I don't think my story is that different from many others who have battled obesity.  I look back at childhood photos and I was a normal size but in my head my body was never okay or good enough.  I think it could have been the voices of my mother and grandmother who would politely remind me that eating certain things might not be a good idea since I was "getting a little hippy."  I know they meant well and didn't want to see me gain weight but it only made my body image worse and looking back I'm not sure what they were talking about because I wasn't "hippy". 

I put on 50 pounds with my first pregnancy but went to Weight Watchers and got within 10 pounds of my goal weight.  It didn't last though and I began to put on weight with each passing year.  My second pregnancy tipped me over the line and I never got back to a normal weight after that.  That was 21 years ago.

In 2004 I was sick of my weight and opted to have lap band surgery.  I was not successful with the lap band.  I lost about 50 pounds and then put 30 back on.  I had the lap band until 2011 when I had to have it removed due to complications.  Once that happened it was downhill from there.  I began to put on weight at an alarming rate and before I knew it I was 303 pounds and completely miserable. 

I didn't want to have another surgery but I knew in my gut that I would never be able to get this under control without it.  I had always said that RNY was the one thing I wouldn't do, but when you get desperate enough you begin to rethink your nevers. 

I had RNY on March 24, 2014 and it was the absolute best decision I have ever made.  I feel like I am getting my life back again.  I have been fortunate to have had a very smooth surgery and recovery and I feel really good these days.  I am still in a state of surreal disbelief and really cannot fathom that I am losing and am wearing the smallest sizes I have worn in 20 years. 

I'm determined to make the most of this surgery and I'm so thankful that I was able to have it and to take back my life. 

About Me
Corsicana, TX
Surgery Date
Aug 30, 2011
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Before & After
rollover to see after photo
1 Week Before Surgery
August 2016 - 2.5 yrs post-op

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