
Jan 20, 2013

Hey all

I haven't been posting as much. Been off work, taking time, healing. getting back into the swing of things.

What a rollercoaster this has been. Yesterday I weighed in at 239. 19 pounds down since surgery! But then this morning, the scale said 243. WHAT?

Idk what I'm doing wrong. It's so very frustrating.

I don't know if this was the right choice for me. But there's no going back now. It's gonna be a long road.


I'm home!

Jan 09, 2013

What an emotional rollercoaster this has been!

Right down to the last minute I almost chickened out. I started crying on the OR table and had to just close my eyes and breath in the oxygen to pass out.

The good news is my surgery went really well. Doctor said I did great. I was up and walking the same day-slowly though.

I haven't had any nausea but do have a bit of diarrhea. They almost kept me an extra day to monitor it but after consulting with Dr Starr they let me go home :)

So, I'm moving around slowly. Had a nice warm shower, and am about to lay in my comfy bed.

It feels good to be home. And tomorrow the work begins.

That's all for now.



Jan 03, 2013

So according to my weigh in this morning I'm 255. Which means I'm 115 pounds from my goal weight.( Although, healthy weight for my height is anywhere from 140-160 I hear. I'm trying to be on the lower end of the spectrum.) So. Being 255 at 5'7 means that my bmi is 39.9 which means I'm no longer morbidly obese  I'm not just obese.

This is day 11 of opti fast. I'm down 17 pounds total. 15 since I started opti. I'd love to be 245 at surgery. But since that's in 4 days it's unlikely. But a girl can dream right? Hey, I'll take 248 even lol. :)

That's all I got for now.




Jan 01, 2013

Today is day 10 of opti fast. I have lasted through Christmas eve, Christmas Day, New Years eve and New Years day. All the high holidays.

I have not cheated once. Last night I wanted food so bad I couldn't sleep I tossed and turned until after 2 am. It's getting harder as I've heard it's supposed to get easier.

I can't stomach the broth or jello anymore. I crave to just have a piece of chicken fill my mouth with flavour. Just that first bite.

Anyway, I'm packing for surgery today. I'm very nervous, it's getting so real, but I'm already fitting in clothes that haven't fit me for months, with only 16 pounds down-so far it's been worth the sacrifice.

Thought I'd share my surgery bag checklist.

slippers/flip flops (not sure if I want to wear my house slippers in the hospital where everyone is wearing shoes, so i'll likely just bring my flip flops)

sanitary wipes (as I wont be able to shower the first day atleast, I'd like to be fresh)

toothbrush and toothpaste.




hairbrush and hairties

cozy robe

fresh underwear & socks

comfy sweatpants to wear home

Thats all I can think of for now. Have anything to add?



7 days.

Dec 29, 2012

Today makes day 7 no food. I'm averaging 2 pds a day in weight loss. I can only hope this keeps up after surgery.

I don't have much else to say except that I really didn't think I could do it!

7 down, 7 to go :)



Dec 28, 2012

So, yesterday was pre op. I met with another nurse, had more blood taken, tested my heart, had a chest xray and met with the anesthesiologist.

My meeting with him was interesting, as he said I don't look "big enough" to have gastric bypass. Well-standing at 5'7 and I weighed in this morning as 258 pounds I would have to disagree LOL.

I guess I carry my weight "well" yea whatever doc, see me naked and then talk lol.

Pre op was a success, all my appointments are done. January 7 bright and early (6 am) I'll be arriving at humber. Surgery is at 8.

Sidenote, day 6 of optifast in full swing, haven't cheated not a once, went to the movies and even a bar last night and didn't cheat! Yay! go me! lol.

I never thought I could do this. But-I do still have a week to go.

And then there were 8


Day 3

Dec 26, 2012

Just a quick update of my progress.

Optifast is hard. As I imagined it would be. But mostly because it tastes like crap. AND, I'd love to be able to CHEW something ya know?

I did drop the ball on the alternatives to optifast which would have come in handy today (sugarfree popcicles and jello). I'm going to pick those up today.

Hopefully the differences in textures will help get through this. Thank goodness it's only 2 weeks, I don't know how I would cope with much longer than that.

I had 3 shakes on day 1, and 2 yesterday. Today I only got one in, but I will try to get another one down before the day is out. I found if I made it like a pudding (add less water) with some vanilla extract it's a lot easier to get down. So I have my broth (with some garlic and red pepper flakes mixed in) and then my optifast "pudding" as a dessert. So it feels like a meal.

And I'm working on increasing my water intake as that has been low.

That's it for now.

And then there were 11.





Dec 24, 2012


This morning I mixed up my first shake. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I was prepared for the worst. But, it went down smooth-a lil chalky, I didn't use a blender. But overall ok.

Then, I noticed the aftertaste. Right now, I'm two shakes in, and I've had a cup of broth, and my mouth feels like I've been sucking on pennies all day. eek.

Hope this passes, or I'll be buying shares in mouthwash before the week is out.

In other news, pre op got moved from thursday to friday, which gives me 4 full days of the shakes, so that's not too bad, I should be able to drop a few pounds hopefully in that time, and I am planning on taking my before pictures today. I don't have a lot of full body shots I'm sure you can imagine why, but I'll be taking some today to keep forever :)

And, completely unrelated but exciting, I'm all ready for christmas :) gifts are all wrapped, and I look forward to spending the next couple days with family and friends :)





Happy Wednesday

Dec 19, 2012

Moving along nicely. Got a call from Humber today, rescheduling my pre op until December 28, the next day. She said there weren't any anesthesiologists available on Thursday.

I'm not really bothered, I already have my surgery date, and my journey is the shortest I've ever seen or heard of. (4 months from start to finish) so that's fine.

Plus it gives me 4 full days of shakes to shave off a few more pounds before that final pre surgery weigh in.


2.5 weeks and counting. :)


What's new?

Dec 17, 2012

Hello beautiful people.

I'm not even sure if anyone is reading this, but anyway, here's the latest on my story.

I met with the nurse December 7. Everything is still good to go, I'm down another 3 pounds since my nutritionist appointment. So that's 10 pounds in total in a month!

The nurse sent me for blood work, so much blood, they musta tested me for everything imaginable. 14 viles of blood later, a numb hand and slightly light head I was good to go.

Picked up my opti fast on Friday, this is my last week of food for awhile, I guess I should be making the most of it, but I don't really have an appetite getting ready for Christmas and all. I start my shakes exactly one week today. Christmas eve. LOL Such luck.

Pre op is on December 27, and from there surgery is January 7. Unless advised otherwise I'm to be at the hospital for 6 am. Sheesh!

Well that's all that's going on with me. Hope everyone is having a safe and happy holiday season. I'm all done my christmas shopping. Are you?


About Me
Nov 20, 2012
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