Another week gone by...

Sep 17, 2009

Today was my weekly weigh in...I am up one pound.  It has been a very emotional week.  It is the anniversary of the death of my mother.  It has been 17 years.  This year it hit me hard.  I think because I have had so many problems with my daughter and I know she is the one person who would be able to help me.  She has missed everything in my life...I miss her so much, especially now that my life is so much better.  I have a great little girl who never got to meet her amazing grandmother.  I have a wonderful fiance' that my mom would have loved.  I have lost 181 pounds, she would be so proud of me and my courage to change my life...only one thing is missing?  Feeling a little sad.  
  On the up side a friend of mine that had surgery around the same time as me got in touch with me today!  I have tried every way I know to find her.  I had phone trouble a while back and lost her number, I really need to write them down and not depend so much on my Sim card!!  Anyway it was so awesome to hear from her.  I have missed her so much.  I am excited to be back in touch.  She was a great cheerleader for me through the whole process and I for her.  I think we could each use that again.
  I went for my appointment with the surgeon this week.  Went well.  All levels are good except the iron, still an ongoing battle...better than it was though. 
  Well I hope this finds all of you well...bye for now.


About Me
Millville, NJ
May 28, 2009
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