Happy Surgiversary to me!

Aug 13, 2008

Happy 1 Year!!!!

Wow oh wow, that's all I can say.  I can't believe it's been a year already.  It definitely doesn't feel like 12 months have gone by.  My mind is having a lot of trouble trying to keep pace with all the changes I have been going through. 

So here is my take on the whole WLS.. the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I had,what I feel was, a pretty easy recovery period.  I took most foods really well.  Though I am intolerant to sugar and have made myself sick on a few occassions while trying to indulge in it.  I have never gotten sick on any other foods.  I have only puked once due to not chewing properly and it getting "stuck".  It was really smooth going.  I was up and about as soon as I was in my hospital room.  The nursing staff always had a hart time finding me because I tended to be down the hall visiting others.  When I got released from the hospital I went shopping the same day.  After a 4 hour drive home!  The pain was pretty much non-existant, and as of yet, there have been no complications.

My weight has steadied, along with my measurements.  I am still weighing in at 158 lbs.  I would like to lose another 5-10 lbs.  I always see a lot of people saying "If I don't lose another lb I would still be happy"... I don't know if I could say that for myself and not be lying.  I am constantly finding faults with everything about the "new" me.  I have even been having nightmares of the dreaded regain. 

After 1 year, I am below "target".  I use the term "target" loosely because I set it as being a normal BMI of 24.9.  I would like to stabilize at about 23.0 BMI, or a weight of 151 lbs.  This way it leaves room for the monthly fluctuations that many of us women go through. 

I am in a size 8.  I can pretty much go anywhere and grab a size 8 and it will fit, sometimes they are a little too big, sometimes a little too small.  I am also wearing Medium tops.  I would be wearing smaller tops if I didn't have this band of excess skin around my tummy.

That brings me to my next subject... excess skin.  While I lucked out and don't have a lot of excess skin, what I do have bothers me to no end.  My upper thighs are super jiggly.  i will definitely be needing a tummy tuck, and be careful if you are in the vacinity of one of my waves.  The wings could take you out in one swoop.  I can hide the thighs and the wings, but the tummy is the worst.  I don't see myself as the thin person I currently am because all I can see is "muffin top".  I'm always worried about what other people think of me.  Do they see this "muffin top" and think "wow, she could stand to lose a few lbs" without realizing that it's not fat, it's skin.  From what some have said though, the "top" is getting smaller.  And I have sorted noticed it too, as I can see my belly button more easily.  I wonder how much of it will shrink back up.  Only time will tell.

I have made some really great friends through this whole experience.  They are great for slapping some sense back into me when I'm freaking out about being fat.  Definitely life long friendships there.  I have also learned who my real friends are.  Which means, I have lost a few friends along the way.

I will probably be seeking some sort of therapy to help me get my mind around my new body and mindset. 

Yet, even with all this "bad" and "ugly", I would have WLS again in a heart beat!  It is one of the best choices I ever made in my life.  I hope to be around a couple years from now to help to offer support to those that want to see what longterm graduates of WLS are accomplishing.  

To anyone considering WLS, go for it.  To those freshly post-op, best wishes.  It's an incredibly ride.
                          1 year post      2 weeks post     Inches Lost
Ribcage                 31.5                    44                     -12.5
Bust                        35                       47                     -12
Waist                      34                       49.5                  -15.5
Hips                        36.5                    53.5                  -17
Right Thigh           20.5                    29.5                   -9
Left Thigh              20.5                    29                      -8.5
Right Arm              11                       16.5                   -5.5
Left Arm                 11                       16                      -5
Total Inches Lost  -85 

(if you notice, the only changes from last month to this month is my breast size!)

11 months post-op

Jul 20, 2008

Current Weight.  158.3

  11 months post 2 weeks post Inches lost
Bust 36 47 -11
Waist 34 49.5 -15.5
Hips 36.5 53.5 -17
Right Thigh 20.5 29.5 -9
Left Thigh 20.5 29 -8.5
Right Arm 11 16.5 -5.5
Left Arm 11 16 -5
Total Inches Lost     -71.5

9 month surgiversary

May 20, 2008

I figured I would paste my 9 month post in here.. 

Post Date: 5/13/08 8:00 am
Last Edit: 5/13/08 8:04 am

I am officially 9 months post-op.  So many changes have taken place in this time frame.  It feels like an eternity ago that I had my WLS, yet it also feels like it was just yesterday. In the last 9 months, I have lost friends, made more friends, lost some of those friends, and built strong foundations to lifelong friendships (but not with you HeatherM, summer is here and the pool is open!).

I am incredibly more out-going and independent than I was a year ago.  Life has been really awesome in whole since surgery.  My husband and I are closer than ever.  He is loving the changes that my personality and body are going through.  He can't keep his hands off me, and not just in THAT way either.  He loves feeling all these "new" bones and curves that he could never feel before.  He registered with me for the Ride for Heart that will be taking place June 1. 

