Surgeon's Appointment

Jul 10, 2011

Well finally seen the surgeon on Friday. I had stressed over it for the whole week my worst fear being he said I wasn't a candidate for surgery.  My mom came with me for support. My appointment was for 9:15 and just at that time a nice younger gentleman called my name. 

He is Dr. Gmora he is newer to St. Joe's in Hamilton but not Bariatric surgery. He originally comes from New York State where he told me that there process is very much the same with all the hoops, appts, and tests before surgery.  Makes sense they want us to be in the up-most health before performing the operation.

He explained that he thoroughly reviewed my file and that I have a great support.  He explained some of what may happen if I don't have surgery and to be honest I think it scared me more than having surgery. Explained what will happen with surgery the risks, etc. and that some of the small risks that may happen are minor compared to what can happen without surgery. He also told me that due to my 2 c-sections and tubal ligation that if they are unable to perform the RNY they will perform a VSG.
I had to promise that I would come to ALL follow up appointments to prevent something major happening I agreed and signed the papers.  After that he said let's go try and get you a date....WOW just like that!!!
I seen the receptionist she gave me my nutrition class appointment and Optifast and a few other prescriptions for me to take but no Surgery date. :(

I then went down to the pharmacy where I purchased everything I needed....not cheap but the outcome will make it the best money ever spent. So I left he hospital with no date I was a bit upset.

When I returned home I had a message from Krista and my heart sank.  Friday afternoon at 3:00pm my mind started racing will they still be there do I have to agonize over the weekend...OMG.  I called immediately and had to leave a message....freaking out still...thank god Krista is so quick in calling you back. She called back in about 15 minutes.

Are you ready she asked I said YES she said AUGUST 8th....OMG the tears were flowing.  So my surgery class is July 21st, Start Optifast July 23rd, and SURGERY AUGUST 8th @ 8:00am.....I still can't believe it!!!!!!


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 25, 2010
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