IT's Been Three YEARS!!

Jul 07, 2011

Three years ago today I went under the knife with high hopes for my future. I did have a few regrets right after the surgery, but a good friend of mine told me this would happen so I was prepared and it quickly passed. Yes, i did get sick when I ate too much or too quickly or ate the food that I should not eat (greasy food). It was not easy, but DANG IT, it was worth it!!  

Everyday got easier and before I knew it, I was a pro at which foods I could tolerate and which ones I did not eat. Mainly greasy food and this is still the case. I decided a long time ago that I would never eat ice cream or shakes and I have not had these things in three years. I DON'T miss them!! I also gave up sweets and I don't care if I eat them ever again!

Weight is maintained between 135 and 142. Size 8 and GREAT!!



Nov 05, 2009

It has been awhile since I have written on this site. I am still doing great and feeling wonderful!!

I never go over 148 but not below 145. Just fine with me. I can wear an 8 in most clothes. I can eat a little more frequently but I still cannot eat very much, which is also just fine with me.

My mom asked me the other day if I noticed the guys staring at me, honestly I have not paid attention. I do notice that I walk lighter and feel great going out.






Jul 08, 2009

Yesterday was my one year anniversary. I cannot believe it has been a whole year. So many things have changed for me.
I am down to 153 from 275 and feel absolutely wonderful! All of my friends and family see me now and not the unhappy person I was before.

I did not tell several of my close friends who live in Austin and saw them for the first time this weekend.
My mom walked into meet our friends at Serrano's and I waited to walk in later. When I walked into the restaurant and one of my friends looked past me and turned around to continue a conversation with my mom, my mother said that she covered her mouth and turned back around and started screaming. Oh, its LAURA!! It's Laura oh Sh**. Then the rest of my friends starting screaming. It was so funny!! I felt so wonderful. They were all so amazed and proud that I was back into the old Laura body and not the one that I was hiding in. Needless to say, it was a crazy and wild weekend!!

Most people that have not seen me in a while or the people that have never seen me thin, can not believe the transformation. It is so much fun to see their face when they realize it is me. Please God don't ever let me be the old Laura again!!! I pray for this!!!

I dont think I have been this happy in 15 years or more!!! YIPPIE, YIPPIE, YEAH!!


Size 10!!

May 20, 2009

I am finally into a size 10 pants. YEAH!! I really did not think I would ever wear a 10!!

I bought a size 10 jeans and it made me feel so awesome!!!

It has been 10 months since my surgery and I feel better than I have in many many years.



Apr 13, 2009

I am now a "NORMAL" BMI! I can honestly say that this is so exciting to finally be considered a "NORMAL" weight!

I now weigh162-which is a total weight loss of 113 pounds in 9 months!!

I feel so good about myself and cannot remember the old me!! I am fading from my mind... Of course I don't want to forget the way the weight made my body feel. SO I GUESS I WILL NEVER FORGET!!!

My next goal is to wear a size 10. I am in a 12 now but they are getting a little baggy!! YIPPIE!!

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103 POUNDS!!

Mar 08, 2009

I am so excited, I stepped on the scale and YEAH, I have lost 103 pounds in 8 months!!

I feel so thrilled that it happened this weekend on my 8 months anniversary.



Gained 2 pounds

Mar 02, 2009

I was 176 last week and back to 178 this week. I really try not to let it get to me anymore. As long as I am on track and keep eating correctly I am sure it will come off. I think it has a lot to do with my constipation that I have been having the past week. I started taking a Fiber pill 1 or 2x a day and this seems to be getting my body moving, slowly but surely. (TMI) I think we all need some sort of help now and then. It seems that several of us have this issue after surgery.

Another issue I am having is SHOPPING!!!  I love to try on clothes and shoes! It is so much fun!!!
I need to get a second job so I can have several new outfits! LOL

I know that I mentioned in my last blog or so that I was wearing high heels now. I bought some Red Pumps that are so cute! I feel so good in them. FINALLY NO FLATS!!! I also love wearing colors again. All I seemed to wear when I was fat was BLACK, BLACK AND MORE BLACK!

This is what I ate yesterday:
3/4 Weight Watchers Egg Muffin
3/4 grilled chicken breast (Chilis)
handful of nuts (no salt)
1 Diet Coke
1 hard taco
Lots of water

7 Months and 96 Pounds

Feb 08, 2009

I am now 179 and so excited to be here!! I also bought my first pair of size 14 pants. I FEEL GREAT!!

184! 91 Pounds!

Feb 01, 2009

I lost two pounds this week. I have lost a total of 91 pounds since the day of my surgery. It is almost 7 months and I still feel so lucky to have been given this chance!!

I played outside with my two nephews yesterday. I ran all over the backyard chasing them and throwing them up in the air. I feel terrific!!

This is what a normal day of food is for me:

Morning 7:30-8AM
1 egg
1/2 piece of wheat toast

9AM 1 cup of coffee
WATER in between all meals. I wait 30 minutes before and after a meal before I drink anything.

3 slices of deli chicken breast.
Maybe 1/2 piece of cheese

2-3 small prunes

3/4 protein bar (I usually cannot finish the whole thing)

Some form of protein. Maybe 1/2 a chicken salad


I will sometimes have a glass of wine. I am sorry to say that I am not a perfect specimen. I have always enjoyed wine and spoke to my Doctor about this. He said as long as I drink one-two glass but no more, he really did not see a problem with it. I will usually have my glass of wine on the weekend after dinner.




Jan 26, 2009

I decided to bite the bullet and try the high heels again! Wow I love them, I bought me a pair of 2 1/2 " shoes. I have not worn high heels in so long. They feel so much nicer than the flats that I have worn for the past few years.
Man, all the things I have been missing out on because of my weight!!

I did not lose anything this past week, but oh well. They said this would happen, I guess this is the slow down period.
I have lost 89 pounds since my surgery so I cannot complain!!

I want to reach my goal by 7-7-09.


About Me
Katy, TX
Surgery Date
Mar 18, 2008
Member Since

Friends 22

Latest Blog 35
