
Jan 22, 2011

Yippy the scales moving! Very motivating to get on the scale today and see I dropped 2 lbs. It's just what I needed to keep going and getting back on track! 5 more lbs to my goal weight, but like I said if I lost 15 I'd be ok with that too. I would really like to at least be able to get on the scale in the afternoon fully dressed and not be over my goal weight. Since that's how I always have to weigh at the Drs office :)

I am hungry, but I am eating more protein, if I snack it's on something like carrots or chugging more water. I have tried hard to cut down the carbs. Although I am not perfect I had a couple handfuls of popcorn last night and a few animal crackers. Keeping my mind busy by catching up on episodes of BTV has helped to. So big shout out to the gang at BariatricTV.com.

Breakfast: EAS protein shake Strawberry which I have concluded tastes just like liquid capt. crunch.


Lunch: Carbmaster yogurt

Snack: Beef Jerky

Dinner: Pizza Soup (if you've never had this your missing out! It's very bariatric friendly)

Snack: EAS Protein Shake


My Dr told me a year or so ago that my BMI was in the "Normal Range" he felt the charts that still said I was "Overweight" were high, but still in my mind I was overweight because the charts said I was. BUT today I calculated my BMI and I never thought I'd see the day! WOW! I haven't had a  wow moment in a very long time! It feels sooooooo good!

You have a BMI of 24.9.
This shows that you are of a normal weight.

The table below shows value ranges and what they mean.

Range Meaning
less than 18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Normal
25.0 - 29.9 Overweight
30.0 - 39.9 Obese
40.0 - 50 Extremely Obese
over 50 Super Obese


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Feb 11, 2009
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