eating the house

Oct 31, 2010

Im eating the house. I am PMS... going to bleed any day now. I feel "hungry" a lot of the time. Mostly its not real hunger. Mostly it's head hunger, emotional, or just bored. Weekends are hard....

My partner is mostly inactive - cant walk for long. I wanted to go to Apple Hill today but I knew she would have difficulty walking and her feet would hurt after our first stop. I mentioned that I wanted to go, just to see what she thought. Yep, she thought it would be bad for her feet. I wish she was healthier so that we could be active together.

After the Apple Hill plan got nixed, I decided to veg out on the couch most of the day. I made us a fantastic and mostly healthy breakfast. I vegged out for a while on the couch and then got in the mood to make a WLS friendly apply crisp. It was a success! Its not something that I could have on a regular basis, but it was a nice treat.

Tomorrow will be better. I will be back at work. structure and planning is key to me staying on my food plan. My goals for this week:

Gym - hitting the gym hard this week. Every single day. Period. No talking myself out of it.

Food - planning my food each day. No unplanned eating. Plan meals... and although I am not supposed to have "snacks" on my eating plan, I am going to plan snacks too - this will help with sticking to healthy snacks instead of random grazing.

Journalling - I need to journal more about how I feel. I think that I need to do this on paper with a pencil. something about this grounds me.

Water - need to focus on my water. 64 oz at a minimum.

This week is a new beginning. period or no period. Im on board.


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Nov 28, 2009
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