I have been overweight since the 4th grade and have always been on one diet or another. I have been very overweight since the birth of my last child that is now 3 years old. I have felt pregnant for 4 years.

July 26 2005
Going to seminar in Nashville with my mom. I have not told anyone other than Mom and Hubby

August 2 2005
Go approval for loan today. A lot of money but I know I am doing the right thing.

August 10 2005
Today is the day of my consultation. I am so nervous!!! I know this is what I want to do and I know they are not going to do a thing in the world to me today but talk to me but someone should tell my stomach that... I will let you know tommorrow how it goes and if I have a date.

August 11 2005
My date is set for Septmeber 12th.
Yesterday I went for my consult I live in Medina and I am having my surgery in Nashville so I have about a 2 1/2 to 3 hour drive on way. That is a long drive when your stomach feels like it is in your throat. All they did was answer my questions that I had thought of since the seminar. Then the setup the appt for my pre op labs and Psyc eval. (having a Psychiatric evaluation is kind of like going through the security at the airport you know that you are fine and that you are not a crazy lunatic terrorist or anything so you have nothing to worry about but you still feel like oh god am I going to pass) My pre op and stuff is on August 31st.

August 31st 2005
I went today for my Pre Op testing
I left home this morning at 5:45am I went to pick up my mom in Jackson to go with me to my testing. We set off on the 2 1/2 hr drive to Nashville (of course we stop at McDonalds for breakfast)
We arrive in Nashville a little early so we go to the coffee shop in the Women’s hospital to kill time.

Ok so he is a run down of my day for anyone who has not gotten this far yet.
9:30 Nutritional consular
Went over material I had already been give and had already read but I know there are people out there who would not of bothered to read the paperwork they were given.
Met 2 very nice women who were going to have surgery the same week that I was made me feel a little bit better

11:30 Hospital
Went to the Hospital for blood work and EKG
(They only stuck me 1 time they took several vials of blood.)
They EKG was also very fast and painless.

3:30 Phyc Eval
This was the longest and most painful of the whole day :)
I had already gotten a book in the mail to fill out which I did and took with me.
When I got there I waited for 30-45 minutes then they took me back into a room and gave me 2 test to fill out they were like those fill in the circle with a #2 pencil questions like you took in school. One was about 168 questions the other was more like 360!!! Every 5th question or so was about drug use or suicide.
I tell you I was fine when I went in but I was having suicidal thoughts by the time I was done :) Then they sent me back out into the waiting room for another 1hr wait.... I was thinking the whole time how do people who are unbalanced stand this I would be crazy as a loon if I had to come here often.
Finally I got to see the doctor he was very nice and cute to boot.
He asked me really crazy questions like did I know what his watch was and a pen did I know who the last 4 presidents... He also made me count backwards from 100 is 7s (which I could not do being on the spot how embarrassing).

Finally we stopped again and got more food. Then we were off to home.
I was very tired but now I am very excited next step surgery!!!!!!

Sept 6 2005
I went today and got some of the drinks that I will need after the surgery. I am counting down 6 more days!

Surgery Update
Sorry I have not updated but having surgery and trying to recover and get back to work keeps you busy. Here is a rundown of my surgery and days following

Sunday 9-11-05
Day before surgery I am on a all clear liquid diet.
I my mom and Hubby drove to Nashville to stay the night since I have to be at the hospital at 5:30am
Day of Surgery Monday 9-12-05
We get up at 4:00am (haven’t slept much so this is not as bad for me as it sounds may be worse for family!)
Get to hospital had to wait about 30 min to get checked in waited a little while longer to go back. Went back about 6:30
They started an IV in my hand about 7:30 am and that is all I remember.
I wake up in the recovery room I am in some pain and shaking pretty bad. I guess the nurse must realize this because she gives me pain med that helps both.
They take me up to my room about 10:30am
The room I am in at the hospital is very nice.
I feel a pretty good bit of pain this day
I get to drink fluids almost as soon as I get in the room.
They gave me 4 hours to get it together then up I go I have to go to the bathroom and walk down the hall. I get up several times to walk down the hall after this.
I have had a time getting much fluid down probably from the swelling but I keep it down which is great.

Tuesday 9-13-05
I had a really rough night did not sleep much woke up with a very stiff back and neck Yuck!
I get to go home pretty early Tuesday morning I am out of there by 9:30am I am so glad to go home!
Long drive home from Nashville in the car about 2 1/2 hours but it seems like forever.
Took a nap when we got home.

Wednesday 9-14-05
I am still having problems drinking very much at a time.

Friday 9-16-05
Started drinking shakes today I am having a much better time getting things down now. I feel better now that I know I am getting in all the fluid that I am supposed to.

I am still very sore I have 4 very small cuts 1/2 inch of less and one larger cut about 3inches that place is very sore Dr Houston told me that is where they put in the lapband and where they attached the port I have more soreness than I was really prepared for but I am still glad I went through with it.

Sept 19 2005 1 week post op
Down 12lbs
Went back to work today!
I get to start eating food again today!
I have to blend everything in a food processor but it is great I am not having any problems eating I am still pretty sore. I am no longer taking pain meds for pain.

