sad and depressed

Jan 26, 2011

I am sad and depressed at the weight I am at. I am 80 over my lowest and only 50-60 shy of reaching my all time high. That is just to close. Now that health issues are getting under controle then I will get to attacking the revision for me, I feel it is the  only thing that is my rescue from a most likely hell I am in time going to see. OH Lord I so need you now... Amen,


Insurance Issues, dang it any hows

Jul 15, 2010

Had been working with my medicale records and insurance to get in and be seen by dr oh here in Federal Way, but they declined me on account of they don't accept one of my insurances, so now I must start over at UW in Seattle Wa. Not looking forward to it at all, but must do what must be done. Hope mood gets to feeling better, still down on myself about weight and other things as well. : ( 


Apr 24, 2010

I am very ashamed and depressed at how I have ended up. Weight loss surgery Feb 26, 2007, weight 320, lowest weight abt 180, never having chance to reach a lower weight, now I am a large 250. I did wrong in every way. I take most of the blame. Of course I did not have any support after seeing dr for my third and finale time before moving. I am now at work attempting to get into the wls here in Federal Way Wa. Dr Oh is his name, and God knows I would love for a revision. I am still 100 pounds and my bmi is high. So guess I will see where and what goes on after I get into to see him. Seeing him has been and still is a struggle. I have yet to see a dr since 07, I don't know what is wrong or right inside. I know I am in  need of much help, and I will take whatever comes my way.
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Yes, Finally

Feb 16, 2010

I have finally been able to get a lay out to work on this pc or site. It was really annoying me something awful, but was going to keep working on it until I could get it to work.

I finally faxed a medicale request form to my wls drs office. So they will or should be faxing them to my reg dr here in Tacoma soon. Then I am so hoping to see a Dr in Federal Way, find out whats going on inside, and if I qualify for a revisisiono. I would like one, but any help to get to loosing and loosing good is welcomed even if it means no revisision, but God knows how I so want and how I so feel I am in need of one and soon. I was so close to goal weight, and now I am over 80 pounds away. Depresses me every single day, have to fight pass the depression all the time, yes, it effects me that much. I feel like a major failure. Well will post when I hear that my dr has the medicale records. Today was a productive day. Can say that helps the depression allot to sit back and say wow, look at what I got done and the good ones that have been needing to be tended to forever.
Well my friends, I must go. I am sleepy, pain medications, so I am really hoping to see a pain specialist for my fibro soon. If anyone out there whos reads this and has dealt with pain clinics or pain drs hit me up, would like to hear about what I might be looking at once I start working with one.
God bless, and no worries, I am hanging in there awaiting  now for some possible great changes. Night night everyone


Feb 13, 2010

can't get my layout to work for me, late so going to bed, will be working more on it again, I can't leave it like this....


Feb 13, 2010

abt my lightest,<------------> this is about what
want to be there <----------> I look like now,
or lighter..... <-------------->not acceptable at all.

I am wondering why I am not whare I want and need to be. Gained from 180 to 253 and have lost to 232-240. This is not what I want to weigh and it is really depressing me.


Away but not GONE : )

Jan 10, 2010

Through the Holidays I was away but not gone.
I have been dealing with vitamin D deficiency, fibro flares, and allot of head aches/ migraines. I just have had a hard time. The Dr is running tests and hope that there will be some relief. Of course in the mean time I am getting back on track once again. I gained a little over Christmas, but have lost it, or so thats what the scale says any how. So I am feeling pretty good about that. Just wished it could come off faster, yet I know in the real world that isn't the case.
Well have much I want to try to get done today...

1 comment

2009 Coming to an end

Dec 23, 2009

2009 Is coming to an end. My focus for the upcomig 2010 of course is to loose more weight. I am also focused on getting into better shape, and making the best changes and the best decision for my life in all areas, I have let myself go and that isn't going to happen in 2010, or at least  I am truely praying for it to be so.

Tired of this

Dec 16, 2009

I really am tired of hurting. Last night I laid awake for most of the night hurting. My hips, lower back, and stomach area. If it keeps bothering me I will go into my dr and then do what I can to get into a gastric bypass dr, its been years since I moved  here abt 3 years ago..

Vit D deficiency

Dec 14, 2009

Hello fellow friends. Just found out I am defeint of D Vitamin. Dr has placed me on vitamin D perscription. So hoping it will be replaced soon. I don't have any idea of how long this takes, just know I am praying to feel better and soon. My hips have been killing me for months, just thought it was the fibro, finally asked Dr for pain meds, going on 2nd month, so maybe with improvement to the vit D I will be able to get off all pain meds, or if not all the way off then most of the way. Been kind of nice help in killing the pain. I don't have to deal with it and how it holds me back.
Weight loss is steady, haven't lost any, and even regained a couple of pounds. This is not the end to my work, nope, going to keep on going in hopes to reach Dr goal for me. Just an extreme three-four days for me. Shopping, taking care of cars needs, might have to park the car until I can get work done on it in order to pass the emmisions test. Flunked the first one when I went to get my tags. SO many stressful things going on with the darn thing, sometimes it doesn't sound to bad to just park it and forget about it for awhile. If I park it, then I won't be parking my butt in it as often, and will have to walk to and from busses and so forth.
Well going to say good night, haven't felt good all day. And now I am just exausted.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 03, 2006
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Before & After
rollover to see after photo
just before my tummy tuck. Not getting to do much moving afterwards I regained 50lbs, so bumbed.

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