It's been a LONG time!

Jul 16, 2009

 I just realized that  I haven't posted anything since last October. I am still alive, but do need to make some adjustments to my diet. I have put on some weight, but oddly, my body isn't showing it too much. But I don't want to be back where I was pre-op, because the whole surgery would have been a waste then. It's tough, but because of the events in my life right now, eating once again has become a crutch to try to make life's problems go away. I need to get motivated to start eating better again, and do the right things in life so I can stay thin.

October 2008

Oct 03, 2008

It's been a while since I have posted anything. I am currently at 209 lbs, which is ideal for me. I am hoping to stay right here, so I have a lot of work to do. Now that I am separated from my wife, and the divorce is proceeding, I am just trying to make due with my new life. I have been very busy with my work and my music, and making new friends. As far as my WLS, I do need some advice on maintaining my weight, so anyone with tips, go ahead and drop me a line!

I'm Back....

Feb 24, 2008

I have ended my leave of absense, and will be around again...looking forward to making and meeting new friends, and being in touch with old friends again. Looking forward to sharing stories with all of you. I am still doing great at 202 lbs, and in April I will be celebrating 2 years of this new life.

Leave of Absense

Jan 15, 2008

Hey everyone...

I will be taking a leave of absense from the OH chat room until further notice, effective immediately. Anyone wishing to contact me can still leave me a message here. Thank you!

Feeling blue

Nov 13, 2007

I guess sometimes this surgery can make you depressed, even with all the good. I am going through that right now. I am happy with the results it has given me, but I still feel empty at times, like I should have never had it in the first place. But I know I needed to do it to save my life, and to just get back to living a pain-free life. I guess you can say I am having some mixed emotions right now.

I gotta slow down!

Nov 08, 2007

Ok, It's November 8th....and I am at 202 do the math. I have gained 19 lbs since I hit my peak over a year ago. The funny thing is that most people think I look better now than I did at 183, but I don't want to make the mistake and be at 325 again really soon.

I think life's issues have caused the gain, but if I control things now, I should be better.

June Update

Jun 11, 2007

Hey everyone,

It's been 14 months since I had surgery, and I could not be in better health. I am sitting at 187 lbs, far from the peak of 325 lbs that I was just over a year ago, and I even have very low cholesterol, as of my most recent doctor's appt. I am able to tolerate pretty much any type of food, but only in small portions, and I really don't try too much (maybe a bite of this and that, but am sticking to a pretty strict diet). I am walking every morning, and would like to get to a gym, but my rigorous work schedule really hasn't allowed for it. But the walking seems to be helping out a lot. I am really happy with the results that I have, and I am so glad I had this surgery. I will try to add more pics this week, and keep everyone posted on my progress.

Update in Feb

Feb 19, 2007

Hey everyone!

Just checking in to give my updated status. It's Feb 19th, and I am weighing in at 186 lbs (yes, I seemed to have gained 3 lbs!!!!), and it's been 10-1/2 months since my surgery. I am doing well. My BMI is right at 24.9, and so far, all is looking good. I am very excited that I have made this change, and hope to stay this thin. I am, however, getting some interesting cravings, and doing my best to not get back into bad habits. I will be posting some new pics very shortly.

Why the "brb" all the time? My daily work routine

Dec 21, 2006

For those of you who know me, I have a pretty full work schedule working for Sprint/Nextel in service & repair during the day. My normal schedule is Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm, with lunch usually at 12pm for an hour. A lot of people wonder exactly what I do, and why I always seem so busy. Well, here it is.....

When a customer comes in for a phone issue, or wants to upgrade their phone, I am the first person they see. I need to ask the person what is wrong with their phone. Sometimes they don't know, sometimes they don't know how to explain the problem. I have to write a repair ticket of all the problems and give it to our technicians, who work on the phones. Then it take the techs anywhere from 15-60 minutes to fix the phone.

Usually I am getting yelled at, because the customer wants their phone fixed in 5 seconds, or a new phone right on the spot, usually for free, and since I work for the company, they yell at me. Usually hard to handle. I have to explain to the customer (in the nicest way so I don't get fired) why we need time to fix the phone, or why it's not free. Lots of stress.

The biggest reason why I have to "brb" is because it's not uncommon for people to get in line to be helped by sooner that I can say "hello". And no sooner than I can get the last person out of line, 3 more people walk through the door, and I have to help all of them. Also not to mention that my desk phone is usually ringing off the hook, and I have to take those calls too, and help all the people in my line. So I am constantly getting up, walking around, grabbing phones, getting accessories, answering phones, testing phones, and tending to the people in my line.

It's even worse when I get back from lunch, because I have to completely run the front counter by myself for an hour. It's not uncommon to have at least 8-10 people in my line, and it takes about 2-5 minutes to help each person, and each person thinks that it takes just a few seconds to take care of their problem. And I get yelled at about every 3rd person or so. It's very stressful.

The one thing I will say more than "brb" is "How can I help you?" I say that AT LEAST 150 times a day. That's AT LEAST how many customers I help in a day with their cell phones. Since I have to give my attention to the customer, I tell my chat buddies I will "brb."

So, when I am at work, and I say "brb", it means a customer has just walked up to my counter. And I will say "back" when the line is empty, but within 3 seconds, I can have another customer in line just that quick.

And that explains the "brb" story :)

About Me
Oct 17, 2006
Member Since

Friends 278

Latest Blog 9
October 2008
I'm Back....
Leave of Absense
Feeling blue
I gotta slow down!
June Update
Update in Feb
Why the "brb" all the time? My daily work routine
