Goal Reached!!!

Nov 28, 2012

It has been a long while since I have posted.  I have been busy just living and enjoying my life. 

It is such a hard concept for me to realize I have reached and surpassed my goal.  I  never would have believed 2 years ago I would be at 142.  When I look back at photos of myself I have a hard time believing that was truly me.  I know it is me, but I look so completely different now.  Most people who have not seen me in years have no idea who I am.  They walk by me and when I say Oh Hi, I have to tell them who I am.  They can't believe what they are seeing. 

I am truly thankful I found this site when I was first beginning my journey, and I try hard to pay it forward all the excellent advice and encouragement I have received from the wonderful members.  May God bless each and every one of you.

Merry Christmas!




8 pounds to goal!

May 06, 2012

Many, I have a hard time believing that I am so close to goal.  What a ride this continues to be.  The most interesting part is learning how to eat again. 

Just a question, does anyone else have this, I have expereinced feeling HOT HOT HOT even though my skin is cold.  It is like I am burning on the inside.  It is such a weird feeling.  I do not have a fever, I check all the time because it is hard to believe feeling that hot but not unning a temperature.  Then the nerves in my hands get a weird feeling.  It is so hard to explain. 

I do have an appointment with a Plastic Surgeon in July to discuss my options for excess skin removal.  I am very excited about that.  I look like I am melting and it is all settling around my lower abdominal area.  I think if I can remove that skin, and have a flat tummy I would look so much better.  I do have the bat wing arms though.  I think I can live with that.  I do not want to have a full body make over, just get rid of this tummy pool I have.

What an exciting 10 months I have gone through.  I look forward to what the next year brings. 

Did I mention I love my sleeve? 


Best NSV EVER!!!!

Feb 15, 2012

Well, I think this is a little silly, but the  best  thing I have discovered since  my surgery and is not related to my scale is: 
               My thighs no longer rub together when I walk. 
I have worn out I do not know how many pairs of pants due to this issue, felt like I was starting fires if I wore cords, and causes countless rashes during the warm summer months.  This is all behind me now.  WooHoo!!!! 

Because  it  has been a consistant experience for me, I didn't even realize it for the longest time.  Then one day I was walking somewhere while at work, and I thought,  I don't think my legs are rubbing together.  I think I was  wearing tights or something so I dismissed it.  Then I was just wearing regular clothes, no Spanx or tights, and that is when it  really dawned on me my legs are considerably small  enough that they no longer touch when I walk.



6 months post op!

Feb 03, 2012

Wow, can hardly believe it.  I have lost 74 pounds post op and 45 pound pre-op.  That is a total of: 119 pounds.   Wholly Molly!  I have lost more weight than some people weigh.  Unbelievable.  My current weight is at 171, and my goal weight is still at 140.  I am seeing my family doctor on Feb 7th and we will talk about what my final weight should be. 

I do have to have a panectomy because I have a rather large panniculus.  It is big, squishy and ugly.  It is also hampering my size drop.  I have dropped quite a few sizes, but I think until I have this excess skin removed, I might be at the limit of my downward size drop.  I am hoping to be in a size 10 before the end of the year, but it depends on when I can get in to have my surgery consult and actually surgery.

Regardless of my pending plastics, I am darn proud of my accomplishment! 

I am going to Vancouver British Columbia in May to see my hubby's family in May, and they have yet to see me with my weight loss.  It will be interesting to hear what they have to say.  They do not know about my surgery, and I will not be telling them because they can be extremely catty and completely dismiss what I have been able to do. 

I posted a question on the forum, why is it when we start to lose hair due to lack of protein, that we only lose hair from our heads?  Why doesn't other body hair fall out?  I would have thought that all hair follicles would have been affected the same way.  Just something that makes you go Hmmmmmm?

Onward towards goal and maintainence.  I can't wait.


Do you do this?

Dec 22, 2011

I find myself every time I walk past a reflection of myself to watch myself walk.  I still find it hard to believe that the person in the reflection is me.  The side view is so small from what I was so used to.  I love to see that smaller person in the window or mirror and know it is me. 

For almost 25 yeard, I hated looking into the mirror because I hated what I saw.  Now I have no issues with the mirror.  I have no issues with having my picture taken (I still don't smile to much because of my ugly teeth but that is an all together different issue). 

My confidence levels have risen greatly along with my self esteem.  I have always lacked in both areas, but I have worked on building myself up and know that I am a person worthy of admiring glances and comments.  So when anyone ever gives me a compliment now, I just say Thank you very much, I have worked really hard at this.

Just a silly question and thought bubble.


Merry Christmas!

Dec 16, 2011

Well, it is that time again where you start to count your blessings and are thankful for all you have received.  I can tell you I am the most grateful and thankful for the gift I received from My God!  I asked him to help me find a way to lose this weight and get healthy, and look what he has done for me.  In just over a year I have lost 110 pounds, I have lost 66 inches and I am diabetes free and have normal levels of cholestrol. 

Although God is the one I am most thankful to, I am also thankful to my husband John.  John has stood by my side the entire process.  He has attended every single appointment before surgery and after surgery.  He has helped me when no one would, and has encouraged me when I felt down.  He helps me find things I will be able to eat and helps me avoid those I can't.  John has been my true rock and I love him more than he will ever know. 

I wish you all a most Joyous Christmas and continued success in the New Year! 

Merry Ho ho ho!!!



