39 days till last nutrition appt

Apr 29, 2016

Welp I've only 12 days until my 5th Nutritionist appointment.

Next week I go in to have an EGD done by my surgeon to find out if he will need to repair my hiatal hernia during surgery or if it's not that bad and he'll let it go.

Super excited that I only have 39 days until my last nutritionist appt. After that the insurance company will sumbit my paper work since I've already gotten my PCP to sign off and i've already gotten my psych eval completed. I'm praying that approval doesn't take that long and that i'll be looking to have my surgery around about my birthday!



Former Band now to VSG process started

Dec 21, 2015

Ok so it's been a very long time since I last posted anything. It's been 1 yr 9 months since having my band out and since then I've gained almost all of my weight back. This coming Monday 12/21 I have an appt with the weight lose clinic to start the process of getting insurance approval for the Vertical Sleeve. 

I have a friend that got it done and she had no complications and she loves her sleeve. Since I already know what to expect in terms of restricted eating because I had the band I think that the sleeve will be the best option for me. 

Here's to a quick speedy insurance approval process!


Lap Band Removed

Apr 07, 2014

Well it's clearly been quite some time since I've last posted on here. 

Well due to problems with food still getting stuck even after having all the fluid removed from my band I opted to have the band removed. 

I was UN-Banded on March 24, 2014 and since I've been doing wonderful. Still having pains due to the surgery but my nutrition has been about 95% on point and I've dropped 6.6 lbs so far. 

My highest weight was 244 the morning of the surgery and I had gotten down to 170 but gained 31 lbs back and the morning of my band removal I weighed 191.4.

I'm currently sitting at 183.8, I've been setting 5 lbs goals for myself with my ultimate goal of 20-30 by my birthday. I have almost 12 weeks until my birthday and I'm more than confidant that i'll reach my goals. 

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4 years later

May 20, 2012

Wow oh wow I cannot believe that it has been 4 years since I was banded.
I barely get on here much and when I do I never post anything but I felt like today I should.
Lap band was one of the best decisions I ever made and obesityhelp was their along with the members to help me along whenever I needed.

Well since its been a year since my last post I'll say that I have put some of the weight back on but considering my clothes still fit the same its obviously muscle that I'm building. I weight lift more and I'm changing up my routines. I've started going to spin class 2+ days a week along with taking cardio kickboxing 2 days a week on top of the jogging that I'm already doing.
I did fall off the workout wagon for a year because I was working 70 hour weeks and couldn't find the time to workout but i'm back at it and I plan on going harder this time around then ever before. I have a new goal that I'm trying to reach and I plan on reaching it by / before my 30th birthday next year. So I'm remaining focused.

I will try to post on here at least every 2 weeks about my progress, struggles, gains etc and will be more then happy an answer anyone's questions.

Oh by the way I forgot to mention that back in January & February of this year I got certified as a personal trainer and in sports nutrition. I do not do it full time, just as a hobby but I love it. I respect anyone that finds a problem with themselves and works on changing it or making it better.
Oh also I just posted a 4 year progress pic

Almost 3 years...

Feb 18, 2011

Wow I cannot believe that it will be 3 years in May when I had my lap band done.
Me and my band have had a love hate relationship throughout our journey but I would not change a thing. I'm maintained a weight of 165-170 lbs. I feel good and I look good.
Some addtional changes I've made to myself was getting Lasik eye surgery which next to my lap band was the best thing I've ever done. Considering my eyesight was about 20/400 in both eyes and now I've gone to 20/15 right - 20/20 left eye its been a success and worth every penny. My next thing will be to get my chest done. I would like to get a lift and an implant. Though I love my band to death, she robbed me of my breast.
Total weight loss is 74-79 lbs.  I couldn't be more happy. A few weeks ago I jogged 3 miles, something that I never thought was possible, especially since before my surgery I couldn't even walk a mile without being exhausted afterwards.

