My story has VANISHED into thin air.......I poured my soul into that novel and dern it! It's gone lol.....GONE I tell you.......POOF!

BUT, I do wanna put my update, lol.......and as I am fighting a super agressive migraine, I'm gonna do my best to jot down what's what.

With having thyroid issues, part of my 'paperwork' is to have a release from my endocrinologist.  Well, it had been awhile since I had seen him, so I called my PCP.  She had me come in, we did labs last friday and my results were to be in this past Monday.  Well, they came in all right but WAY outta whack.  She had me come in to discuss what was going on.  My levels should have been around 4 but mine were 46!!! CRUD!  So she had me come back in today to do labs, hoping they were wrong.  I will know on Monday.  This will be a HUGE hurdle as its one of the last things I need for this process to be done with and a date set.

My sweet Dr said that if they are off again she will put me on non generic synthroid and test me in 4 weeks (she told me 3 weeks on Monday) and today when she said FOUR.....i about fell over.....so I piped up....lol......you said on Monday you would retest in THREE!!!!! She laughed as she knows how eager I am to have this surgery done lol....

So thats where I am at.  My PCP has to put together my info once i get this thyroid stuff squared away.....

It hasnt gotten my spirits down tho, so thats a good thing!

I spoke to my insurance company today and love them!!

I also got some great news, my best GF in VA is having the gastric sleeve done, she found a great doctor today!  Yeah!  Im so excited for her!!!

Ok, on that note Im gonna close for now, thx for listening!!!!


About Me
gainesville, GA
Surgery Date
Jan 11, 2008
Member Since

Friends 53

Latest Blog 6
Long time no write!
Waiting Simply Sucks!
SLOW waiting, OMG! lol
The time has come.....again (lol)