I have lost over 125 lbs in 9 months.  I am currently weighing in at 167.  This puts me just 3-4 lbs above my target BMI of 24.9 "normal"! I'm currently losing maybe 1 lb a week. I wear anywhere from a size 4-10 depending on the style.  Most of my jeans are 6/8.  My shirts I still like to wear the larges though they are too big on the shoulders, I just feel they camoflouge the excess skin on my belly a little better.  I really should be wearing medium/small shirts though.  In fact I bought 2 shirts yesterday, one a small.. and 1 a medium.  They look good, just out of my "comfort zone". 

With that being said, not everything has been so perfectly rosy.  I suffer from post-op Hypoglycemia.  It is under control as long as I make sure I eat on a very regular basis, and make appropriate choices.  Regain is always in the back of my mind.  I don't think I get through a full day without thinking 'should I have had DS?'.  RNY is working wonders for me, but the dreaded regain fear is burrowed deep within my mind.  I have lost a few friends due to jealousy.  I also have become quite the attention whore, which I don't like very much.  I just can't seem to stop seeking it out.  I'm becoming one of those people that I always hated.  Vain!  My husband has a perfect line that he uses on me when I start bad mouthing my new self, "What would fat Tabetha say if she heard you say that!?".  It helps to put things in perspective.  A year ago, I was on a very quick downward spiral to a life of being super morbid obese, with diabetes and other medical conditions.  Today, "Fat Tabetha" would say, 'you've done fabulous kiddo!  You aren't fat anymore, and you are healthier than the average person out there!' 

I also saw a plastic surgeon for a consult to see what he thought about the skin issues.  He was incredibly informative and I will be going back there when I am ready (maybe a year from now).  I will probably be having a TT referred to as an upside down fleur de lis.  I "lucked" out that I dont have a lot of excess skin in the panni area, most of my skin is located higher on my abdomen.  A typical TT only takes the skin from about 3" above the belly button.. I need to go higher than that.  That's why the Fleur de lis will work best for me.  It will leave me with an incision down the center of my abdomen though.  These are all things to consider, but I have plenty of time to research. 

Overall, I don't think I would have ever had the courage to have WLS if it wasn't for my mom.  She had the surgery over 10 years ago and has been so incredibly supportive.  My dad has also. He is always wanting to know how skinny I am now. The other day he told me I was too skinny and way too sexy! lol.  It's really quite cute.  He actually called me my sister's nickname the other day "Skinny beany" and I had to quickly tell him not to use that name because my sister who is freshly postpartum has obviously gained a few lbs during the pregnancy, and the last thing I want is for her to feel "fat".

 I love my RNY!  I would do it again in a heart beat!  Lots of pics in my profile.

8 Month Surgiversary

Apr 13, 2008

Todays weigh in... 174.5!  BMI 26.6.  I am fuly in a size 10, with the occassional size 8 or 12.  I love my RNY.  It is getting harder to stay away from the foods we should be limiting.  I have started to re-introduce some foods because I just cant see going the rest of my life not having them.  I have now had 2 alcoholic drinks.  Both occassions I was pretty plastered.  

I have made an appt for April 28th to see a plastic surgeon that has actually advertised working on WLS patients in regards with excess skin removal.  I'm quite excited to see what he has to say.  I know that it is a little bit early still, but at least I know what kind of costs I am looking at.

            8 months post op    vs    2 weeks post-op      Inches lost         
Bust              38                               47                         9
Stomach      35.5                            49.5                    14
Hips              37.5                            53.5                    16
Left Thigh     22                               29                        7
Right Thigh  21.5                            29.5                     8
Right Arm     12                               16.5                      4.5
Left Arm        11.5                            16                         4.5

Total Inches lost - 63

7 months post-op

Mar 15, 2008

Yesterday was my 7 month surgiversary.  As of this morning I weigh 183.6lbs with a BMI of 27.9 and my measurements are as follows:

             7 months post op    vs    2 weeks post-op      Inches lost         
Bust              38.5                               47                         8.5
Stomach        37                                  49.5                    12.5
Hips              40.5                               53.5                    13.5
Left Thigh      22.5                               29                         6.5
Right Thigh    22                                  29.5                      7.5
Right Arm      12                                  16.5                      4.5
Left Arm        11.5                               16                         4.5

Total Inches lost - 57.5

I am currently in a size 10 pants and medium tailored tops.  My feet have shrunk 1 whole shoe size and my chest thankfully has stayed the same cupsize. lol 

I am so glad that I decided to have WLS.  I don't know why it took me this long to finally decide to go through with it! 


Sep 22, 2007

When I was about 2 weeks post-op, Storme insisted that I take my measurements.  

