Finally Decided to Update

Jun 08, 2013

So, I finally decided to update. Here it goes. Back in mid March I developed reflux for a couple of days and then I was sick to my stomach. I thought maybe it was just the flu. I started researching band slips online and they mentioned reflux and vomiting. I remembered about the reflux and immediately called my surgeons office. They got me in and saw that my band had slipped. They removed all the fluid out of my band. I had an appointment already set for a fill in April so, I kept that appointment for a check up. When I went back in my band was still slipped. In fact, the part of my stomach that had come up was creating an odd pouch on the side above my band. My food was going down and to the side above my band and some of it would go through. My doctor told me that my band was not revisable due to how old it was. The newer ones are revisable mine was not. I was told it needed to come out. EEEK that freaked me out. I had not lost any weight in a few years but, the fear of putting more back on was horrifying to me.

A little history, I got my band Dec 2006. I lost 70lbs. In 2008 I had a beautiful daughter. Since then I have gained 20lbs. back and struggled. I am still extremely happy that I had kept 50lbs. off. When I was told my band had to be removed I immediately said I wanted another band. Then I decided to come on here and start doing some research. I did not realize how many people are having problems with the band. The more I thought about it, I was not so sure I wanted to deal with the possibility of another surgery after this next one. With the band there is so much uncertainty. I then looked into the sleeve. I had done tons of research on it including attending another seminar at my Surgeon's office. I came to the conclusion the sleeve was the best option for me. When my band did work correctly I was happy. I loved that I could eat a bit and feel satisfied. From everything I read the sleev does what the band should have. As scary as it is having 80% of my stomach removed, it is even scarier to think that I could gain all my weight back. I want to be able to keep up with my daughter and husband. They are both very active and I want to make sure my daughter continues that path rather than one of obesity.

Well, I did it. May 20th I was able to get my band removed and converted to a sleeve. It was a stressful couple of months. The first time they submitted to my insurance I was denied the revision due to "non-compliance". Yeah right... I lost 70lbs. had a baby and am still down 50lbs. After talking to the patient advocate she said I had to show more visits to the doc. Then I remembered that my PCP has been doing weight checks on me for a couple of years. So I mentioned this. She immediately contacted my PCP office and they faxed my records that just happened to state "patient compliant with diet and exercise". REALLY, I was thrilled. She re-submitted and I was approved. My other stress was that I had no idea if my surgeries could be done at the same time. My surgeon can not commit to doing both in one surgery until he goes in. It all depends on how much scar tissue there is. If there is a lot he waits 6 months between. So, I had no idea he did it in one until I wok up after surgery. All I can say was, wow, what a relief he did them together.

I am now almost 3 weeks out and doing pretty good. I have been able to get 80g of protein in each of the last 2 days. I am still struggling with the water (at about 40 to 50oz) but, I keep trying. I rode my bike today for the first time since surgery and feel pretty good. I am extremely happy to be eating pureed foods. I had been on liquids for a month (ugh that was hard). I still have thoughts of what did I do? Was this the right thing? However, then I think about my daughter and being able to do things with her and being here for her. This is so important to me. I so hope this works for me. of course I have my doubts especially since I think I am in one of those dreaded stalls. I have not lost anything for 4 days now. Hopefully things will change soon.

So, this has been my update. Amazing how life changes so quickly. I never thought I would be having another WLS this year. However, I truly believe everything happens for a reason. This is definitely the change I needed.


Happy Bandaversary to Me!

Dec 03, 2007

I can not believe it has been a year already. Well, last year I was having my surgery and now this year here I am 70lbs. lighter. I was so excited this morning when I stepped on the scale and saw that I hit 70lbs. gone. I think this week I am going to try to find a new picture of myself for my profile. I have had the same picture up for a year now and it is time to change it.

Okay, so I am getting a little nervous about the holidays this year. I don't remember having to bake as much in the past. I have to make 7 dozen cookies for our Euchre group for Friday (they want to do a cookie exchange) It sounds like a lot of fun, but I do not want to bring seven dozen cookies back into my house. I think I will just have to bring them to work. Then, Saturday I have a Christmas party to go to, I have to make a large platter of taco dip - great more food at the party. Then, Sunday I have an ornament exchange and I need to bring something to that as well. The following Wednesday is our annual food day for the Holidays at work. That means more baking. Thursday I have a potluck to go to and Friday, a pastry exchange at work. EEEEK this is a lot of food, and bad food. This will be a true test for my band. I just need to be careful in my selections, and exercise. Wish me luck.

Another Fill

Nov 30, 2007

Well, I got another fill yesterday. Now I am back to where I was when I was too full. I talked to my doctor about it and he said it may have been to soon before. So, I am hoping this time it works. So far everything has been going down fine. I got some encouraging words from Dr. Rantis yesterday. He said he was happy with my progress and not to get upset about the plateau. He mentioned I was doing just fine. He was real helpful with his suggestion to try to get back on track with working out. He totally understood when I told him how turned off I was by my new trainer. So, I am hoping to get back to the gym within the week, and find a new trainer.

Scale going wrong way!

Nov 28, 2007

Well, the scale is moving the wrong way! I have gained 2lbs. this past week. I can not seem to shake past 70lbs. lost and now I am only at 68lbs. lost. The good news is I have a fill scheduled for tomorrow. Only thing is, I am not sure how much he will be able to fill. I am currently at 2.25cc in my 4cc band. The last time I had 2.5cc in my band I was too full. I had to get an unfill. My weight has barely moved since my last fill 3 months ago. URGH! I am getting frustrated. I am looking for some encouraging words. Anyone have any suggestions for me?

It's been a long time!

