Well, I am not sure where to start with this writing here. I am a 37 yo female and my current weight is 245 lbs. I will be having  Lap RNY on December 12, 2006. I have 2 daughters ages 19 and 21 yo's. The eldest will be leaving to attended the University in January, and the other will wait another year before she decides what feild she would like to go in.

I have not been heavy all my life, other then the pounds one gets from child birth. I believe my weight gain actually began about the age of 21 when I had an hysterectomy. Since that time I have gained and gained. This is the most that I have weighed in my entire life time, and many times I was in denial that I was that fat! I am fairly active, but back in September I was found to have diabetes. This made the decision to have surgery even stronger.

I believe that health is very important in ones life, and I had to come the reality that I am getting older and my health is deteriorating not only because of my weight but also because I am not taking care of myself like I should. I thought about surgery for the last 6 years, and either I was under the recommeded weight for the requirement for surgery, or I had no means to pay for it. No insurance either.

Then out of the Grace of God, I was able to start my own business, and now I can afford this surgery and do it without all the red tape that insurances want. This is good and I thank my heavenly father for the goodness that has entered my life. I am having some problems with the smoking I am suppose to quit before surgery. Its been hell to try to throw those damn things out. Anyone have any suggestions?

I would love to meet all of you and know hoe your journey has been. Please feel free to drop me a line or two.

November 21, 2006

It is 8 minutes into Nov., 21 st and I have about 19 days for surgery. lately I have been really tired for no reason, and I have no energy at all. Now that the date is getting closer, I am getting somewhat depressed. Don't know where it is coming from. And do not know what it is that has me so blue. I managed to lose 7 lbs and I have 3 lbs more to the weight the doctor wants me to lose. I hope its not blown for thanksgiving....lol....My family is being very supported and can't wait to see the weight come off. I hope I do not have too many plateaus and it is as steady as can be. My diabetes has been all out of whack for the past month. perhaps, that it why I am feeling so blue and out of it. Hopefully I will not have to worry so much about after the weight loss. By the way, this is the first full body pic of me in more then 10 years. Yes folks... you saw here first...lol. I really hate pics of me, and now that I am looking at it, it is pretty disguising. I feel like a quarter back for the NFL.

I am sure that I will be needed a plastic surgeon when the time comes. They tunny tuck thing and for my boobs and I know for my wings under my arms. I hear it is pretty costly. Guess I got a good 8 to 9 months to save for all that. Well, I think this is all for now...write more later.

December 10, 2006

I have two days and i will have my surgery, I hope that they will not cancel the surgery at the last moment. The doctors office has been giving me the run around, and it has caused much anxiety for me. They claim that they have been trying t contact me for several weeks about some tests that I have to take, saying they expired! How is this my fault when they are the ones who made the surgery date!!! had to travel 4 hours south to get the test done and come back home, then leave again the following day because i could not get off work so soon to just stay there, to make pre op on the 8th.  Now that I am back I stayed home just today, and I will be travelling once again tomorrow for my surgery the 12th (Tuesday). I have to tell you, that they said they have not been able to contact me all this time when in fact I have my cell with me all the time, and I have called several times and there was no return calls. Believe me they even got down right rude with me, when I told them that someone has a different story each time, and that they never answered my calls back and receptionists were not helpful at all. No one seemed to know what was going on. So, now I am worried that they will get me all hyped up and cancel my surgery at the last minute. You think they would get there act together. I do not normal say these things about things like this, but this was so bad I had to say it. paying $22,000.00 cash I would expect some competence in the staff. The doctors are good, but should evaluation the office staff.

At this point I am not sure what to think... if I should be happy or wait for the day of surgery to get over with to be happy. Don't know if it will be happening or not. Wish me luck all... Will be back to tell you what has happened.

January 1, 2007

Happy New Years to everyone!!! Sorry I have not really been here, had surgery on the 12th of December. So far all is well. Almost a month out and I have lost about 20 lbs. I am not sure if I am doing all the right things. Was sick over the New Year with feeling like I wanted to sleep and nausea. Still not sure about if I have made the right decisions about the surgery. Changing a whole life style is very difficult to say the least. I am sure there are some things I am not doing well at, like the eating. I do not think I have gotten the right instruction about when I should stop fluids and go pureed, although the doc's office said I can eat anything but high calorie foods, and make sure i chew well. I think this is why I have not really been losing a lot like the rest of the others I have been reading on their blogs. Been kinda sad the last few weeks, sure would like a cheer up from anyone out there. Get back to you all later. Thanks for listening 


About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 27, 2006
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