77 Days Post-Op

Jun 10, 2011

 It's been awhile since I've been able to do anything even remotely constructive online with my WLS community. No input on posts, no blog posts and no videos. I've finally just said screw it, what happened to me being and doing this all for me? Life has been such a stressful mess. Some serious issues at home tend to cause me to want to retreat to my old comfort habits. Things will be easing up in about two weeks so I'm hoping the stress level goes down to where I can see my life and the changes I'm going through. I have lost 70 pounds from my high weight. which is nothing to sneeze at and I'm very proud of myself. I have only been dropping 2-3 pounds a week for the past month though, and I know its from lack of protein and water. I'm not going to make excuses. It's a shitty fact that eating and drinking much has been very hard, my pouch is not handling this stress.

I have done one thing very positive.For a couple of reasons. One - I need to get some form of regular exercise, and Two - I HAD TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE and find some  " me " time. I joined the YMCA and am taking aquafit 5 mornings a week.

I'm trying to stay positive and focused... it just irritates the shit out of me that at this age my husband and I have to deal with crap, like this. Soon... very soon... just keepin on keepin on...



About Me
Midland, ON
Mar 03, 2010
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 12
