All of my life has been one of weight issues.  My parents were both stout people and if there is a genetic pre-disposition to obesity it probably came from my father's side.  My grandmother on that side of the family is who I take after, her short 5'2" frame is like mine and the shape of our bodies is very similar - round!  

I have tried many diets only to gain the weight back plus more.  However the real factor that has put me where I am now is an auto accident in 1995.  I suffered a closed head injury and ruptured disk when I was hit from behind and pushed into a truck.  The disk surgery was successful but my left leg is impaired for strength and functions.  

As with many injuries it can accelerate other problems and that is what happened.  I have not got severe issues with degeneration of the lumbar disks and have severe arthritis problems.  In 2005 I had major back surgery for the narrowing spinal column due to the arthritis and they will not rule out the need for more.  

The back isn't enough, though, now the hip and knee joints are problems and this is the result of the weight gain I have had since my accident - even though I was heavy at that time it was nothing like I am now.  The pain is constant and standing and sitting are real issues.  I have to use a walker to walk and hope that WLS will get me out of it and active again!

Three grandchildren are a real joy and I want to be able to play with them in their activities.  It is my hope this will be achieved with the weight loss.  I hope the excess weight being off my joints will help with mobility issues like this and eliminate the continual pain but I am trying to be realistic in knowing that arthritis is a real issue of its own but the deterioration I believe will slow down.

Well, I believe I have written a book here but life has been a struggle for several years.  I have channeled much of my time at home with the development of my virtual mall, Aardvark Mall (  There is a new design in the works for summer and that means lots of work now.  This project has been  to help rehab my brain injury and is constant.  There is a 50% short term and 40% long term memory loss and I have lost many of my childhood and college memories including education.  Even now the process is continual repetition with many tasks.  I have come to accept it as a way of life but never thought at age 47 I would have the memory skills of a 74 year old! 








About Me
Bella Vista, AR
Surgery Date
Nov 01, 2006
Member Since

Friends 5
