ninanew added a goal 10 years, 9 months ago
stick with the new way of eating for the rest of my life!

ninanew wrote a blog post 10 years, 11 months ago
Back to work tomorrow - Actually feeling a little better today! Pain seems to have moved a bit, now more centralized under the large incision, but it's a different kind of pain. More of a constant ache...

ninanew wrote a blog post 10 years, 11 months ago
depressed and in pain - I have had one spot to the right and a little below my main incision that has been more painful than anywhere else - I asked the surgeon about it in the hospital and he said it ...

ninanew wrote a blog post 10 years, 11 months ago
Sleeved! -   I'm sleeved! In my room, did very well according to the doctor. Still a little pain, can't wait until I can get up, walk around and pee!! Anxious to see how I handle f...

ninanew wrote a blog post 10 years, 11 months ago
Today is the day. . . - . . . And I've been wide awake since 2am! Need to be at the hospital at 5am.  Have this crazy fear that I'll forget and drink some water and mess up the schedule.  S...

ninanew wrote a blog post 10 years, 11 months ago
We are a go! - I was cleared by the cardiologist today and just spoke to Rachel and my file is complete! They have me down for the first procedure on Monday, June 17 - 7:30am! I'm so relieved ...

ninanew wrote a blog post 10 years, 11 months ago
Another delay! - Not sure I can take much more of this! Got a call this morning from the cardiologist's office to reschedule my appointment since the doctor didn't come in today! Soonest they ca...

ninanew wrote a blog post 10 years, 12 months ago
Still not sure this will happen on June 17! - Test results trickle in... therapist has taken since Tuesday to write the letter and still hasn't sent it in... not sure if proof of pap and mammogram have been received by surg...

ninanew wrote a blog post 11 years ago
Frustrated frazzled freaked - I'm very frustrated, frazzled and freaked out right now. Due to a requirement that I just found out last night from my PCP to get a cardiologist consult my surgery clearance is ...

ninanew wrote a blog post 11 years ago
June 17! -   I'm scheduled for June 17 Dr. Cirangle and am very excited / scared!    I've checked off almost everything on the preop list. Having my chest xray and upper GI ser...

ninanew added a goal 11 years ago
remain hopeful and steadfast in seeking and living a healthy life

ninanew added a goal 11 years ago
Start excersizing regularly.
About Me
San Francisco, CA
Surgery Date
May 29, 2013
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 9
