Slow and sure wins

Jun 19, 2010

Well, it's almost 2 weeks out (12 days). I think my nausea is undercontroll FINALLY. I was sure thinking I'd never feel better, it was very discouraging. Truthfully, it's still not easy. I've been able to get out of the house some. I went to the grocery yesterday and felt like I was going to pass out. I left my teenager at the deli and went to sit down with some old men. I was dizzy, I just have so few calories going in.

I've been able to eat some blended foods- it's hard to keep track of the fluids/stopping before eating thing. Getting in the vitamins, ect. I'm eating babyfood pears as I write. I'm able to do more around the house now, I sorted stuff from my 5 years olds room for a fund raiser yard sale (to donate), got a load of laundry ready. Thankfully my teenager and hubby have both been very helpful!

I see the dr. on monday. I'll post my progress again then.

Here's to feeling good!

Nausea, Nausea go away......

Jun 15, 2010

Like the old song, but I don't want it to come back some other day! If It makes sense, the phenergan makes me nauseated even more- it's so nasty and it does very little to help. Can someone who had this nausea assure me that it is going to go away, and some day I'll feel good again??? I'm useless right now! (trying to keep a good attitude)

One week post op!

Jun 13, 2010

Well, my surgery was in progress this time last monday. Today- I'm still wondering what in the world did I do to my system. I'm not sure if other's have this same feeling right after surgery. Sat was a great day, I felt really good, I went out, shopped at the thrift shop. Sunday I did not feel well at all. I did not think I had pain, but took the med anyway, and then I did feel better.

Today my hubby will be at work and I will be home with a busy/needy 5 year old. Let's hope for the best. I'm still holding on to the hope that in a year or so, I will be happy with this decision.

I still wake up with terrible gas a diarrhea, I need to start the protien powder "shakes" today, but I need to venture out to buy more. The dietiaian where I go, does not give me consistant info. One one paper she said the EAS brand was ok, then when I e-mailed her she said yes, even when I told her it had 17g of sugar/serving. Well we are to have less than 5g/serving. I'm afraid if I drink this I'll have dumping- I already feel bad enough I don't want that. Maybe I can have someone drive me to the store. 

It's over

Jun 10, 2010

I'm home now- had a few "minor" setbacks. Had a low level of phos, and got some iv's for that, had allergic reaction to the oral pain med, and have low urine output and needed a fluid bolus. My gastric test was terrible- the stuff would not go down, they repeated the test x3, and I threw up! I had to wait to drink fluids because they were not going down- to swollen to it just was'nt working out.

I'm home now- it may be better to ask if I'm happy to have had this surgery- some other day way in the future. CONSTANT NAUSEA!

Wishing better days for me and for everyone else!

Can't sleep- so nervous- please pray for me!

Jun 05, 2010

Last evening I spoke to a friend of mind who had the same surgery 7 months ago. She is at times unkind (she does not seem to help herself) She told me she was looking forward to her surgery, and I guess thinks we are all just like her.
I was so upset last night after talking with her that I was in tears when I went to bed. I had dreams about falling in the bathroom at the hospital, having a wound that opened up and needed a skin graft, and missing a post op appt that was the day after surgery. I work up again in tears.

I just hope I can make it through today- I'm really a hot mess. The average patient does not think of the things I think about- like surgery mistakes that are fatal (and happened to my best friend), waking up on a vent, or with a colostomy! ARG!

At this point, I have no excitement about being thin in the future- it's all worry.  All I can say to the surgery staff is they had better knock me out when I get in the door.

Thanks for the prayers!

36 hours to go :o!

Jun 05, 2010

Well this is it! I don't know if I can articulate what I'm feeling. Most times, I'm ok, sometimes, I second guess myself.
I've spoken to other nurses I work with and it seems that we worry about things that most other people are not even aware of.  I've heard Nurses make bad patients- I'll be good when I wake up (as long as all is well, LOL).

I'm afraid to wake up on a vent in ICU or with a colostomy- my worst nightmare! My dr. does not require bowel prep, but I'm thinking of doing that anyway. I don't want problems of any kind. I'm sterilzing my belly every day. I'm a HOT MESS!

Let's hope God blesses me with unexplained strength!

See you on the other side- I pray!

Day 4 of liquid diet

May 27, 2010

I have to admit that today, I could have at the door off the refridgerator! I only had the shakes untill 5:30, then when I got home, I finally had the allowed vegtable FF soup. Ah- much better. Memorial day picnic's will be hard, but managable.

At work when other's are eating, I go to the gym at the hospital. Luckly, it is very close to my department and it should help with the weight loss. I'd estimate I'm eating 500 calories a day, I'm hoping for a big number for weight loss. But, my system acts screwy- so I guess I should hope for 3-4 lbs for these weeks pre op.

See ya soon!

scared to tears- need support

May 23, 2010

Well, Today is my last day to eat food. So many changes- can I do this? So many doubts, I look at all the successful photo's of before and after-s and it does help.  But my little boy (5) came in the bathroom when I got out of the shower and he smiled at me, it brought me to tears, because I don't want to be in the .5% of people who die. I'm a mom, and I don't want to leave my family. As a nurse, I've actually told people they are not going to die and then watched helplessly while they slip away.

Has anyone else been this anxious? I'm going to a Steak house with my hubby tonite for my last supper. I think he is afraid for me too, he wants us to go to a nice hotel for the night before my surgery June 7th. I don't want it to be our last date.

Maybe I need some ativan, xanax, something! It would be good to hear from anyone else who has gone through this terrible fear and came out ok!

Surgery date, June 7th

May 17, 2010

Ok- now I could use some advise! I start my liquid diet a week from today. I'm nervous that I will not be able to tolerate the hunger. Any suggestions?

I'm satisfied with my decision to have the surgery, but I don't  want to think about what can go wrong. I've been thinking about this for 3 years, and made many deals with my self- like if I don't loose, xyz pounds by..... Then I'll have the surgery. I never met any of my self imposed dates, and I now weigh more than ever before.

Please share advise about how you dealt with the emotions pre=op.



Apr 21, 2010

I got the call yesterday that I have been approved by the insurance company! Well I'm nervous and excited. I don't want to be the one who dies, or has complications. I'm the only one working here, my hubby is planning to go to school in the fall. I just can't be the one to have problems. I need to get back to work asap! So say a prayer for me!
Also I'm graduating College (again) in a few weeks- so I have alot going on!

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Surgery Date
Aug 30, 2007
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