It's a good thing it is summer and my girls are off school and my hubby works at night!!  I have been soooo addicted to this site.  I am learning so much and getting lots of info.
My life seems to revolve now around WLS!!  Everything I do I think of how different it will be soon after the surgery.  I talk about it all the time and the changes that will come.  My hubby, today, asked me how long it will be after surgery till we can be intimate!!  LOL  I thought that was just too cute.  I told him I really didn't know.  I hadn't seen anything about it anywhere.  So, I posted on the forum about it and got back some good replies!!  Even funny ones too.  It's cute.  But, I am getting anywhere between 2 weeks and when we feel comfortable enough.  So, he is happy, as I am, that we wont have to wait too long!! 

I am coming to terms with the possibility of having tubes in my nose, but I haven't yet come to terms with the possibility of waking up with a tube in my throat!!  Don't know if I will.  I saw a picture today of a lady who posted surgery pics and there was this pic of her after surgery with a tube coming out of her nose with red stuff in it and the tube was tapped to her face.  It really did freak me out when I saw that and I said, "NO WAY!!"  But, after thinking about it and talking to my family about it, I came to this conclusion:  I will be out when it goes in (the worse part, I would imagine) and I tried imagining it coming out.  I think it would be uncomfortable coming out, but not painful as when putting it in with me aware of it.  So, if I HAVE to have a tube in my nose, I think I will be ok.
But NOT the tube down my throat.  I am so affraid of them telling me they can't guarantee that if I have to have a tube down my throat that I will not do WLS.   I really want to have it, but I can't have a tube down my throat and me wake up to it still there.  If they can guarantee me that they will remove it before I wake up, then I will be good to go. 

I saw a post where someone got their doctor records and took them with them to the consultation.  I am going to call my doctors tomorrow to see if I can come get a copy of my records.
I still need to fill out the New Patient Information sheet and the Diet Attempt History Form.  I am scared to fill out the diet history sheet. I don't remember dates and everything I've tried.  I have tried sooooo many times and different things to lose weight.  I don't remember everything!   I need to just sit down (get off of OH!!  LOL) and try to think of things and dates!! 


Going to make it a date out with hubby!

Jul 20, 2009

Today, my hubby and I made hotel reservations down in Ann Arbor for Sunday night before my seminar!!  Just hubby and I!!  We will leave after church Sunday afternoon and head down for some alone time and enjoy ourselves away from our children!!  YEAH!!  I'm so excited.  We will be able to wake up early and get to the bariatric center to sign in.  I have read where they go in order of who signs in first to meet with the surgeon and since we live 3 hours away and hubby works at night, we can't be there late, we need to get him back home.   I am just so glad he wants to go with me and he supports me now.  He is excited for me now.
Today, I took my middle daughter shoe shopping and I was looking at all the high heels and I got so excited thinking that soon (hopefully) I will be there trying them on and can actually buy them and wear them with a pretty dress!!
I do a 'Mom and daughter' date with my girls every Monday and while we were out we were talking about my up coming WLS and how sorry I was that I have passed on my weight problems to my girls.  We have 3 beautiful girls and my two oldest ones have weight issues.  I know it's my fault......I do the shopping and bring the unhealthy stuff into our house.  I know one day they will blame me.  I know, cause I blame my mom.  I grew up with all the junk food in our house.  We always had twinkies, cupcakes, cheese galore, just all kinds of fattening stuff.  No fruit that I ever remember!!  My mom would send me all kinds of unhealthy stuff in my school lunches, then she would always complain and fuss me for being fat!!  She would constantly tell me I was too overweight, that I needed to lose weight, but she never helped me by feeding me healthy things or stop buying the bad stuff!!  Now, I have done this to my girls (other than I don't constantly tell them they are overweight and need to lose weight)  My youngest one must have a good metabolism or something, cause she really doesn't have a weight problem, but my two oldest ones do.  My middle daughter, bless her heart, is losing weight and she is stubborn enough to stick with what she is doing.  She has realized she could keep gaining weight and look like her mom, and she doesn't want to keep going up and up, so she has already lost like 25 pounds and is doing good at picking and eating healthy stuff!!
I am sorry to my girls for what I have taught them.

But, on a happier note, I am hoping that after WLS, I will change what I bring into this house and I will be able to help my oldest begin to lose the weight. 
We were talking today, my middle daugter and I, how things will change after WLS.  How since I wont be able to eat unhealthy that it will help our whole family.

Well, anyways, I am so excited to go away on Sunday afternoon with my hubby for some alone time and then to the seminar!!!!



Hubby is excited now!!

