Day Three, Some Ups & Some Downs

Jan 14, 2011

Well came home from hospital Wednesday early afternoon. 

Wednesday evening was pretty horrible. I couldn’t take the pain liquid – way too sweet made me gag. Sipped water but seemed like the water bottle never got empty. Finally fell asleep on the couch but tossed and turned because of pain in my lower back. 

Thursday I was pretty out of it, finally diluted pain med in an ounce of water and got it down. Also got the prilosec down. Got about 2-ounces of protein drink down in about 6 hrs. Also had 6 tiny spoonfuls of yogurt. Still sipping on water and not feeling like I’m getting anywhere. Got second dose of pain med in and made it upstairs to bed, slept much better but still pain in lower back. 

Woke this morning feeling a bit better. Really wanted a shower but opted to take a bath cause I wasn’t sure I was strong enough, it felt so good to soak. I’ve gotten 4-ounces of protein drink in so far this morning and feel so much better. Am hoping to maybe try some broth or soup later today.  Thanks for letting my share the process, it helps putting it in writing. Looking forward to a weekend of improvements.



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Pierre, SD
Jul 28, 2010
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