Do any of you get tired of people who know you had surgery get tired of people asking every day "how much have you lost now? I had surgery 9-12-05 and I am down 15.5lbs so I am proud of my weight loss but I lost most of if in the first 2 weeks I have not moved down any in the last 4 days my surgeon said the wait loss would slow down I am doing every thing right and I know in the next day or so the scale will show it but I get so discouraged when everyone asks every day how much have you lost now and I have to tell them still 15lbs my husband said I though you had lost that much last week I said I got to 15lbs Friday it is now monday I am sorry how much did you think I should have lost maybe I can tryer harder to meet your expectations if I know what they are!!! Then he felt really bad and appologized which made me feel bad for being so mean to him when I know he is just excited for me, and wants to know how I am doing.
I guess I feel confused I want support but It is hard enought to jump out of bed every day and run to the scale "which I do every day" then to have to feel like everyone is juding your weight loss every single day!

Oct 7 2005
I got a hair color and a cut I had a lot of Highlights for the summer so I went back to my more natural Chesnut Brown snd just got my cut shaped up (I am trying to let my hair grow out a little ).
My husband has been so sweet since I got so upset that day he has not asked again how much I have lost I think he knows that when I lose I tell him and when I dont I do not want to be reminded of it.
So now if he wants to encourage me he says thing like I am so proud of you. You look great today!
I am so happy and I did not even have to talk to him about it he just figured it out by himself after my mood swing that day!!!!
I am down 20 lbs now!!!!!!

Oct 22 2005
I just had my first fill yesterday I was a little scared but it was a breeze only took a few minutes and did not hurt at all ( well except for the little numbing shot they give you) I am back on my liquid diet for 3 days and then back to blended for 4 days after that so maybe that will speed up my weight loss ;) I have lost 24lbs as of this morning YEAH I really wanted to lose 25lbs by my 6 week mark I will be 6 weeks out Monday so I may still make it only one more pound to go in 3 days. Oh well if I don't I am not going to worry about it.

October 24 2005
Today I am offically 6 weeks out and down 27lbs!!!!

Janurary 4 2006
I am now down 51 lbs I am really excited with my progress! My second fill was on December 2nd and I have another on scheduled for Janurary the 13th along with my 4 month checkup. I am wearing a size 16-18 I started out in a 20+ I have started going to the YMCA with my mom to work out I hope this will help out with my weight loss and the look of my skin and body.

I have been taking a class for beginners at the Local YMCA and when the class was almost over they asked me if I would be interested in being the instructor when the class started over. I was in such shock I almost could not answer her (keep in mind this is a class for beginners) I was so shocked that they saw me as a person who could teach a class that I thought she cant be talking to me! I have been going to the Y during my weight loss so they have seen me progress. They said that I would be an inspiration to beginners! I am so excited I start next Wednesday.

I still feel like a very overweight person and it is very hard to get out of that mindset I know I will be standing in front of that class next week thinking that all the people will be saying to themselves what on earth is she doing up there!!!

I have had some great things happen this week I FINALLY made it to under 200 I am now at 197 YEAH!!!! I am so happy about this I could float away I also added some new pics to log my progress. The support from this site really keeps me going.


WOW it has been a long time since I have taken time to post. almost 2 years!!! I am down to 176 now and I am trying to get down to 159. I read my whole story over today and boy did it bring back memories as well as I think put me back on the path!

I did this for a post that someone asked for so I thought I would add it here also!
Ok Here goes
Day 1
Oatmeal (see below for description)

Grilled Chicken Breast 3-5 oz
Green Beans

Peanut Butter Ice Cream (see recipe below)

Grilled Tilapia
Candied Carrot (sweetened with splenda)
English pea

Yogurt Smoothie Crunch (see recipe below)

Day 2

2 egg omelet (add whatever you like in you omelet use ff cheese)

Turkey rolls (see recipe below)

High Protein soup (see deception below)

Almost cheesecake (see recipe below)

I buy oatmeal online that is very high in protien and very low in very thing else it has 15 grams of protein per serving and like 90 calories it is great you can get it from a lot of different places so shop around I get it from :
Try different brands and flavors to see what you like best!

High protein soup:
I also buy boxes of soup from the same company


Peanut Butter Ice Cream
Just enough for 1 serving
1tbsp peanut butter
2tbsp ff cool whip
1 pk splenda

Mix well and put in freezer till set

Yogurt Smoothie Crunch
Just enough for 1 serving
2tbsp lite yogurt (any flavor you like)
2 tbsp ff cool whip
Handful of high protein/fiber cereal (any brand you like)

Mix cool whip and yogurt sprinkle cereal over top

Turkey rolls
(You could use whatever kind of lunch meat you like)
Take 3-5 oz of thin sliced turkey
Roll it up with whatever you like on the inside
I use
ff cheese
Thin slice of avocado

These are so good!

Almost Cheesecake
Enough for 1 serving
2tbsp ff cream cheese
2tbsp ff cool whip
2 pk splenda
1 tsp lime juice

Mix ingredients well and chill for a few minutes

Needless to say I have little sweet tooth and would die if they stopped making ff cool whip
All of these little sweet helpers are very low in calories I think the ff cool whip I buy has 15 calories and 3 carb for 2tbsp they all also have some protein so it is not wasted calories I never eat calories that are not doing something for me.

About Me
medina, TN
Surgery Date
Jul 07, 2005
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 2
up a little
Update 10-20-06