Bust - 47 
Stomach - 49 1/2
 Right Arm - 16 1/2 
Left Arm - 16 
Hips - 53 1/2 
Right Thigh - 29 
Left Thigh - 29 1/2

And today when I went over to check on her, since she just got home from the hospital... she insisted we take them again, now that I'm a few more weeks out. 

Here are today's measurements at 5 1/2 weeks post op.

Bust = 46 (-1")
Stomach = 47 (- 2 1/2")
Right Arm = 15 1/2 (-1")
Left Arm = 15 (-1")
Hips = 51 (- 2 1/2")
Right Thigh = 28 (-1")
Left thigh - 29 (-1")

Total inches lost in a 3 week period... 10 inches!!!! Woot woot! 

8 weeks 

Bust - 45
Stomach - 47
Right Arm - 15
Left Arm - 14 1/2
Hips - 51
Right Thigh - 26
Left Thigh - 26

4 1/2 months post-op
Bust - 40 1/2
Stomach - 38 1/2
Right Arm - 13"
Left Arm - 13 1/2
Hips - 44 1/2
Right Thigh - 24 1/2
Left Thigh - 25 1/2

5 Weeks Post-op

Sep 18, 2007

Yesterday was my anniversay of the completition of my 5th week post-op.  I can't believe how fast time flew by.  I feel great.  I have most of my energy back.  My water intake is really good and I'm getting all my protein in through food, most days.  Some days I still have problems eating anything and I have a queasy stomach all day.  

I'm finding eating to be a chore.  It's getting more and more important for me to pre-plan my meals and to actually schedule them in a planner otherwise I would forget and just not eat at all because there is no sense of hunger.  I don't like having to take an hour to eat dinner, but I have yet to swallow anything that wanted to come back up.  

Between weeks 2-4.5 I stalled out.  I stalled at about 255 until a few days ago.  In this time, almost everyone noticed the inches coming off.  I have really noticed the weight loss in my face and in my legs.  I'm in size 18's but I don't know for how much longer.

Today's weigh in was 245.  I haven't been this weight since I was about 14 years old!  

Next week I have my 6week phone appt with Dr.  Kam.  Hopefully he will be proud and I will be on par with most other patients for this time frame.

My friend Storme has her surgery today.  Her mom called me about 45 minutes ago.  I'm so excited for her.  I hope that she has as easy a recovery as I have had.  Also my friends Lizzie ad Liz are at Barix too.  It's so funny all the ppl you meet from OH.

While I was at Barix I met Tammy R and Lauren.  Hopefully Lizzie and Storme will keep the noise to a minimum as they party through the night!

3 Days Post-op

Aug 17, 2007

Well well... I had my surgery on Tuesday afternoon and everything went without a hitch.  I was released from the hospital on Thursday afternoon and have been resting for the last day trying to get acquanted with my new lifestyle.  My mom has made a whole bunch of protein drinks/shakes/smoothees and they are in the freezer waiting for me.   So far I havent really found one I like.  But I have only tried 3 different recipes.

I havent stepped on the scale yet.  I'm going to try to only weigh-in once a week. 

I have an appt with my family doctor tomorrow to get my US rx'd changed over to a canadian rx. 

2 weeks until PATs

Jul 20, 2007

 can't believe it.  Everything is happening so quickly for me, I feel like something is going to go wrong any minute now. 

The journey began years ago, but the first steps only started weeks ago and look how far I've come already.  I was googling "OHIP Gastric Bypass" and came across quite a few websites.  One of which was Barix.  The reason Barix drew my attention was because they had a location in Langhorne, PA, 5 minutes from my Mom and Dad.  I thought to myself, this would be great if I could have the location at "home" and my mom would be there to help me since she's already been through all of this.  

After discussing it with my mom, she persuaded me to call Barix and ask them if OHIP was supported at their Pennsylvania location.   Unfortunately, it was not.  However, in continuing the conversation with Laurie at Barix, she told me that I could come in for their free consult with the Dr Kam, even before I got an approval.  I was booked for July 2nd at Barix for the consult.  This was the week of June 20th.  I instantly hung up and called my PCP and booked an appt with him to get my OHIP forms filled out.. and by June 26th my OHIP forms were faxed in.

The consult went great, and I knew Barix was the place for me.  A week later I was approved by OHIP.  Wow.. time flew by.  The following week (last week) I got my surgery date.  So here I am now, 2 weeks away from PATs, 3 weeks from the beginning of my new life. 

About Me
Ajax, ON
Surgery Date
Jun 14, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo

Friends 166

Latest Blog 9
Happy Surgiversary to me!
11 months post-op
9 month surgiversary
8 Month Surgiversary
7 months post-op
5 Weeks Post-op
3 Days Post-op
2 weeks until PATs
