Almost 3 months out

Apr 07, 2008

I went to see my surgeon for my first post op visit and he is very happy with my progress. He said that I am ahead of the game with my weight loss. I really don't think so, I wish I had lost more by now. But, I am trying to remember that it doesn't happen over night. I am now down officially 100 pounds since I first met my surgeon in Feb of 2007. I am also down 61 pounds since surgery. It is going good, just slow!

2 Weeks Out!

Jan 28, 2008

Well, it has now been two weeks out! I am doing great and I feel great. I had a bad weekend, I took my blood pressure pill as I was directed to and it got stuck, needless to say, it hurt! Anyways, I am past that now and will chew the pill up first from now on. I went to the doctor and I have lost 16 pounds, and now I am officially in the 300's. I am at 398 and going down from there. Yeah!!    I finally for the first time last night felt full and I didn't like the feeling. I have been so afraid of puking and hurting that I don't eat as much as they tell me I can, well last night I did and I regretted it, I like the satisfied feeling better. Anyways, this website is awesome and everyone here is awesome. Thanks for all the support! I come here when I am having a bad day and it really helps, thanks everyone ! Rebecca

Hello Again

Jan 21, 2008

Well, it will be 1 week tomorrow since surgery. Surgery was easy and great (only because I was knocked out and had no clue what was going on) I was in a little pain afterwards and a lot of you already know. The surgeon was great, the hospital was great! I was in for 3 days and then I go to come back home. I go to the doctor on friday to get my staples out. So, I will see if there is any weight loss. I was suprised with the staples, I thought that they would just use glue or something, like in my previous surgeries. But, o'well it is over with. The liquid and pureed diet is weird to be on. I don't know if I am full or not, but I do full different than before. So, maybe it is the "full" feeling that everyone always talks about. I am excited about all the positive changes to come. Thank you everyone for your support and prayers.

**** 3 Days To go*****

Jan 12, 2008

Wow, I am so excited right now. I only have 3 days until my big day. I got the results back from my A1C test and **yeah for was 5.4*** my doctor was shooting for a 7 and nothing higher. So I did better then she thought I could do. I went to see my surgeon for the last time before surgery and it went great. He is so positive and supportive, it really made me feel Even better about my choice for surgery (if that is possible). I am so ready for this, except leaving my kids with a friend for a week. I am never away from them, so that will probably be harder on me than the actual surgery. I am going to be on the losers bench in no time!!!

Hello Again

Jan 07, 2008

I forgot to add earlier that while I was waiting to get everything in to get approved for the surgery, I was diagnosed with Diabetes and with High Blood Pressure. I was always blessed before this and never had any problems with my health, except for my weight. So, three months ago I started the journey on insulin and 5 other prescriptions. Anyways, I took my A1C test today to see where I am at. Three months ago, I was at a 12.1 and the doctors want you to be a a 7. So, hopefully tomorrow I will get good news on this. I have kept my blood sugars where they are supposed to be, so I think it should be lowered a lot. Rebecca

My turtle picture

Jan 07, 2008

The picture I have on my post looks like I am a turtle. I will be taken pictures the day before surgery. I am not excited about having my picture taken at all, but I want to be able to look back and see what accomplishments I have made after time goes by. I am also not thrilled about having my weight listed on here. But, the way that I look at it is that everyone on here is in the same boat. I have also gotten a lot of encouragement looking at others pictures and I think seeing others pictures and seeing what they have accomplished has helped me a lot. Especially now that surgery is getting close and it is getting a lot scarier. So, hopefully one day, my pictures will help someone else to know that if I can do it, so can they!!!


Jan 06, 2008

Hello...Wow how time flies when the surgery date gets closer and closer. I have 1 week from tomorrow. I go to the hospital thursday for all my pre-op stuff and then next tuesday is the big day. Since we live 2 hours away from the hospital and we have 3 kids that will be staying with friends, I have a lot to do. So, I am trying to get all the last minute things taken care of and hoping that I don't forget anything

About Me
Scottsbluff, NE
Surgery Date
Dec 18, 2007
Member Since

Friends 39

Latest Blog 7
Almost 3 months out
2 Weeks Out!
Hello Again
**** 3 Days To go*****
Hello Again
My turtle picture
