Surgery Moved Up!!!

Jun 04, 2009

My August 27th surgery date has been moved up to June 23. I can not tell you how excited I am by this. I was called by Dr. Starr's office on Monday asking if this was possible. Originally I had hoped I could have this surgery by my 40th birthday. I will be 40 on the 15 of June and this is the bestest birthday present I could receive. This is day three of my Optifast diet. I must do the Optifast for three weeks. Wish me luck and pray for me. I want to stick to this 100 %. I know it will be hard but I know it will result in good outcomes for me!
Hugs and Kisses.
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Here's to 2009!!

Jan 01, 2009

Happy New Years Day Everyone!

I decided today, that I was going to start the new year right. I was pumped in the morning and decided I was going to start the day with a good walk. I live in Etobicoke and decided to drive to the Lakeshore by Windemere, park and walk along the lovely bridge. Enjoy the sunshine the the beach! I dressed nice and warm, it was very cold this morning. I have pretty much been inactive but ready to roll. Threw my purse in my trunk, blistexed my lips, mittened up. Looking cool in my sunglasses and my huge hood of my jacket covering half of my head. I could feel the muscles in my legs warming up, I think they were a bit confused and wondered what was going on. I had my oldest comfiest, runners on, a pair of true old friends to keep me moving. People were walking their dogs, families out for the day, runners gettin their morning running high. I stopped on the bridge, bent down, my left sock, sliding off of my foot, wanting to roll underneath. Not sure why that was happening. I fixed my sock and continued. Beautiful day. I set my cell phone alarm clock to let me walk for half an hour and then I would turn around once the alarm went off.  Im sure I am walking at a normal pace, although I dont think I could go faster. I ended up slipping on some ice which must have been hiding under the snow and fell right onto my hand that I have had carpal tunnel surgery on about three weeks ago. Sugar,,,, it stung like a bugger.  I was feeling embarrased but got myself up and continued to walk in a direction away from my car. About two minutes later, I felt sore and felt as if my legs were tightening up. I turned around, I just wanted out of their and to go home. My hand paining me and stinging. I finally reached my car and my half hour timer went off. All of that and only half an hour had passed. I felt sort of defeated. Once at my car, searched for my keys. Ohhhh. Where are they?! Checked and rechecked all pockets, peeked in the car, no keys. I had just remembered that I put my purse in my trunk. Well, the keys are either somewhere around my fall, or my sock pull up or in my trunk. Okay, now I will try and relax and turn around. Walk back to the injury site and search for my keys. Long story...... didnt find my keys, they werent in my trunk either.
..but boy did I have a great walk on New Years Day, stuggled and determined that the new year to come, may be long and hard to accomplish the simplist things. I will still perservere, try not to cry too much and just get through, hopefully better off in the long run.

I think I will need some good wishes for a successful 2009.
All my best to all of my OH family for a successful, happy, healthy New Year.
Cheers, Opa
Hugs and Kisses

3 days till my Nutrition and Psych appointment!!

Nov 22, 2008

Hi Everyone, haven't been on in a month. Back safe and sound from my first trip  to Asia. Hong Kong, China and Thailand. It was really a great getaway, even if it was all work related.

A few days before I left I had my first appointment with Dr. Starr. I felt very nervous and intense while waiting to meet with him. His office was full of people. The girls at the desk were very friendly and charming. Really helped with my nerves.  I was surprised to hear him say that this will be the best thing for me! Dr. Starr also confirmed with me that once you get to a larger size. It is not impossible to loose weight on your own. Keeping it off and maintaining is very difficult., like winning the lottery "million". Yes, people win. But how many playing actually win. Not very many. The odds are unlikely.
In my mind, I was thinking, Holy Crap, I cant beleive he actually put it like that.  It almost felt like some sort of weird baptism. Or some secret message he sent me that took the brainwashing negativity of years of comments from all of those people always telling you what to eat or not eat, how to eat it and when to eat it etc, etc, etc, took all the negative connotations away.  That my body does really work against me and it is not as easy as everyone makes you feel. Like a weakness. I was his last appointment of the day. When I left and went to my car. I think I probly cryed all the way home. Happy and sad tears. Just overwhelming feelings of the possiblity of change. The unpeeling of the layers to come. Praying that this is going to be real and really happen. Also, the thought of the surgery and being frightened. (okay, okay I know I am dramatic, but this is pretty theraputic for me. lol at no cost)

Tuesday I go for my nutritionist and psych appointment. So excited to get to the next step. I am hoping by my birthday in June, I will have my surgery date close. Not sure when I will get it but I am hoping for my 40th birthday, that is my present. ... did I say 40.. yikes....

8 days till i meet with dr.starr, so nervous and excited

Sep 18, 2008

....... my first appointment. Don't know what to expect. I hope I like Dr. Starr. I have been reading so many different reviews on WLS. Not sure which procedure he does, or if you get a choice. At first I thought the Lap Band was the way to go. Too expensive for me. Then I read about all of the cons, negative reviews. I think the Mini BS sounds good, but I really dont know. I will post my visit experience in 8 days. It will be a long 8 days.

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Surgery Date
Aug 02, 2008
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3 days till my Nutrition and Psych appointment!!
8 days till i meet with dr.starr, so nervous and excited