Jul 16, 2009

Well, my hubby just called from work and he said that he was able to get a guy he works with to switch days off with him so he could go with me to the seminar/consultaion on the 27th!!  YEAH
Today, was a good day for me in knowing where my hubby stood on this WLS.  Up till now, he has sortof been supportive and also concerned too.  But, today, we were out and he was telling me he wants to buy me a tight pair of jeans and boots!!  (He loves that look)  We have an 'adoptive' daughter in AZ and she called us on Monday and told us she is going to have a baby!!  So, since she calls us Mom and Dad and we treat her like a daughter, I guess we are going to be grandparents in March!!  And since I am just bout ready to turn 40, I don't want to be called Grandma!!  I was having a hard enough time processing the 40 year old mark, and to top it off with being called Grandma ~ that aint flying with me.  Sooooo, I am on a mission to come up with a different name for my grandbaby to call me.  Well, today, after my hubby told me he wants to buy me the tight pair of jeans and boots, he then said my name can be Hotma instead of grandma!!  LOL  
Then a litte bit later, he out of the blue, asked me, "So, after a while, what do you do, um,.....with....."  I finished his sentence he was trying to get out......  he is wanting to know if there will be extra skin after losing weight.   LOL    I told him that that is a possibility, but I have read so many profiles where with drinking lots of water and walking, that helps with the extra skin.....however, there is always plastic surgery to fix that after.  We will see.  So, he is starting to get involved!!   I am glad.
He is worried, as my children, about me dying or something terrible happening.  That is a hard one. I certainly don't want to die, but I don't want to be so overweight and unhappy!!
I just hope I am one of those who have no complications.

I was inspired by one of my friends on here to come up with my own list of "I will"....after WLS, so, here we go:

After WLS:

I WILL be able to fit in our bathtub and actually enjoy taking a bath!!
I WILL be able to go to a resturant and not have to worry about fitting in their booth!!
I WILL be able to have sex with my hubby and not have him turn off all the lights!!
I WILL be able to wear pretty dresses and high heals!!
I WILL be able to go to the beach with my family and not be stared at or called names!!
I WILL be able to talk to people and not be embarrassed
I WILL take my daughters to Cedar Point and ride the rides with them!!
I WILL go into Victoria Secrets and buy something sexy for my hubby!!
I WILL ride our horse!!
I WILL be able to paint my toenails purdy!!
I WILL be able to fit in the seat at the theater and not be squishy!!
I WILL be able to comfortably wear a bra and leave it on and not always want it off!!

I don't know, but I could go on and on here!!    I might add more later!!

Well, TTFN
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Taking another step forward!!

Jul 15, 2009

Well, been playing phone tag with my doctor!!  Yesterday I was out and she called and left a message that she was going on vacation starting today till the first week of August.  I got bummed right away because I had called and left a message with the receptionist that I needed a packet of determination sent out to our insurance and I thought that since she was going on vaca that it would set me back.  Well, Lisa (a very sweet nurse at my docs office) called me today and told me the first thing I need to do was go to a seminar to learn about Gastric Bypass.  She gave me two numbers:  one for Dr. Poplawski at the Bariatric Center in Yipsilanti (which I have been interested in going to since I have read only GREAT things about him and that place) and a number for Hurley Hospital in Flint.   Well, as soon as she gave me the number for Dr. Poplawski, I knew that was where I wanted to go!!  I did, however, give Hurley a chance!!  I went to their website and didn't get good vibes from their place.  I noticed it said something to the fact that they were a teaching medical center.  I have nothing against a teaching place (I wanted to get my hair done at a beauty school to give them experience!!)  but, when we are talking about cutting and rearranging my insides,  I want someone who has more experience.   
So, anyways, I got right on the phone to Bariatric Center in Yip and talked to a very nice woman and she took some info down and got me set up for a seminar with Dr. Poplawski on Monday, July 27th at 1 PM!!    YEAH!!!   She said it will be with a group of like 6 - 8 people then I will meet with Dr. Poplawski for one on one time!!   I am hoping my husband will go or be able to go!!  He will have to see if he can take a vacation day for that Monday!!  I hope he can (will) ~ I don't want to go by myself.

But, anyways, I am EXCITED I am making progress to a better me!!

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Finally moving ahead to do this thing!!

Jul 10, 2009

July 10, 2009
Well, I am finally going to start filling in my profile page!!
Let me introduce myself:
My name is Tari and I am married and we have 3 beautiful children.  I have always had a weight problem.  My parents are both overweight and have never encouraged me to lose weight or watch what I was eating as I was growing up.  I remember my mom always having snacks and fattening stuff around the house.  We used to go camping every weekend and we would always have lots of snacks like cheese and crackers and liverwerst, chips, cookies ~ I was left to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.  I didn't grow up with eating healthy so it has been a battle with me all my life.
When my husband and I met, I was 16 and weighed 220 pounds.  So, he has always known me as heavy. 
We have been married 18 years and 3 children later, I am up to 285.  I have been up to 310!!  I can't believe I ever let myself get that (this) high!!
I have been really depressed lately over my weight.  I will be turning 40 next month and I just don't want to be fat anymore!!
Well, I am in the beginning stages of WLS.  My doctor has said I am a candidate for it and she is going to help me get this ball on the road.
My husband called our insurance today and they cover gastric bypass surgery!!  YEAH!!
On Monday, I will be calling my doctor and telling her the insurance rep said she needs to send them a predetermination packet to get this going.
I have been researching and reading all I can on this WLS and I am scared of a few things:
Tube in my nose/throat; having an endoscopy, a drain in my tummy and then the fear of the catheter just really scares me!!!    
I posted on the message board today and got some wonderful replies that have seemed to ease my worrisome mind!!  LOL
(But, I'm still scared though)

Well, I will close for now!!

About Me
Mio, MI
Surgery Date
Jan 12, 2006
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