Well I hope that everyone's else's jorney's is going great and when I get a moment I'll be sure to post a picture or 2 ;-)
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Sep 24, 2009

Just wanted to update my blog to say the Raptar Olympics were held Tuesday and Wednesday this week and I competed in the push up contest. I was the only female and I went up against 5 other guys. The scale was based upon gender and age. So my ranking of 6 people, I got 3rd place with completing 44 push ups in 2 min. And these are man military down to your chest touches the block type push ups, not no girly knee push ups. I got a score of 97 for doing 44. Sooooo thats right I'm stronger than at least 3 men in the Rite Aid FSS dept!!!!!

Been awhile

Sep 19, 2009

Wow its been over a month since I posted anything. I've been slacking.
Alright well here's the latest low down on me. I've been working 3 jobs and this past 2 weeks have been crazy and I haven't worked out at all. I feel so fat so I def need to get to the gym today after work.
I've been having a lot of acid problems the past few months but I didn't know what it was so I didn't say anything to the doc but once I googled my ass off and figured out what I was experiencing I called and made an appointment to get some of the saline out of my band. (Currently 5cc in 10cc band). Its was kind of upsetting that I was going to have to do this especially since I've had this same amount in my band for a year without a problem and I had thought that the surgery cured my heital hernia and all my acid reflux problems but clearly it didnt. But any ways, I go to the doc only to find out I'm going to have to pay $225 out of pocket for an un-fill. Given my current money situtation I had to cancel the appt and I'm pretty much taking pepcid ac 2x a day and eating rolaids. Right now its the cheaper alternative to the $225. I swear what is the purpose of having insurance if they aren't going to cover anything!

As far as my weight loss I pretty much beat goal by 6 lbs and I would have like to lose more but I acutally love myself, I love the way I look in clothes. I went NY & Co. and tried on a pair of 14 skinny jeans and ended up having to buy a size 12!!!!!
I was so happy. So I've gone from a size 20 to 12-14 I couldn't be more happy and I've gone from a 1x-2x shirt to a med and a few large.  I've lost my chest which I'm not too thrilled about but I still got enough up there to get clevage :)
I would like to shed some more inches around my midsection but all in all I couldn't be more happy with myself. With the exception of the last 2 weeks my workouts have been good, I've been jogging more, going to the park to run hills. I even invested 90 bucks on some good running shoes because I was having too many foot problems and shin splints that kept me out of commision.

Due to the budget issues here in PA the process for PA State Trooper is going slower than normal and classes are being postposed until further notice but I'm going to continue working out and hopefully one day I will be able to call myself a PA State Trooper. But I'm also not keeping my eggs in 1 basket. When other departments open their hiring for police officers I'm going to apply to them also. I WILL BE AN OFFICER OF THE LAW!  lol

Well until next time. Keep on being the biggest loser you can be!


Aug 02, 2009

Well I've been doing a lot more running then power lifting lately because I am trying to get into the Pa State Police and today at the gym I did something I had no idea I could do which actually works in my favor given the fact that I have to be able to run far fast. Today I ran 1 mile in 8 min 48 sec and my mile and a half in 12 min 32 sec.

389 days post op

Jun 05, 2009

Well it took me a little over 1 year and 3 weeks but I beat the surgeon's goal. Dr. Davidson said that if I got to approx 180 lbs then he would consider my surgery a success. Well Dr. Davidson I did you 1 better. This morning I weighed myself and you know what. IT SAID 179 lbs!!!!!!!!!   I'm really starting to be more confident that I will reach my personal goal of 170 lbs. And with any luck and a lot of hard work  I'll reach that 160 by christmas 2009.
Thanks for all the words of encourgement from everyone on this site, without this site I know this all may have happened but not as easily as it did. Thank you to everyone for making this easy, for listening to my complain, b*tch and whine.

Happy 1 year bandiversary to me!!!

May 11, 2009

Well i didn't get a chance to weigh myself this morning so I wont be able to post a weight until tomorrow but as of this past Saturday I weighed 184 lbs. Thats 60 lbs lost since surgery!!!!
I've gone from a size 20 pants to a 14-16. I went from mens shirts XL to M, womens shirts XL to M-L (I still have my big chest)
I will also post pictures tomorrow of my new body.

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About Me
Harrisburg, PA
Surgery Date
Dec 12, 2007
Member Since

Friends 93

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