Home after Surgery

Feb 13, 2009

Well, I made it back home after what I would say was a very successful surgery. I'm experiencing only normal pain that would occur after I had minor invasive vsg surgery on Feb 9th. Of course just before and after I thought..."what the hell did I do to my body"... and now I'm just accepting that this is the route I've chosen. I'm very happy I chose this surgery. A few others who were at my clinic had the lap band and were experiencing a lot of pain afterward...mine was minimal and today, five days afterward, I can say that I'm healing rapidly. I've found a wonderful protein water drink put out by Special K that offers 10 gm of protein per serving size...what a better option than crystal light or something like that...at least while I'm doing the ritual sipping, I know I'm feeding my body. Funny that after having nothing in my system for almost 4 days, including liquids, that I would have any energy at all...But today, I'm feeling the energy level pick up. Touch wood that it's a good sign that I'll speed into a quick recovery so that I can get exercising again soon.

At this point I can't tell you whether this is the best thing I've ever done and should have done it sooner...as I've read on many forums and blogs...All I can tell anyone who is considering this to do what is right for you. After many unsuccessful weightloss/maintenance successes that eventually saw me back to obesity, this was my only resort if I wanted to live the life I dreamed about...travelling and living life to its fullest...You simply can't do that when you don't feel comfortable moving, not liking how you look, or just being in your own skin.

I will keep updating my blog and goal information and if anyone wants to chat with me about my experience with Emmanual Medical Centre, and Dr. Mario Almanza...feel free to do so. I had a great experience with their team of surgeons and nurses. They took care of me very very well.

That's it for now...on to weight loss!
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