I had a Roux En Y 8 years ago.  I lost 104 lbs. And I gained it all back. Since gaining all the weight back, I assumed I had "broken" my pouch and was doomed to be obese the rest of my life. Unfortunately, I was given a vague description of how and what to eat and there certainly was no support group offered by my surgeon's practice. I was young, ignorant and immature. In hindsight, I should have sought these things out on my own. It didn't occur to me that I should eating certain foods, though...only that I should be eating less. My surgeon told me not to eat sweets or drink alcohol and to measure my portions. I sabotaged myself by finding foods I could eat easily (cheese, pasta, chips, popcorn, etc). My mother-in-law had gastric bypass surgery about a year ago. She's the one that informed me that I shouldn't be drinking with meals and that I should be eating a high protein diet. I'm on a mission to educate myself and figure out how to make my pouch work for me again. I'm confident I can do this. But, I know I can't do it alone. That's what brought me here...

About Me
Arvada, CO
Mar 14, 2010
Member Since

Friends 3
