
Jul 15, 2011

Came home from hospital yesterday.  Slept on the couch due to gas pain and because I didn't really relish the thought of my husband rolling over on my sore tummy in the middle of the night...  My mom is here to help with our daughter and to help me.  So it's been a good day.  Went to the chiropractor this morning to adjust my neck after having to be intubated.  Did well, but getting up off the adjustment table hurt like a mother!!  I'm feeling more soreness on the right side and I think it is probably muscle related.  Still wearing my binder but have not been able to give up the pain meds yet.  Tried to space them out today and I'm still taking the 1/2 dose but I might have overdone it and need to take the full dose tonight before bed.  
Had a hard time getting a whole 0.75 oz cheese stick and 1 oz applesauce down for dinner.  Was able to get two 8 oz glasses of milk with protein powder today so that's good.  Still can't get all my fluids in, but I think that's normal.  Slowly and surely.  
I still can't believe I'm a statistic of bariatric surgery.  Never thought I'd need to go that far, but here I am.  I guess I'd rather be a WLS statistic than a diabetes, stroke or heart attack statistic.    And can't wait to see the "after".  Hurry up and get here!


About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 13, 2011
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