14 Month Post-OP F/U Dr. Hagen

Nov 18, 2010

I am 14 months and one day, but who's counting right, post-op and went for a follow-up appointment with the fine
Dr. Hagen.  As usual a smile broke across his face as I responded to his calling my name.  "I barely recognize you!"  He said.  "People must really be noticing how wonderful you look by now."

While I hate to admit it he was right about my GERD, it has decreased significantly with my weight loss, and like me he is worried regarding my nocturnal re-gurge, and the fact that I am now suffering through my firth  aspiration pneumonia in a year.  Unfortunately he has no magic pill to stop this and so this continues.

I have developed a painful hardened lump on my right buttocks, he is unsure if it is a cyst, a calcification etc, but agrees that given my history it should come out.  That is booked for January 26, 2011.

All in All a good visit, free from his office now until February.

