On my way.

Jan 08, 2009

Well, this is my first official blog entry.  I decided to have the Lap-Band procedure.  I searched around and found a place called True Results.  They consider themselves a one stop shop.  They do everything from Nutrition, to your monthly weigh ins, to psych evaluations.  BUT, each is very expensive and are not covered under your insurance.  I've done my research and realized that I could get the same evaluations with my insurance.  My insurance requires alot of test to be done before you can the surgery, so tomorrow I have an appointment with the Cardiologist.  I hope everything goes good.  Next week I have a sleep study which i probably won't sleep.  My husband is coming to all of my appointments with me and he has been a tremendous help. 

I have yet to meet with my PCP to discuss my decision to have Lap-Band, but with or without his ok, i'm still going to do it, Wish me luck!!


About Me
Alpharetta, GA
Surgery Date
May 23, 2006
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 1
