A Reply to a Post on Hating to Exercise

Feb 03, 2011

You know you are setting yourself up to fail with that attitude.  Exercise does not have to be a chore!  I started a regular fitness routine 6 months before my surgery.  I had never had a regular routine before that- ever.  But I decided if I was going to put my life at risk with this surgery I was going to do everything I could to reduce the risk and improve the outcome from my surgery.

 I went to the local YMCA and signed up for a water aerobics class.  The class had older and larger people in it - I felt at home.  The water reduces the stress on your joints, keeps you cool, and controls your heart rate.  Because of that you can exercise harder and longer when you are just starting out.  I LOVED IT and I still do.  16 months later and I still do the class, plus 40 minutes on the elliptical, a Pilate's class once a week and now I am cross country skiing on the weekends.  When I was heavy I fell down a lot and broke my ankle, dislocated my knee- I felt trapped in a giant unmovable body.  As I have lost weight I have gained strength, flexibility, coordination.  I enjoy my fitness routine- and it is a routine. I do it like I brush my teeth and shower - it is part of my life.  I work full time so I have to be flexible - we had snow and ice here this week so I skipped the water aerobics (a 20 minutes drive) to use the elliptical here at work.  Sometimes I need to be at home (work men or whatever) and I put in a DVD and play on my WII instead. 
Over time - I have noticed I feel better when I exercise, I am less stressed and happier when I work out.  But you don't get that by deciding you hate something and you are going to force yourself to do it.  You get that by finding something you enjoy doing, by allowing yourself to take pleasure in it even if you can't do it perfectly, and by being patient and persistent.
I tried Yoga and it wasn't for me - but I did it for 8 weeks to give myself a chance to experience it and the improvements I would see in doing it.  I'm  thinking about a low impact land based aerobics class - maybe in a Zumba class as I progress and get stronger, more flexible and more coordinated. 
I am planning to buy a bicycle this spring and go on a bicycle touring vacation this fall in New England.  last year we went to the beach - I walked for miles!  picked up shells, swam, walked up and down the steps.  All because I was getting healthier and stronger everyday that I was exercising.
Th other thing - if you do a regular fitness routine you will see measurable progress.  I started at 6 minutes on the elliptical at a snails pace.  Slowly over time I have increased that to level 5 and 40 minutes - I burn 500 calories 2 or 3 times a week doing the elliptical.  The pride you feel in seeing yourself get better over time- it's really really good. 
And the stamina and strength you gain - do you have kids or a hubbie?  You can now go for walks, runs, rides, hike or bike in the summer.  If you are out of shape you will not enjoy it - but if you have a regular fitness routine you will be able to enjoy it and the people with you.
I know this is really long but I feel passionately that exercise is a critical part of this process and sometimes it gets ignored.


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Feb 12, 2010
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