Nov 14, 2007

Wow! It has been a long time since I posted. I know I have not posted lately because I am at a stand still. My weight has not really moved in a couple of months. I know I should probably call for a fill. I just got back from vacation and of course I did not want to get a fill before I left. Now that I am back I keep thinking maybe if I ate better and GOT MY BUTT TO THE GYM I would be losing. I am currently at a loss of 69lbs. I was at 70 but, gained a couple and then lost one. I know that I would be doing MUCH better if I was working out. I also know that my food choices lately have not been good. Does any one have some advice for getting back on track? Also, I am looking for food ideas. I feel like I just need to get some sample menus that I can follow. I was doing so well for a long time, now I feel like I need to be re-trained on foods I should be eating again.

I am really looking for meal ideas (breakfast, lunch (for at work) and dinner) If anyone has anything for me that would be great.

Another Update

Oct 08, 2007

I didn't realize how long it has been since my last update. Well, my weight has not really moved too much STILL! I know it is my fault since I have not been eating as well as I should be and I have not been exercising. Yesterday my scale showed my weight down another 3 pounds for a total loss of 68lbs. However, I do not want to get my hopes up. The scale seems to go up and down lately. I have promised myself to eat better this week. I think one of the other problems I have been having is that my band is very picky. One day it loves chicken, the next day it hates it. So, I sometimes have been resorting to whatever I can get down which of course has not been the healthiest. I had leftover chicken today for lunch I was able to get a few bites down. Then I gave up. But, since then I had a snack (not a horrible one - a 100 calorie cookie pack) - bad Judy - bad bad Judy. Anyway, my goal this week is to stay on track with my eating. Try not to snack and drink more water. I will report next week if I could do it.

Just an update

Sep 19, 2007

Well, I thought I would just give an update on my progress. HMMM - well, my weight is not really moving. It goes down between 2-4lbs. and then back up 2lbs, etc. I have basically been hovering around the same for a couple of months now. My total loss so far is 65lbs. I am sure this weight not moving thing is due to not exercising regularly like I was. I need to get back to the gym!!! Anyone got some motivation for me? I can't find any. Ever since I had to find a new trainer I have been turned off from exercising. I really did not like my new one and now I am just unmotivated. I have started to exercise on my lunch our at work. The only issue I am running into with this, is that unless you go at 11am or after 1:30pm it is hard to find a machine. So, I guess I really need to get my butt back into the gym! URGH - this exercise thing is so tough!!!

Another Fill

Sep 04, 2007

Wow! I have not written in quite awhile. Well, I went to my doctor yesterday for a fill. Thank goodness. I have been way too loose since my unfill. I know because I have been able to eat more than I should at each meal. Dr. Rantis put in .25cc. So, I now have 2.25cc in my 4cc band. I am hoping this is very close to my sweet spot. So, I am currently on liquids - yuck I hate liquids only. Sometimes I just want to chew.

I think last time I wrote I was leaving for my cruise. The cruise was GREAT! We had 22 of us on it. The other great news about that is I only gained 2 pounds and it is already gone. I know - I should not be excited about gaining anything but, it is really hard on a cruise. Not to mention some alcoholic drinks as well (loaded with calories). But, hey I gotta live a little!

For the last month my weight has not gone anywhere. (Other then up 2 pounds and then back down). I am so excited to see if the scales will move after this fill yesterday. By the way so far I have lost 62 pounds. My goal is 80 pounds by the end of the year.

Please feel free to write me. I love hearing from people.

Slippage Scare

Aug 06, 2007

Well, I went to the doctor last Thursday. I had the appointment scheduled since the last time I was there. My doctor wanted to be more aggresive so, he wanted to make sure I came back for a fill in 2 weeks (he was out of town last week) so, it ended up being 3 weeks. I was having problems getting any food down since my last fill. It was strange, one day I could eat and the next day I was struggling to even get soup down. The good thing is I lost 7 pounds but, I was not getting anywhere near the amount of protein and water I should get. When I told my doctor about this he immediately ordered a upper GI. He said he wanted to make sure that my band did not slip. Before I went for the test he took out .5cc. So, I now have 2cc in my 4cc band. I was so happy to hear that my band did NOT slip. Unfortunately I now only have 2cc's in my band, and I can eat too much. I am hoping he will put part of the .5 he took out back in soon. I am a bit nervous because I am going on a cruise in a couple of days and I do not want to gain weight. I am really going to try not to. I think I will try to make a fill appointment for when I get back. At least then if I gain anything I can hopefully get rid of it. (Not that I am planning on gaining)

Checking In

Jul 24, 2007

Well, I thought I would check in. I had a fill almost 2 weeks ago and I have lost 5lbs. Why? Becuase I CAN"T EAT! Okay, this can be really annoying. One day I can eat, the next day I can't even get chicken soup down. My husband has been great through all of this. He has made me 2 batches of chicken noodle soup (from scratch) and a batch of Beef noodle soup all since my last fill. He really wants me to be able to get something down and he sees how hard I have been struggling. My doctor wants to do another fill next week, but I have not even recovered from this last one. I am also leaving on a cruise in a couple of weeks, I would like to at least not be sick after every time I eat.

Anyway, at least I am losing weight through all of this. I have been really bad though, I have not gone to work out in 2 weeks. I have been afraid to go since I have not eaten much. I really need to get back to the gym. It is so easy to fall off of a routine. So, my goal for this week, GO WORKOUT!

About Me
Palatine, IL
Surgery Date
Dec 27, 2006
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 37
Happy Bandaversary to Me!
Another Fill
Scale going wrong way!
It's been a long time!
Another Update
Just an update
Another Fill
Slippage Scare
Checking In
