120 Pounds

Feb 06, 2009

Well I have lost 120 pounds and it feels great. I still have not reached my goal weight and I am 1 year out.

Century Mark

Aug 26, 2008

As of today 8/27/2008 I have lost 100 pounds!!!!

April 22, 2008 - 60 Pounds

Apr 21, 2008

Yes I have hit 60 pounds, it seems like a dream and I just thank God that he has kept me healthy and strong to see this process thru.  I am enjoying the ride of my life on my way to the new me.

April 16, 2008

Apr 16, 2008

Well it is Wednesday, April 16, 2008 and I am feeling great.  I am down 54 pounds and I have never felt better.  Not even when I lost 65 pounds last year and worked out 3 times a day.  Yes an impossible schedule to keep up with.  I have all this energy and I love going outside using up that energy.  I don't feel like I am depriving myself, I think this is the best thing I ever did for myself.

50 Fifty Pounds Lost

Apr 04, 2008

Well I am almost 8 weeks out and I have lost a total of Fifty pounds.  I had my surgery on February 5, 2008 and today is April 4, 2008 and it feels great I am currently wearing a size 18/20 depends on the cut.  Boy are things different, people start to treat you differently and it is not alway a good thing.  But this surgery was not about anyone else it was about me and getting health and giving myself the best life possible with few to no co-mobidities at all.  I am completely off of blood pressure medication since the day I came home from the hospital.  I am concerned with how slow my midsection is going down, but I am trying to work out more intensely on that area but it still does not seem to be moving.  

March 9, 2008

Mar 09, 2008

Well I have lost a 33 lbs since my surgery on 2/5/08.  I feel that it is moving fairly slow, but I am very optimistic that it will continue to move.  I have my goail set for 150 and I am sure that I will reach that weight.  God is so good to have allowed me to reach this far and all I can see ahead is skinny.

February 21, 2008

Feb 21, 2008

Well I have lost a total of 23 lbs. and that is so awesome, in 2 weeks and 2 days.  I just can't help but feel like it should be so much more.  I see some people that have this surgery and they lose that in a week and even with that being said I am still greatful that my Lord allowed me to go through this surgery with smooth sailing and that I feel incredible.  And I now have bone structure that is noticeable in my face and I will soon have it back in my body.  I am loving the forming of my body but I really cant wait to see it form a little faster and to have my clothes start hanging off me.  If any one reads this and is on the fence about having this procedure, then I will tell you if you have tried everything else now try what will really work.  This is my new begining and I can't wait for each day to unfold, now if I can just stay away from that darn scale.

February 8, 2008

Feb 08, 2008

All is well, I had my procedure on Tuesday, February 5, 2008 I went into surgery around 10:30 am and everything was great.  When I came out of surgery my blood pressure shot thru the roof.  I stayed in recovery until around 3:00 pm and they got my blood pressure stabilized.  I was released from the hospital on Thursday, February 7, 2008.  It was a wonderful hospital experience and I have never received that level of customer service from any business.  Great Job! Emory Johns Creek Hospital, Johns Creek, GA.  The staff there rocks!!!  

I went for a walk today and it felt great I am gasy and trying to find a way to get my protein in after feeling bloated from this gasy feeling.

February 1, 2008 - Pre-Op

Feb 01, 2008

Well today, I did my pre-op and I had my final visit with the surgeon.  Nothing left to do but have my RNY and go to the losing side.  I am ready and I will be  getting things in order to make my first few days after surgery as smooth as possible.  Thank you Lord for this life changing opportunity! 

January 30, 2008 It's the count down!!!Six days left!!

Jan 30, 2008

Today I had my Dietician appointment to learn about all the meals I can no longer have and about the protein shakes and water I will be drinking.  I am so happy that I have only 6 days left to being on the losing side.

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 20, 2007
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 16
Century Mark
April 22, 2008 - 60 Pounds
April 16, 2008
50 Fifty Pounds Lost
March 9, 2008
February 21, 2008
February 8, 2008
February 1, 2008 - Pre-Op
January 30, 2008 It's the count down!!!Six days left!!
