6 month surgiversary, 191 and holding...

Jul 09, 2012

I have had to admit that my food plan sucked. I have had to admit that in spite of what we are told, to listen to our Nut and dr, that they aren't always right. Or just maybe my dang body wants to be 191, not sure. Regardless, I decided a few things: I will be the most fit and toned 191 in the world so I keep working out, I will try the plan that my dr frowns on for awhile to look for results (low cal, low carb, high protein), I like this forum, the list goes on. It hasn't all been bad. The sleep apnea is gone, the PCOS got better, I am wearing a 12/14, not a 22/24. There are some high points. Lots of high points.

So it's been a mixed bag. There are days that I have been sad, frustrated, etc and in the beginning when the weight was coming off, excited euphoric, happy, etc. To do what I was told to do and not have the "fat just melt off" like I was promised was emotional. Yesterday, I saw a friend of mine that I haven't seen since my surgery. Her and I did the HCG shots, the B12/lipo shots, you name it, we tried it. In December, we were both 240. We wore the same size, had the same build and liked the same foods. She stopped by last night to talk. She is now 290, I am 191. It was a sobering moment. In the months that I lost 50 pounds, she gained 50 pounds. When I said I was disappointed that I hadn't lost more since surgery, she looked at me like "Are you kidding me?" It really put things in perspective. I don't know that I would have gained 50 pounds, just because she did but I kept thinking that could have EASILY been me. I kept thinking, but for the grace of God that could have easily been me.

While I'm not done losing or done with my journey, I have a fresh perspective. I may not be where I want to be but I sure ain't where I was or where I could have been.

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