1 year ago today.

Nov 09, 2010

Today is the anniversary of my surgery.  I have come a long way.  I am exactly 100lbs down.  I have about appox 13lbs to goal.  Things are going well, plenty of stresses but I seem to be handling things well. 

Now that the winter months are upon us...I decided to get the Wii Active which has been great.  I never thought I would enjoy running, but this game actually makes it fun and I am good at it.  Maybe doing a 5k this spring we will see.

I am still dealing with the cold.  The winter months are hard to deal with and I am thinking of investing in a heating blanket to help me manage.  I have a heater at work I use to keep me warm at work.  I am sure my body will adjust but it just hasn't yet.

 I will say that if I wanted to be at goal I def could have been.  Its been a mixture of laziness and being too busy to excercise and eat right.  And when I say eat right Im talking about protein and calorie intake.  Today I  may have eaten a total of 700 calories, and thats a stretch.  I should be getting in a minimum of 1000 but havent gotten there yet.  Attached are a few pics I took recently.  I am still in a size 12 but will most likely be in a size 10 when I lose the additional weight.  I really don't want to be much smaller then that. 

Swim Suit Edition LOL!

Jul 05, 2010

My weight is holding steady at 197 right now so I really havent lost much since my last post.  I am still just glad to be under 200.

So instead of writing a lengthy update I will just be so bold as to post a pic of my new swim suit.  Now I have debated on doing this but I say you k,now what ...to hell with it.  My body may not be perfect but I know that July of last year I would of never thought I would look even this good in a suit.  So I have some work to do on my inner thighs and arms but I dont care.  I thank God for the improvement that I have been able to make to my body and pray that  this time next year I look even better in my suit.  I am not sure whats going to happen with skin as now I have a bit of bagging so it may get worse or it could get better who knows.  Either way...here it is, me trying it on in the dressing room before purchasing....

July 4 2010
112609144.jpg 2 weeks 20lbs down picture by Toobcherished
    Right after surgery  and 30lbs down December2010


Jun 11, 2010

 After 7 long months and 1 day .....I did it.  I hit 199!!!  Words can't describe it.  Its so surreal.  I have not seen the number on my scale since high school nearly 15 years ago.  And just this week I put on a size 12 skirt and a size 12 capri pants.  WOW.  I am so happy and feel so blessed to have gotten this opportunity.  I dont ever remember being this small.  Even in high school I remember just feeling so much bigger then the other kids.  In actuallity,  looking back I was fairly small and carried my weight well.  Now I feel normal sized for the first time in a very long time. 

Issues im dealing with.... Dizziness and hypoglycemia.  I determined through talking to the ladies here on the boards, that the dizziness is most likely due to me not drinking nearly enough.  I am sip, sip, siping still and have started using a straw.  Seems this helps me get more in.  My blood pressure is running around 110/65  So I am also guessing when I get up from a sitting position that my bp is dipping.  Mind you , before surgery I was on bp meds .  When managed, my numbers were at 140/84.  So the weight has made such a difference.

I plan to go forward, lose another 25lbs and then be done (maybe).  I hear about the bounce back that everyone talks about and I feel like I should try to get down as small as my body wants to go while I can.  That way when I do bounce back , I will bounce back to where I want to be which is around the 175 mark.    SEE PICS BELOW

Thats all for now, my next post will be when I hit the century mark.  Hopefully I will hit it by sometime in July.


** I just realized that I hit 199 a full year  to the date (yesterday) after joining this site and begining my investigation. AWESOME!


1 comment

Pics.....78lbs down

May 07, 2010

Just a quick post of my new pics.  I am a total of 78lbs down since surgery.  So far so good and things are well.  Number one complaint I have is that my hands are always cold when I am at work.  Other then that I am good!



Still dropping

Mar 30, 2010

I am still dropping weight, however my weight loss has slowed pretty dramatically.   I have lost another 10lbs since my last post so its roughly about 10lbs in the last 4-6 weeks.  Thats not alot but I am still dropping inches and I am only 40lbs to my original goal.  Alot of the slow loss is my fault, not eating enough and getting enough protein in.  I have been excercising 2 to 3 days a week and it gives me alot of energy but I have to do all these things to speed the weight loss up.  I caught a glimpse of myself in the gym locker room mirror and it dawned on me how small I have really gotten.  I am no longer huge, I no longer stand out because of my size.  Thats very hard to imagine and because my mind has not caught up to my body I still view myself as morbidly obese.
My goals for the summer is to get out of the house more.  I have been such a homebody most of my adult life.  Now I would like to get out some time and enjoy myself with friends and socialize more.

Things I need to work on
I have GOT to start taking smaller bites and eating slower.  I will ruin my stomah if I dont
I have got to stop taking small sips of fluid during meals.   (swallowing food is just so uncomfortable  feels like intergestion) And I hate that feeling,  Neverthe less I am quitting that now before I do damage I can't undo,

I have revised my goals.  I would like to lose another 10lbs in April & 10 in May.  I am being told by alot of people that I should stop with those 20 additional pounds but that just not enough for me I dont think.  So my goal is going to adjust to losing 20 more pounds for now and then toning and losing 5lbs a month after that until I feel I have lost enough.

Until next time. .

So far so good.


Half way there!