Dominican Republic 2011

Nov 01, 2011

I just returned from our holiday in the Dominican Republic.  We had a fantastic time outside of a few bumps along the way with John.  Got on the plane, put the seat belt on, no extension required with room to spare.  A beautiful thing to be sure.

I did things I never would have done prior to losing my weight.  I went snorkeling, which I Ioved.  I went on an ATV adventure tour to Playa Ricon and to top it all off I went on a Zip Line tour.  I have uploaded some photos of the zip line.  So fun but so scary.


I inserted a few of the photos. 

Plus while on holiday, I lost an additional 4 pounds.  I was a little worried I would gain weight, but I made sensible choices, ate what I could, stopped when I needed to, did a lot of exercising, and viola, lost weight on a holiday.   Pretty unheard of most of the time.  I am pretty darned proud of myself, I must say.

I know alot of people are nervous about getting this surgery, but I tell you what it was the best decision I have ever made outside of agreeing to marry my husband.  I am a little over 3 months out, I have lost a total of 98 pounds (which includes the preop weight loss), I zipped lined and road an ATV.  Things I would have been way to nervous to do previously.  This surgery gives your life back.  It helps you enjoy your life again.  I am living proof.   Is it hard at the beginning?  Yes it is.  Does it get better?  Yes it does.  Is it worth it?  Yes it most certainly is.

Look out world because here comes a more confident and health me.  Ready to take you full on.


Onederland at last...

Oct 18, 2011

Well, I woke up yesterday and like I do every day, I went to the bathroom, took off my bed clothes and stepped on the scale.  What I saw almost made me cry.  199.4!   Finally no longer a 2 in front of my weight.  So hard to believe especially knowing where I was a year ago.  I reach my first goal in less than 3 months.

I have not been in the 100's for almost 20 years. 

I have not been feeling well lately, so my eatting habits have gotten a little screwy, but I am trying to stay on track.  I am drinking.  Maybe not the entire 8 glasses, but I have got up to 5 glasses of fluids a day plus what I take in when I eat.  I am still struggling with my protein.  It just upsets my stomach something fierce.  I keep buying different things to help me boost it up. I found one  thing called protein bites.  If you eat 8 of them that is 20 grams of protein.  Lets seen how many I can actually eat.   I can not drink protein shakes now without throwing them up.  I just look for protein enriched foods and do my best. 

Regardless of my protein issues, I am extremely happy with my progress and my weight.  I am excited to see how far I am going to be able to go. 

Yay!  Loving this sleeve.


The incredible shrinking woman!!!

Oct 02, 2011

Well considering at my highest weight ever I was 302, which makes me cringe every time I write that, and today I am 203 just 1 pound losing 100 pounds,  I think I am the shrinking woman.  I never in my wildest dreams think I would be able to achieve this weight loss.  I have been truly blessed and I am sure most of you will feel the same.

I have a mini goal of 199 lbs to reach before Halloween, only 4 more pounds to go and I will be in Onederland!!!!!  Yippeeee!!!!  My next goal after that will be 179 to reach by New Years Day.  I also think I will see about getting a plastics consult to see what they think about a TT and BA.   I need something else done before the TT, I want my teeth fixed.  I come from a family with really crooked teeth, and I am very self conscience about them.  I am to old for braces so I am thinking either veneers or caps.  I want to have a consult with a good dentist who does this sort of work to find out the cost for both.  Hopefully by the time I am done with the teeth, I will be ready for the TT and BA.  The girls are looking pretty thin and droopy.  I have no idea what size bra I wear now.  I don't really want the girls much bigger just put back where they belong, up on my chest not around my belly button. 

All in all this has been a pretty positive experience.  I am learning that I do  not need to eat for every celebration, heartache, blue day or happy day.  I just eat what I need and that is it.  My husband is having a harder time of it than I am.  He likes to have food around to help him deal with things.  When he offers me something, I just say No Thank You.   At work, there is always food around from different lunches, patients bringing treats, doctors bringing treats, management bringing treats, when they offer me something I don't think I should be eating, I just say No Thank You.  I am becoming very good at the No Thank You. 

Now if I could just get my protein levels up and my fluid intake up I would be doing great.  I am lactose intolerant now and I can't handle anything that is very sweet, so protein shakes are out.  I am looking for other alternatives, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you thank you thank you Dr. Farries for taking the chance on me and helping me reach the smaller healthier me.  And thank you God for directing me to Dr. Farries.  You always look out for me and send me to the place I need to be.

Cheers everyone! 


2 months post op

Sep 22, 2011

I can't believe it has been already 2  months since I have had surgery.  It felt like it was taking forever when I was waiting and now that it is over, man is time moving fast. 

I am very proud of myself, I have lost 37 pounds since surgery.  My overall weight loss since November 30 is 83 pounds.    That is just freaking amazing to me.  I am less than 10 pounds to finally be back in Onederland.  I have set my goal to be 199 by October 31, but realistically I think I will reach well before then.  Fingers crossed.

I tell ya, it has been quite the learning curve learning what I can eat and what I can't.  Ana (my new tiny tummy) does not like milk, water or any sweets.  I do not throw up but I sure get a nasty upset stomach.  I have also been staying away from pastas, bread and any white starches.  Just as a precaution. 

The one thing I have to work on is getting more exercise.  I am up and down all day at work and I do climb stairs to and from where I park my car, but I could be doing more.  That is my next goal, getting more sustainable exercise. 

We now preparing for our trip to the Dominican Republic at the end of October, and I can't wait.   

Wish me continued luck while on my journey to a better, healthier me!



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Calgary, XX
Surgery Date
Jun 09, 2010
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