Baby Steps, Ruby, Baby Steps

Dec 15, 2011

I've been logging every single thing I eat since Tuesday.  My calorie goal is set at 1340 per day.  I've gone over everyday by 250 calories or more.  Well, yesterday, I only went over by 200.  To me, that is something.  It tells me that I could've done 1 of 2 things (or both). 1) I could've done a 30 minute workout to make up for the overage. 2) Not eaten those cookies I had right before bedtime.  So realistically, my goal today is to only be no more than 150 over my limit.

I get my Zumba dvd's tomorrow.  I was hoping to have them today.  I'm excited to start working out again because frankly, when I was a member of the YMCA and actively going, that is when the weight was melting off.  It is also when I felt my best.

I had a boiled egg for breakfast with a 1/2 cup of coffee.  For my mid-morning snack I will have peanut putter spread on my Ritz crackers.

I believe today will be a success and I also believe as each day passes I will improve.


About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Feb 25, 2010
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