5 Months Post-OP

May 06, 2011

Today I am five months post-op, and I feel wonderful!! My energy is through the roof, and I have lost a total of 92 pounds. I lost 21 pounds on the week prior to surgery by doing the liquid diet, and I lost 71 pounds from surgery day. This all seems so surreal to me. I have had my fair share of struggles with my weight, and to finally not have my weight be an issue anymore is just amazing. I can honestly say that I have yet to have one regret about this life changing decision that I made. I still have a ways to go, but I am so thankful that I gave myself a second chance at life. I actually enjoy life now, which is something that I struggled with before.  So, if anyone is undecided about weight-loss surgery-please do your research, plan accordingly, and go for it. If you follow your doctor's guidelines, and work with your new tool, I am sure that you will find success.      

1 MOnth Post-Op

Jan 06, 2011

So today is my one month surgiversary, and I feel wonderful.  I have lost a total 42 pounds, and that is totally amazing to me.  I do not have an appetite at all, and I have not quite figured out if that is a good or bad thing.  My stomach makes all kind of weird noises, which is sometimes pretty embarrassing but I'll take that over obesity any day.  I have learned that there are many things that my stomach does not like.  My diet consists of pretty much just protein shakes and meat, and I am fine with that.  Overall, I could not be happier, and I have no regrets whatsoever!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 26, 2010
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