Hello, my name is Tammy. I am 43 and weigh in at my heaviest 250. I have2 grown boyz, one in the Marines (just back from Iraq) , the other a small business owner in construction.  I have a butt skinny husband of 16 years and he is very supportive and has never said a unkind word about my weight. My favorite thing is playing with my 3 dogs and being with my grandkids and family.

My story is like so many others out there who struggle with weight. Had a normal childhood as far as weight goes and really didn't start seeing a lot of weight gain until my early 30's when I started going through a lot of stressful things. Outside of the usual lose 15 gain 20 in my 20's I didn't think it was that big of deal until I was 32year old and in a size 18. By then my mom who was also my best friend had terminal cancer and I was eating to feel better. She was suppost to live 3 mos and the Lord healed her and gave us 6 years before a different cancer came and took her life. I was always an overcomer and this was not going to beat me. I had survived an abusive 6 year marriage with 2 children, dropped out of school at 16 to marry him. Finished school in 82 and divorced him in 83 remarried in 91. Then when I seen God heal my mother off her death bed before my very eyes I got serious about the Lord and went to bible college and became an ordained minister. I became a deliverance minister with a passion for casting out devils and educating people on not just the behavior and presence of Angels but also Demons. I was strong in my walk with God and believe all things are possible with HIM. So how come I can't beat this weight thing. Man, I put myself through the ringer and can not get a handle on it. 1.5 years after my mom passed away my 3 yr old grandson was diagnoised with terminal brain cancer. Another blow... He was given no hope and Dr.s told us he would live 6 mos. All the prayers in the world did not help and we lost our Gage almost 6 mos to the day. My baby grandson died Sept 3, 2003. I got lost in helping others and ate myself into a 22/24 250# mama. Even as I am writing this I can see the cycle, sad eat, happy eat, depressed eat, happy eat. Need to feel better eat. WOW. I took out all those emotions on myself. No one could help me, I am the one that helps everyone else.... Well now it's time for me, time to get help and time to get healthy, time to get my life back. So here goes my journey...The Lord is with us even when we feel so alone. He truly is the only one that sticks closer than a brother...

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About Me
hamilton, OH
Surgery Date
Oct 22, 2006
Member Since

Friends 96

Latest Blog 49
1 yr out
5 lbs to GOAL
Hey Blessings are God's gift
65 LBS#
55 lbs
I need more protein
Finally in the ONESIE'S
