7mths Post Op

Jul 12, 2014

 So I haven't posted in forever but so far I'm down 80lbs! I should be at least at 100lb loss but since I don't workout well this is what I get  I eat every 2 hrs since I'm actually hungry! I never did experience the lack of hunger that most experience since the hormone ghrelin is supposed to be gone. I still don't eat much which is nice but a total waste to eat out in restaurants there's always a to-go container :-) I have a 3yr old and he's the only other person in the house so this makes it so much easier since he's not a big eater we share most meals! What I find odd is that I wasn't big on eating sweets prior to the surgery now I have a sweet tooth attack about once a week! Mainly cake or a candy bar with nuts like payday! It's the best thing ever! I don't believe in not eating what I want I just take a bite and I'm totally satisfied. Life is good for me right now! 



Scale is Moving

Jan 11, 2014

So finally after 3 wks of healing/adjusting the scale started to move last week but also I went back to work F/T. So 5 lbs gone in a week not too bad since prior to I was so fatigued it was hard to get my walk in daily so I did housework to try and compensate. The other change is my 19yo went back to work so no more tempting bad foods I really thought he would eat a little better. I really think he was testing me and I failed lol! But I didn't cheat too much since cheating to me is to take 1 potato chip or take a small bite of lemon cake that I could totally smell! Overall I'm optimistic and about to put on my walking shoes and walk ciao!



Jan 03, 2014

The best thing bout VSG so far is the fact that I can move around without being winded or my back hurting! I can actually walk for more than 15 min now and feel great doing so! I just read a fantastic post about stalling and what I got out of it was STAIRS! Yes stairs the weight loss journey will allow you to loss and the stabalize and lose then stabilize again. I also read how 3 wks out is the worse and to increase my calories a little and water intake. I know I'm not taking in enough water because my urine is not pale yellow so I will be making some major changes tomorrow to jumpstart this weightloss!


20 Days Post Op

Dec 30, 2013

I can actually say I'm not doing so well I managed to gain 5lbs between the 12/19 (276) and 12/26 (281)! I have since dropped it back down to 276 as of today 12/30     I am starting to feel less fatigued but not 100%! I've been working from home since last week which makes me feel very lazy and I have no desire to go outside and walk so I pulled back on what I was eating and went back to mainly liquids to balance out the lack of movement. I'm so mad that I'm not motivated and I'd be so embarrassed if I went to my appointment next month with the same weight as my 1wk followup weight of 277! My oldest son is home on leave for the holidays and even though I'm not cooking Jeez Louise this 19yr old is killing me with the In-N-Out burger (west coast chain) but really all I want is some fried chicken lol I won't do it though although I seem to be able to tolerate different foods and taking a bit here and there with no issue is so scary too me! I know I'm only 20 days out but in my mind I will never lose weight 


Week 1 Post Op

Dec 16, 2013

It's been an interesting 1st week! A lot of ups (wt loss) and downs (everything else)! My tummy feels ok but I am now back to feeling fatigued! Yesterday I did a lot of store walking I didn't want to be in the house anymore it felt like the walls were closing in on me! I wanted to go into work just to get out and about at least for a few hours but I woke up with nothing. It may have been the walking around but that really felt great!! 

It's really difficult to read that people have  met their goal weight because in my mind I feel that will never happen for me. When I look at smaller clothes it seems more like wishful thinking than a reality because my biggest fear is to lose 50lbs and that's it! 

I'm happy that so far since 11/26/13 (pre-op) to now 1 week post op I'm down 21lbs! 


Day 4 Post Op

Dec 13, 2013

I finally had my surgery it has been a long time coming and it happened just at the right time! Well at least that's what I keep telling myself to keep positive! A day after surgery I had the worse nausea ever I couldn't believe it and nothing worked except Ativan! Why that worked I'm still trying to wrap my head around it but it did. So day 3 comes around and my PA is very happy that I'm able to get some fluids down and I walk without any issues. So I get to go home. The IVs and staples come out (which didn't hurt) and I take a well needed shower lol I had ran a fever the night before so I was definitely ripe in my opinion! 

On my way home I was terribly fatigued it was worse than when I had my son a few years ago but worse. Did I mention worse lol! I just couldn't get it together.

Day 4 I had a very odd stomach twirl pains that were NOT ok. I basically would sit up and breathe while it passed. This whole process has been slightly worse than childbirth possibly because we as women were designed for childbirth and not this manmade solution to obesity lol 

Overall I'm sure I will look back on this and chuckle but for today...not so much!


Date Finally

Nov 12, 2013

I started this latest journey in Aug 2013 at the weight loss seminar. It was informative and originally I wanted the gastric bypass but not I'm approved for the VSG! My surgery date is 12/10/13 and although I don't have much support I know I'm strong enough to go through this alone if I have to! I have a little one that needs me to run around outside etc So yay me! I'm on my way to a healthier me!!!


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