3 mons out

Jan 31, 2009

I can't believe I haven't posted anything for this long, but I am surprised at my success!  So surprised I hardly ever acknowledge it!! LOL
I feel great and eat fine.  I am not eating ANY sweets and I also am not craving them.  People ask me all the time, "are you hungry?  do you miss stuff?"  I'm the most surprised when I answer NO to both questions.   Nothing tastes as good as thin feels is truly a mantra!    As for hungry, sometimes I don't notice it until I start eating, and that feeling of "I've got to eat faster" kicks in.  Of course the danger in that is, faster means everything backs up!!   I've had several episodes (NONE of which were in ANY way mild) of that problem and believe me!  I SLOW down!   That actually is the hardest thing!  Staying SLOW!!  I'm supposed to take 1 hour for 5oz of food......it is hard to do, believe me.
I'm getting my water, I'm taking my supplements and I have started to walk....(GOD! I hate exercise!)
So far so good! I'm down 48lbs as of 1/29/2009

Countdown to Surgery

Oct 01, 2008

I'm counting down now!  21 days to THE DAY!!  I am excited and not scared!  I don't normally worry about things like this (probably because I'm very seldom if ever sick) and I do believe its all in my Higher Power's hands!   I need to follow the rules and take this all one step one day at a time.  That process NEVER fails!
I know I have to give up the coffee and I'm sure that one is going to hurt the most, figuratively and LITERALLY.  But if coffee is the ONLY thing I'm worried about I'm doing good.   Its not a hard trade-off for a whole new life!

The beginning

Aug 24, 2008

The beginning is paperwork and Dr visits.  I saw a psychologist to insure that my "head" is in the right place for surgery.  Its a requirement for surgery, and they give you a personality test something like the ones I've taken for jobs.
I asked him how I did, and he replied "Oh, you're normal, no worries!"  I asked him "is that IT??!  NORMAL??"   Obviously I wanted something bigger!   All my life I wanted to be NORMAL whatever the H*** that is, and now here I am, and I want more.  I suppose that would be my addictive nature, but its probably just self-centered ego.
So I'm working on my paperwork and Dr visits and attempting patience and trying to find a liquid drink I might like for post op.  

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 10, 2008
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 3
Countdown to Surgery
The beginning
