Pre opping before its time

Dec 21, 2009

So I was reading around this past weekend and found Mary T from Tx and her pre op diet

I thought to myself-- ok the last week has been good but not good enough-- too many carbs too much sugar  even though I have had no meat and i track all of my foods (i didnt yesterday but thats because i was mad and thats a stupid reason)

so i thought im off for two weeks and let me see what i can do with 10 days of Mary's Pre Op diet... i can do 4 protein shakes a day and just see if i can match her results... ok see I am not even that greedy... i dont need to match them

i dont need to do the 29 in 10 days (dont get me wrong, Id love it!!) but if i could do say 19 I would be over the moon... and that would take me to the day I meet the surgeon for our first visit....

so today was day 1 and i am on my second shake-- its good and since i am at home i am throwing them in the magic bullet thingy with a couple of ice cubes and its like dessert....

i know the first three days are the worst with the side effects but im home and i want to see if i can do this!!

im feeling good about day one but im only half way through it-- tomorrow will be the fun part when I tell Kay that no thanks i dont want the fancy coffee/vodka/whipped cream coffee drink she makes me....

and i will have my shake before i go to the bar so that at least i will have gotten what I NEED and i can stick with water and possibly a diet coke-- its almost january 1 and im supposed to stop drinking diet coke then....,, hahahahhahahahaha

21 days with no meat-- and i am feeling real good about that

edited to add first day totals

Cals     Fat       Cholest           Sodium            Carbs    Sugars          Fiber        Protein  

480      27g      15mg                330mg               18g         3g                 12g           45g



Dec 11, 2009

So I get on the scale this am..... I tend to do that when I am doing well as it keeps me motivated to make sure I have stayed on track the day before...

Yesterday was a rest day from the wii but I still did 30 minutes of "playing" with about 10 minutes each of batting practice, punching the bag and bowling.... and I have stuck to the no meat deal... 10 complete days now .... yesterday did include my first drink but I had made allowances for the trip to Belloo's so I was confident that wouldn't trip me up....

Yesterday also included not one but two salads so I felt good about the extra veggies....and I am really increasing my water.. I like that

but the scaled showed a total of 11.5 down now -- like 2.5 pounds in 2 days... since December 1 and while I know its generally water I am ok with that ( I take lasix daily so water build up doesnt tend to be a problem anyway)...

so that leaves me almost three weeks (one day shy) to lose at least 8.5 pounds. I know its shallow and superficial and stupid but I just want to show the PA I am not a lazy failure....



Dec 08, 2009

So yesterday I bought a Wii system... for anyone that knows me; that's just insane... I don't "DO" video games.. I don't think I have played since Pacman and Zelda...

But I bought a wii and it came with wii sports... so I came home and once I (sort of) figured out how to use the stupid remote thingy.. I worked out for about 45 minutes and was shocked to realize how much I felt the boxing afterwards.. I had gotten it knowing I wanted to do the tennis.. I used to play quite a bit and quite well (on the tennis team in school) until I broke my knee (which would be when the weight gain began).

Today a coworker sold me her EA Active with the band and the leg strap (and honestly,it barely fits) but the co workers size 00 ass doesnt really need or use it... so she liked making the extra money on selling something she has used twice.

I brought it home and plugged it up and set up my new persona -- it only went to 300 so my first big goal is to actually be the weight my wii says I am... but i set it up and agreed to the 30 day challenge and picked a trainer. I did the whole first workout.. I DID ALL THE EXERCISES. E V E R Y O N E   O F  T H E M !!

I thought I might die a couple of times and when I thought I couldn't run anymore I saw how far I had come and how little I had to go and I kept on going.... but I have worked out two days in a row and I will work out tomorrow before my rest day on EA Active for Thursday. But I have a feeling I might play a couple of games of tennis or box a little.

I want to be as close to the 307 as I can be come 12/31... day 2 of exercise and day 8 of no meat...

I actually told the 00 today that I might need some medical time off (yeah she is HR and my immediate supervisor) in the middle of the year. I have tons of time and in fact, am taking the last two weeks of the year off just so I don't lose the time... so that's not a problem. But I am the only one at my work who can do my job. I told her that while I would need probably a week and I shouldn't need more that it was very conceivable that I could work from home for that time... (yeah I have issues with leaving work at work but i am trying to break that.....I have done so much better since my beloved mother, z'l, passed away three and a half years ago)

But I also know that in this economy I need to make sure I have a job and if that means catching up and working at home then so be it!

I am watching the Biggest Loser finale and once again wishing I could be the one with the dramatic weight loss... I was quite happy with the 5.5 pounds lost last week.... I just want to be healthy and thinner and at my goal.... and with or without the lapband tool, it has to be up to me!

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Big Steps

Dec 07, 2009

I have wanted to lose weight for years... more years than I care to count to be quite honest...

Sometimes I would be successful...sometimes I would be very successful. But only at the losing. I could never keep it off. Maybe I wasn't motivated ENOUGH? Who knows.

I would always gain it back.. I have never hit the high point again.. in fact i am 27 pounds from that so I have maintained somewhat of a loss, I guess. So maybe I am not a complete failure.

I went to the dr for a routine sinus infection 12/2. The day before I had decided to give up what little meat I did eat... but the two are unrelated... the dr visit (i saw a PA) was not a good one.. I asked for help and I get the same ole song and dance... "just eat 1400 calories and lose 20 pounds in a month... thats 4 a week-- anyone can do that"

Well, bitch, no not everyone can and if I asked you for help, doesn't that tell you that ohhh I don't know, need help?? 

She quite cavalierly said you need to have WLS and wrote out a consult for the surgeon there... and to think she had been recommended as being a nice woman... yeahh well not so much.

Sure, I had thought about WLS for years... since a friend had done it earlier in the decade. But no one locally did it and it wasn't something I wanted to be far away from home while doing...but I stopped at the counter to make the appointment she so rudely told me I needed to find out that wasn't the process... the nice receptionist lady had to deal with my tears and my drama-- poor receptionist lady.

She said the informational sessions were held the first and third Wednesday of the month and that was the first step to do anything else. The last thing I wanted to do was parade my fat ass into a room of anyone and admit I couldn't do it on my own....

But I thought the timing providential so I worked up the courage (took 15 minutes in the car the next night) and I went.

I called the next day and made the first consult appointment. He can see me 12/31....

I weighed 327 that day of the information session.  My goal is to be down the 20 that the PA wanted just to show's not gonna happen but I want to show her and myself that I am not a failure.

I am afraid to get my hopes up because I don't want to be denied and then have put all my hopes on that and it not happen.

I also haven't told many people here... and won't... even if approved. The Boyfriend knows and a close friend... but this is my battle .... I have the time at work and will deal with that bridge when I get to it.

But I have scoured this site (thanks Bridget Jones) and have printed off tons of materials so as to make better choices both before and hopefully, after.

In the week since I have given up all meat, I have lost 5.5 pounds.... January 1 I give up diet coke... trust me, that will be a bigger deal than meat....

But I am so tired of losing and gaining the same 25 pounds that I can't see straight.... this time it needs to be different. I need to be different....

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