Feb 14, 2010

I am now down 60lbs since my surgery on November 9th.  Thats 20lbs a month average and you really can't beat that.  I am hoping to hit 199 by April 9th.  I will admit that I am still working on the protein.  At this point I think I am only getting in maximum of 60grams a day in protein.  But thats much better then I have been doing.  I usually get a shake in for breakfast,( 20 grams)something protein rich for lunch ..(20grams).  and dinner (20grams).  I struggle eating in the morning (hence the shake) and at night I really dont want a full meal.  So I try to snack on meats and cheeses to get the protein in.  I never sat down for dinner.  Not necessarily a good thing but my stomach cant seem to stomach it. But if I grab jerky, or grilled chicken strips, or shrimp a little at a time I can get more in, so thats what I do and it works for me. 

Dont get me started on fluids.  I just cant drink much but I never could. Takes me 2 hours to drink a 16oz bottle of water and thats with effort.  On a good day I get in 60oz but I normally average 45oz..  Hopefully the spring and summer will make me more active, which in turn will make me want to drink more.  Who knows, we will see.

I just started exercising so im sure my weightloss will continue, I am currently wearing size 14W and I am working hard to get out of the womans sizes and move on to misses.  I think I can do that with another 20lbs loss and some toning excercises at the gym, so we will see. 

50lbs Down in 10 weeks!!!!!

Jan 16, 2010

I know, I know.  Its been a while right?  Things are going as well as can be expected.  I am still working on getting all my protein in and its going much better then it did at first.  I am up to approx 40g a day.  Calories in are hovering anywhere from 450-600.  Mostly 450 though there has been some times I have been able to reach the 600's but its rare.  I am fitting into some 16 pants and 18/20 shirts so I am very excited about that.  My clothes were nearly hanging off of me so I have had to go out and buy a few things from consignment to get me by.  I have a few 16 pants now and bought 2 dresses.  1 is a 16 and the other is a 14.  I can fit both of them fine (stretchy material) but will fit them better once I lose another 3 inches in my waste so I am excited about that.

2 weeks (20lbs down)                                         10 weeks (50lbs down)
112609144.jpg 2 weeks 20lbs down picture by Toobcherished005.jpg picture by Toobcherished

Struggling with protein,calories and stall

Dec 12, 2009

Hi everybody, just wanted to post an update on my progress.  Here is what is going on in my 4th & 5th week.....
I still can't seem to get more then 400 calories and 40g or protein a day in.  Some days my stomach just can't seem to handle but one small meal.  Yesterday I had a protein shake  and a small wendy's chili. Took about 4 hours to eat it all.  So that means I ate a grand total of 310 calories all day (protein shake is only 90 cals).   I can't really stomach anything early in the morning.  Lunch time is give and take and if Lunch went down ok, then that means Dinner prob wont.  

During the work week this is my schedule.

Take a protein shake to work  for breakfast. My goal is to finish it by lunch time...(almost never happens).  I am having a hard time keeping warm in my office and normally I will make myself 6oz of coffee which goes down easy and warms me up.
Lunch I usually eat some sort of soup..vegetable or chicken noodle.  Most of the time I can get the broth in
and a few of the solid pieces. 
Snack I usually eat a bit of cheese (always goes down easy Thank Goodness)
The rest of the day at work I am trying to get the rest of the protien shake in. 
Dinner is hit and miss protein is hard to get in but I can normally handle a bit of sides.  If i try protein at night it has a 50/50 shot of staying down or coming back up.  On the day it stays down its worth about 150 cals and around 15g of protein. So i really try to eat it slow and deliberate
I really am trying to do better.  This week I have actually gained 3lbs back and I know its a mixture of stall and not getting nearly enough calories-protein in.  Other then the eating situation i am great.  I do get tired in the evenings after work but I am good most of the day while at work. 

Things will work out sooner or later and I am not going to panic like some people when they see they are stalled and/or have gained.   I realize its all a process and will prob come off soon enough.

Until next time....be blessed in the spirit

First time for everything.....

Dec 02, 2009

I am officially 28 pounds down from Surgery on 11/9/09.  I am still having a hard time getting my protein in but I am now trying the Nectar sweet tea w/lemon which my ex was nice enough to drop by.  Its good!  So I will be definitly buying the nectar from now on.  Much easier to get down and I can use water and not milk which I cant tolerate.

I had my first slimeing experience today and it was not good!  I ate some chicken too fast that wasnt chewed up and and boy was that unpleasant.  After the food is long gone your mouth still just fills over time with this slimey substance from your stomach.  I know...TMI right but its good for preops to understand what I mean so I had to get graffic lol  This was a good thing because now I know what happens when I eat to fast or eat something I am not supposed to.  I start back to work next Monday so I want to make as many of my mistakes in the comfort of my own home instead of at work and stuck in the bathroom for 2 hours.

Well thats it for now......Until my next time ...be blessed!!

Needing more energy

Nov 21, 2009

So I have been managing the last few days since surgery.  I just notice that once the pain is gone (or almost gone) you have to deal with a lack of energy.  I finally figured out that I can't handle milk.  Thats why I am having such a hard time getting my protein shakes in.  So now, I am busy looking for alternatives. Isopure tastes like soap.  I am tired of the same foods, its just not appealing to me anymore.  I dropped by wendys to get a Chilli figuring that would be easier to get down and it was, but now I dont' want to look at chilli anymore.  Tonight I have to go to Famous Daves for my parents anniversary so I am going to try to pull myself together to go and will prob order mashed potatoes.  I am now taking my multi vitamins and my calcium etc so thats good.  I have lost 19lbs since I was released from the hospital 11/11.  I am really excited about that.

Anyway just wanted to post my progress and say hey to you all.

About Me
Henrico, VA
Surgery Date
Jun 10, 2009
Member Since

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