October 8th, 2007
Today I have been married to my wonderful husband for 19 years. Yesterday, I celebrated my 3 year anniversary for Lap RNY Surgery. I am 185lbs currently. That is about 15lbs up from where I was a little over a year ago. I know that isn't great but, I still feel wonderful with my success. I go see my surgeon on Wednesday this week for my 3 year check up. I am finding it hard to stay on track at times. I can tolerate more sugar which isn't good. However; thankfully I still dump when I overload. I never thought I would say that about something so awful. It does remind me however; that I am abusing my tool and that I need to get back on track. Up until school started this year I was walking Monday through Friday about 45 minutes to 1 hour and was walking about 3 to 4 miles. My walking partner however started teaching the early morning religious class at church and we had to stop walking. I still wake up early but, haven't developed a new plan for myself. I do exercise about 20 minutes to 30 minutes during the work day with a young student who has a fitness plan. We mostly work on strength training with the weight machines and then I try to get on the treadmill or eliptical about 10 to 15 minutes a day while we are down at the weight room. So, something is better than nothing. People who see me tell me often how good I look. I also have a pretty good support system of people who keep me on track when I try to slip up and grab that cookie or bar. At work people have started bringing some healthier snacks to share also. I am currently wearing a size 12-14 pants or jeans and a large top. Neither of which I could where before. I am at my high school graduation weight but at that time was wearing size 18-20. I also run a successful support group once a month and have had some support from local exercise professionals and dieticians. What a wonderful 3 years!!

I am off that plateau. I am losing again. I have lost about 7 pounds. I quit the grazing. I am making sure to get in my protien even if I have to substitute a couple protien drinks. I schedule a snack in the evening so, I am not tempted to just graze. I also have increased my water intake so, I stay hydrated in this warm weather. As my walking partner just had trouble with kidney stones, I figure it can't hurt to take in that water. Besides the new product I found Water Sensations is the best. I like it better that crystal light. I currently weigh 170 pounds. Hurrah for me!!

It feels so good to be able to get out and move. I am walking with a partner for about 2 months now and we are up to about 3 miles or so. I know I couldn't have done this 2 years ago. I am up and down about 5 pounds. I have to believe it is muscles building from the walking. I also struggled a little with grazing.

I am still hanging out around 180 pounds. It is nice to know I maintained my weight through the holidays and winter. This holiday season was a little trickier. I can tolerate a little more sugar than I like. I still can't go overboard thank goodness & I still get sick if I push it. I have started walking again now that the weather is getting nicer & the ice & snow are gone. I went on a bike ride last night for about 1/2 hour and my knees didn't hurt. I haven't ridden bike in forever except my recumbent bike in the basement. Before surgery, I couldn't balance very well and I couldn't go a block with out being short of breath & my knees hurting. Last summer, I still had knee pain. Yesterday was a break through!! Hurrah for me!! I have started a support group in my area, there are more and more people out there. I am so glad for being able to be a role model & help others like I was helped. Hope everyone has a great Easter Holiday!! Remember to get out there & exercise!! I remember when I heard people say exercise & I thought ya right!! I am here to testify that exercise really does work to keep you toned and healthy.

I am feeling pretty good!! I made it through thanksgiving without a hitch. I definately feel that nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. I am about 175lbs now. I wear large tops & size 12 pants. I couldn't believe it when I put them on. I took my 15 year old daughter to the doctor the other day & realized I weigh about 40 lbs more than her now. She didn't especially like that but, I do. I don't want to be a super model but, it is sure nice to have all those compliments. I am so greatful for the new lease on life & how much healthier I am. Hope everyone has a great holiday. Looking forward to 2006!!

Happy Re-birth to me! I have my one year check up with my surgeon on the 18th of this month. I stopped in at my family doctor last Friday, Oct 7th, and according to their scales I am down 120 pounds. I am currently 185lbs. I am so excited. I will update more after my surgeon visit.

I just returned from the doctor. I have lost 93 lbs since Oct. and am currently in size 14-16 jeans & XL tops. The Dr. was so impressed. I feel great & the Dr. said I can expect to lose another 30 to 40 by my 1 year mark. Hurrah!! I just emailed a current photo. It should get posted soon.

Wow!! Happy April Fools Day!! What a wonderful april fools to wake up to it snowing after yesterday being in the 50's. Well, I can't believe I haven't updated this & I need to submit a current photo. I am now down under 220 lbs. That is 85 lbs in almost 6 months!! Hurray for me!! I started water aerobics this past week & I go Mon. & Wed. until school is out. I am so excited because this instructor has us use weights while doing the exercises. I am using 2 lbs. She says it will help tone those flags we all have under our arms. I have also been plateaued for a few weeks so, this is just what I need to get going again. I recently tried on my 16 jeans and can almost get them buttoned. The 18's are getting pretty loose. I just can't believe what a gift I have been given. Yes, I admit at times it is tough because I can't have that pop or cake or candy but, I love the saying I have heard here "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!!". People are really beginning to notice & what is even better is I am noticing. I found a picture of me from 3 years ago & thought was that really what I looked like? I hope you all have a great spring.
Happy New Year All!! I have been quite neglegtful as of late. I went to the Dr. on the 9th of Jan. and was chastised for only losing 11 lbs. I realize I didn't exactly follow the rules but, now the Dr. wants to see me next month & wants me to see the psycholigist & nutritionist. For petey sakes it was the holidays. I am going to keep my appointment with the Dr. & see if I can see the nutritionist but, I am skipping the psychologist. We will see how I do next month. I have the blues cause it is so cold and not very sunny.

Well, Christmas is over & I have to say I handled it better then Thanksgiving. I am almost 3 months out and feeling pretty good. I go to the Dr. on the 6th of January for my 3 month check up. I am however quite pleased with moving down 3 pant sizes & into XL tops from 3X to 4X sizes. I have to say this was by far the best gift I have ever given myself. I still get the head hunger but, a piece of beef jerkey(loaded with protien) does the trick. I don't miss bread or sweets like I thought I would. Well, I have to admit I did at first. It is getting easier everday to just say no to things I would have never passed up before. I will post again after my next appointment.

Well, Thanksgiving went off with out a hitch. I hope I didn't create any bad habits. I really had a hard time as it was my first holiday & I wanted to eat everything. I did try little bits of most everything I wanted. My family was very supportive & left some sweet potatoes without sugar & marshmallows. I had to try a bite of pumpkin pie & did okay. I am looking forward to my dr. appointment in a couple weeks to see where I am at. I try to stay off the scale at home cause I was weighing myself constantly the first month & was disappointed when my scale didn't match the dr. scale. Happy Holidays to all.

I am officially 1 month out! I went to the doctor today & was quite pleased to learn I have lost 20 lbs since surgery. I have lost 35 lbs total so far. I have been doing good since surgery. I am so excited to finally be on the losing side. I also appreciate all the support I have received.

About Me
Gilbert, MN
Surgery Date
Sep 27, 2004
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