I started researching weight loss surgery about two years ago. I was always thin as a child and a teenager..then motherhood came along and with my first child I packed on the pounds and after loosing the baby weight I was stuck with an extra 25 lbs...baby #2 came along and I actually lost all the weight plus 10 lbs so I was carrying around an extra 15 pounds. Well I thought I was so huge and I started the good old trips to the diet doctor and this started my yo-yo dieting and love of diet pills. I would take the pills and stay thin...go off them and would gain all the weight back and then some..this continues for years it was a viscous cycle. It took it's toll on my body and my weight just sky rocketed.

I finally had enough I was just so unhappy with my body image. I was afraid to become unhealthy. So after a friend and a relative had this done and I researched it I was finally ready.

My biggest fear was to die and leave my three kids behind....my youngest is only three so I almost felt guilty taking a risk of having surgery but in the end I realized this was the right choice for me.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 22, 2007
Member Since

Friends 11

Latest Blog 14
It's been awhile....
6 Months 100 Pounds Gone..
Time for an update..5 months out
17 weeks...my life is falling apart
16 weeks gone by...
Losing but slowly...
11 Weeks Out
10 Weeks Out
8 weeks down...
6 Weeks Out
