OH Magazine

Jun 21, 2007

On Tuesday, the 19th, my friend and fellow WLS patient told me that she had seen my pics in the OH Magazine. I was like "WHAT" - No Way! I had no idea I was going to be in the magazine. Well, yesterday I got a copy of the 2007 Issue 2 - and sure enough I was THERE!!!! Holy Toledo, BATMAN!!! 

I was SHOCKED to say the least.....I didn't even know!! Anyway, I scanned the page and added it to my pics!!! How cool is that!!! 

Even COOLER - I am going to the OH Conference in Austin this weekend!! Woo HOO!!!! I can't wait! 


Woo Hoo

Jun 11, 2007

Well, it looks like I will be going to the OH Event in Austin this month!!! I am so excited. My hubby & I are going to drive up on Friday morning and spend the evening in Austin. Unfortunately, we have to drive back right after the show cuz he has to fly out on Sunday. Oh well, it will still be fun.

I hope to get to meet some of "My Friends" there!! See ya then!

A Year & a Half!!!

Apr 24, 2007

WOW, I can't believe it's been a 1 yr & 6 mo. since my surgery. I am so happy I did this. It still amazes me how this has changed my life. I am still maintaining a loss of 125 lbs. (for 6 mo. now) Woo Hooo

Now, if July would just hurry up and get here - I will be SOOOOO Happy!!! WHY???
HARRY POTTER......of course!! Can't wait!!!!

Back at Work!!

Apr 09, 2007

Well, I am back to work!! The surgery went great - no complications. (knock-on-wood) 

Still hurting some but the Doc says that should stop soon. 

I am just glad this it's over with and that "THING" is out of me!!! 

Hope everyone has a great week!! 


Surgery Tomorrow!!

Mar 20, 2007

It's almost here.......surgery day!!! (again) I will be having a Laparoscopic Supracervial Hysterectomy and Enterocele repair done tomorrow. I am not looking forward to the pain of recovery but MAN am I glad to get this done!!! Since I am having this surgery Lap it shouldn't be nearly as painful as having a hysterectomy the "old fashioned" way. I will be at home for 2 weeks - Woo HOO!!!! 

I will update here when I get back. Hope every one has a great weekend!!!

1 more surgery!!!

Mar 02, 2007

Well, my tests came back negative!! WOO HOO - No cancer!!!! Looks like I will be having a hysterectomy and hernia repair on March 21st. I am not looking forward to another surgery, but I am SOOOO excited to get that "thing" out of me!!! LOL 

First, I have to go see a GI doctor, to rule out any other problems before surgery. There are times that my lower stomach swells and I look 4 months pregnant (NOT PRETTY) My Doc couldn't find a reason for it when I had the Diagnostic Laparoscopy. SO off to another DR. Hopefully he will figure out the problem and the surgery will go on as planned. 

On another note.......even 16 months out of my Gastric Bypass surgery I am still having WOW moments!!! I was able to put on a pair of blue jeans that I had in my freshman year of high school - and they FIT!!!!! I was very small in high school and never thought I could get into those jeans EVER again. It was actually my hubby that suggested that I try them on... I was like "NO way in HELL they are going to fit" BUT not only did I get them on, but I zipped them up and bottoned them.....NOW granted they are skin tight and if I wore them for long, my upper body would turn purple and just fall off - not to mention if I tried sitting in them  - I would probably put someones eye out from the button popping off - LMAO - but WHO CARES - THEY FIT!!!!! WOOOO HOOOO!!!!! I have added pics to prove it!! LOL 

Man, LIFE is good!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Feeling Better (Post Surgery)

Feb 09, 2007

I had my Diagnostic Laparoscopy on Jan. 31st. and everything went well. I was pretty sore for the first 4-5 days, but feeling great now. My Doc determined that I have "Adenomyosis" and will need a hysterectomy. There was also some "tissue" that was removed and sent for testing. This is a little scary for me, since I have family members that have had cervical and uterine cancer. I have an appointment with her on the 15th so I will find out the results of the tests and how we need to proceed. 

Never a dull moment, I swear!!! I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Another Surgery!

Jan 23, 2007

Well, it looks like I will be having surgery next week. I have been having severe abdominal pain that has landed me in the emergency room twice. At first I was really scared that it had something to do with my gastric bypass but they have ruled that out. My doctor thinks I have endometriosis but they won’t know for sure until they get in there and see. I have been getting by with “drugs” but it’s not getting any better. I will be having a Diagnostic Laparoscopy on Wednesday, the 31st – which sucks because my birthday is February 1st and I won’t be feeling too hot.  So much for a party!!! LOL


Hopefully they will be able to “fix” what ever is wrong and I won’t have to have a hysterectomy. At this point, I want them to just TAKE IT OUT, but they don’t want to because of my age, but depending on the out come of my surgery – I may have to have one anyway……we shall see!


Hope everyone has a great week!!


PS – Just wanted to wish the BEST of LUCK to my friend Candie, she is having her Open Gastric Bypass tomorrow the 24th!!!! Woo Hoo – You go Girl!!!!  

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Dec 28, 2006

Wow, I can't believe Christmas is over and New Year's is right around the corner!!! 

I can't even begin to explain how happy I am to be starting 2007 healthy. I am still maintaing a loss of 125 lbs, my BMI is 23.1 (Normal), and I am in a size 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooo HOOOOO!!!! Now all I need is a credit card with limitless funds and I will be SET!!!! LOL - Can you tell I have a shopping problem?? 

Well, I want to wish everyone on OH a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

1 Year Check Up

Nov 20, 2006

Well, I had my one year check up with my surgeon. He said I was doing GREAT!!!!!! I did have to get a B-12 shot in the tooshy but that wasn’t too bad.  

They took my pic and asked if I would sign a consent form for them to use my pics in their advertisements.
I said YES!! Well, that following weekend I got a call from my mother-in-law saying that my picture was in the McAllen Monitor. I was like..........NO WAY!!! OH, yes WAY........it was a half page ad, in color no less, with my before & after pic!!! Holy Toledo , Batman!! I didn't know they were going to do that....I thought I would be in an ad with other patients and be in black/white. I really hate the before pic they used - I looked awful!! It was just 3 days after surgery and I was bruised and bloated – AND I had on NO makeup!!! After the initial shock........I thought it was pretty COOL. Even felt a little “special”!!! te he

My Doc (McCutie!!) suggested I start running & lifting weights….RUNNING??? Yikes – didn’t even like to do that when I was really in shape back in high school!!! LOL BUT maybe I should give it a try?? We will see!!



About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 24, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Yikes - My highest weight of 268. 2 days after surgery - NOT happy.
So Much Happier - 2 Yrs. Out and Down 125 lbs!!

Friends 170

Latest Blog 21
I'm FREE!!!!!
My CRAZY Life....
My Bad..........
2 Yr. Anniversary
My First OH Conference - Austin 2007
