I am down....

Mar 27, 2008

76lbs.  so have finally gotten around to uploading some new pics.  Thanks for alll the encouraging words  all through my experience.  You guys are the best.

Hello my band buddies,

Jan 08, 2008

Today is Jan. 8th 2008.  I am  7 months  out from being banded and I just got my first fill today.  I am so glad to finally get the fill.  I hope that it gets me started losing again. I haven't lost any weight in over 2 months. well  I did lose some but gained it back.  Right now I am so motivated again to keep my a$$  in gear and  get this weight off.  I know that sometimes the restriction doesn't stay long or that you sometimes don't get any restriction until after several fills.  I am being positive about this fill and I am telling myself that yes this fill has given me lots of restriction and I am going to lose lots more weight with this fill.   Wish me Luck.
                       I will post new pics. when I have lost  a total of 75 lbs. That is 10 more lbs.
           Have a great day.

Hello gang,

Dec 17, 2007

just wanted to let everyone know that I am still here. I don't  post very much because I have nothing new to add. I am 6months and 2 weeks post op.  I have lost 64lbs(some days and on others 62lbs.)  I have really been struggling for a few months. I still don't have a fill yet.  I made an appt. to see my Dr, on Jan. 8th and I hope that I will finally get a fill.  I know that it sometimes takes 6 or 7 fills to get good restriction so I guess I am in for a long wait. I hope that I will at least get some restriction with the first fill.  Anyway I  am going to try to post new pics. but I want to wait until I lose 11 more lbs.  That will make me 75lbs.  I hope to be anle to do this in the net 6 or 8 weeks.

Hello friends,

Nov 12, 2007

I went to my 5th Drs. appt. on November 8th.  I am down 63lbs.  in 5 months.  I  didn't get a fill this time and I haven't  gotten a fill at all yet. My Dr. says as long as I am losing 1 or2 lbs.  a week that he doesn't want to give  me a fill. So I  am just trying to keep doing this on my own.. Most days I am Ok with  not eating but still feeling  hungry but,  then their are those days when I think If  I could just get a fill then maybe I would lose a little faster.  I guess I will get a fill when I really need to. Maybe I do want a fill and then again maybe I don't. I have never had a pb or slimed at all in my 5 months post op. Not looking forward to those things at all.  I am down to a size 18 in elastic waist blue jeans, size 20 or xl in tops.  I am happy with my results so far. I am going to keep it up so that I can lose 100lbs. hopefully by my 1 year band anniversary.   Wish me luck.

Front view...down 50 lbs. Surgery was June 6th.

Oct 10, 2007

Terilynn Uploaded: May 15, 2007   SEND   DELETE Next Photo
Terri Uploaded: March 26, 2008   SEND   DELETE Next Photo
Down  76lbs.  in this pic.

Side view ..down 50 lbs. Surgery was June 6th.

Oct 10, 2007

Terilynn Uploaded: May 15, 2007   SEND   DELETE Next Photo

My new badges

Oct 10, 2007

...   50poundseal.gif picture by LaraNicole 25Pound.gif picture by LaraNicole


Oct 01, 2007

I will try to tell my story. Not alot to tell but here goes. I was a very active kid so I stayed pretty slim. When I was in the 8th grade I had a class that weighed and took the height of everyone. I really don't remember why I just remember weighing 128lbs. I was only 5'2' (still am)  so I thought I looked pretty good. Well my sisters who were really skinny then, said on my goodness when I was in that grade I only weighed 95lbs or 105lbs. So then I started to think I was fat. By the time I was a sophmore I weighed about 145 to 150. Still not really that big. Then my sisters said well I only weighed 105 lbs. when I got married when I was 17 or I weighed 95 lbs. until I was 30 years old. So I started the diet thing. Had a few boy friends and lost the weight. I got down to 105lbs. I was so excited I could wear a size 8 and some 5. Met my future husband got on the pill and started gaining againGot married when I was 17 yrs. old and we are still married. I started weight watchers and was 11 lbs. from my goal and I just quit. I don't know why I guess I just got tired of dieting. Of course I have tried ever diet known to man as you may know. Then I started having my kids. Two daughters and 28 years later I was at my highest weight of 266. 
              Back in 2002 when I turned 40 yrs.old I had heard about the gastric bypass so I wanted to try to get that. That would be the only way I would ever lose this weight. I went to a Dr. in Ohio. I went through all the test(psych eval., sleep apena test, heart test, what ever else).  I had to do a monitored diet for 3 months, all of this is what my insurance said I had to do before they would approve me. So I did it all . Paid out alot of money out of pocket. Then the Dr. sent my stuff to the ins. com. and they wrote them back and said that they don't cover any type of weigh loss surgery. I was so upset. I had called them myself and was told that they did if I was approved. So I just gave it up and started eating more. When I started trying to get this gastric surg. I weighed 246lbs. 
                Then husband got a different kind of ins. in 2005 so I tried again. I didn't go to all the Drs. I first made sure if the ins. would cover the surgery or not. They said no. So I just ate alot more. By now my weight is up to 260. 
                        I had been working at this one job for about  7 years when I finally got their ins. So I called to see if they would cover this surg. and they said no. So I just kept on eating. My weight finally got up to 266. I had decided that I was never going to diet again because every time I did I gained it all back plus more. I had given up hope. 
                       Then in Feb. of 2007(this year) my Dh tells me that if I will call and get some prices on what the surgery will cost that he will pay for it. I was so surprised because he really didn't want me to have the surgery, only because he was so worried about me making it out ok. That is when I called Kings Daughters and set up an appt. I went to a semanar first. Then 3 months later I had my surgery and everything went well. I am now 4 months post op and down 54lbs. I measured myself on 5-28-07 before surgery and then again on 6-17-07 and I am down 40  inches over all. 
                So far this has been the greastest thing that I could have ever done for myself. I have had no problems so far. Still haven't had a fill yet but that is kinda a good thing. I haven't ever PB"D or slimed. Not looking forward to those things at all. 
               Thanks for being such a great support group and reading my Blog.
                I am not over weight because of anyone else I did it to myself by over eating. I also have a history of over weight people in my family.

Surgery Date June 6, 2007

May 15, 2007



May 15, 2007


About Me
Elkhorn City, KY
Surgery Date
May 10, 2007
Member Since

Friends 37

Latest Blog 10
I am down....
Hello my band buddies,
Hello gang,
Hello friends,
Front view...down 50 lbs. Surgery was June 6th.
Side view ..down 50 lbs. Surgery was June 6th.
My new badges
Surgery Date June 6, 2007
