My Measurements 1 yr after WLS

Aug 05, 2008


JULY 25, 2007

SEPT 30, 2007


OCT 29,



JAN 25,



May 9, 2008 (9 MON)

Aug 1,



(1 Yr)






15 3/4"

14 3/4"

14 1/4"


13 1/4"


-2 3/4"



54 3/4"



49 3/4"






57 3/4"

52 3/4"

51 3/4"




-17 3/4"



57 1/2"

55 3/4"






20 1/2"

17 1/2"

16 3/4"

15 1/2"



-8 1/2"


19 3/4"

17 3/4"

17 1/4"




-7 3/4"



11 3/4"

11 3/4"

10 3/4"

10 1/4"




12 3/4"

11 1/2"

11 1/2"



9 1/2"

-3 1/4"



31 1/4"

29 3/4"

27 1/2"








27 1/2"

24 1/2"




20 1/2"

20 1/2"


19 "

17 1/2"


-3 1/2"


20 3/4"

19 3/4"

19 1/4"

18 3/4"

17 3/4"


-3 3/4"


10 3/4"

9 1/2"

9 1/4"

9 1/4"

8 3/4"

8 1/2"

-2 1/4"



9 1/2"

9 1/2"

9 1/2"


8 1/2"

-2 1/2"






1 yr ago Yesterday

Jul 28, 2008

 1 year ago today John and I came home from hospital less than 24 hrs after surgery. And have we had some changes. I can not think of a bad change, only good. In the last yr. John has gone from Highest weight of 341 to his GOAL WEIGHT of 185.A total loss of 156 lbs so far.  Yes he did get on the scale for me yesterday, WOOOHOOOO. He has lost more than 100 inches. Gone from a size 52 pants and 4X shirt, to a size 30-32 pants and medium shirt. He has gone from over 100 units of insulin/ a day, blood pressure  medicine and multiple pain pills to vitamins, iron, b12, calcium and omeprazole a day.  He has also lost a gallbladder. He has gained some confidence and wants to change jobs for a while. He (if everything checks out) will be going to Afghanistan in Aug. First to Houston on the 17th for 10-12 days, then deploy for 4month intervals and home 2 weeks. Right now he is at the ER at the V A in Dallas, so they can find out why he gets do short of breath, I will let you know  when I hear from him.

Now for me. I have gone from Highest weight of 345 lbs to NOW 194 lbs, a LOSS of 151 lbs. I have gone from a size 4X scrub and 26-28 pants, to a size 12 and 14 pant and medium and lg tops. I have lost more than 100 inches. The PCP was threatening to put me on BP meds and Cholesterol meds if my numbers did not go down. Well I am not on anything now but Vitamins, iron, B12, Calcium and Vitamin C.   I have changed jobs, went from the VA back to homecare and working on my RN. If john goes over seas, I am moving to Virginia and work out there a while. I love to travel and move around. John thinks the kids will rely on each other more if I am not here.  Of coarse Susan (cheerleader) just thinks it is wonderful. It is less than 25miles from her. I FEEL FANTAASTIC.
 Together we have found SO MANY WONDERFUL Loving friends, that we would not  trade for anything in the WORLD!!!! We found we really LIKE each other and since we have energy we do so much more together and are so much busier.  We have found that for the FIRST time in 24 yrs that we have a FANTASTIC S%% LIFE. (Do not tell him I told,LOL), I am going to miss him so much, But I have had to myself most of the last 7yrs, because he worked at the RV parks we lived at. But he wants this real BAD. So I told him I would back him up.
 I truly love you all vey much. I am so sorry this is so long.
Love, Hugs and Prayers to all.
Sherry and John

Johns Measurements 2 days pre-op and 3 and 6 mon post

Feb 11, 2008


John's before and after measurements

                   7/25/07         11/02/07   02/12/08

            2 days pre-op      3 mon         6mon         loss

NECK         22 1/2"         18 1/2"         17"         - 5 1/2"

CHEST       60"                53"              47 3/4"    -12 1/4"

ABS             59 3/4"         51"               42"          -17 3/4"

HIPS           52 1/2"         49 1/2"        45 1/2"      -7"

RU ARM     22"               18"                16"            -6"

LU ARM     20 3/4"         16"                16"            -4 3/4"

RL ARM     13"               11 1/2"          11"             -2"

LL ARM      12 1/2"        11 1/2"          11"            -1 1/2"

R THIGH    28"              26 1/2"          24"              -4"

L THIGH    28 3/4"        26"                22"               -6 3/4"

R CALF      17 1/4"       15 1/4"         15 1/4"         -2"

L CALF       17"             15 1/2"          15"                -2"

                                                            total loss -71 1/2"



6 Months today. January 27, 2008

Jan 26, 2008

Well it has been 6 months since my life has changed. Lots of changes and then again not so many changes. I have lost 112 lbs and 69 inches in 6 months. It seems a life time, then again it seems as if it has been a minute. My eating has not changed a whole lot since surgery, a little more at times, but still no appetite. I still do not always get my protein and water, But I get more than I did 3months ago. This board has been a lifeline and I do not know how anyone could have this surgery and survive w/o it. The people, the dinners, the breakfast, all of it are what has saved me and helped along this way, Of coarse w/John having surgery the same day as I, has helped a lot also. He has not weighed since Dec4 and not measured since 3months, but he is LOOKING GOOD! LOL.
I love the people I have met on this board and they are so special to me. If anyone reading this is pre-op or new post-op and do not have a support group, I beg you to read the boards and ask questions and attend support meetings, they will help you along.
Love and hugs to all.
Sherry (60lbs from being half the person I was)

21 weeks post op and I DID IT!

Dec 21, 2007

 Today I have lost 100lbs from highest weight. Highest weight was 2 weeks before surgery. I could not have done it w/o everyone on the OH website. Thanks to all very much.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I got my Christmas Present today.
Love and hugs.

20 weeks post op

Dec 14, 2007

 Well it has been a road. I do not know what is worse, head hunger or forgeting to eat at all. John and I seem to go both ways frequently.  We are both doing OK. I have 2 lbs to reach the century card, and I imagine John has about 4-8lbs, but you know he will not weigh unless I plead or beg or pay him, LOL.
I am ready for Christmas. @more things to buy and Christmas cards to mail, But other than that, I am ready.
Kids are ok at this time.  Pray they stay that way.  The TMB is such a great place. The people on this site are a Godsend.  I thank God everyday for showing me the way here.
 Merry Christmas and May God give you Many Blessings this season and all year.
John and Sherry

15 weeks Post op. 3 Month follow up

Nov 13, 2007

Hello All,
 We had our 3month post op visit w/ Dr Barker yesterday. He said everything looked great. We have to add our iron and Calcium in our vitamins. John has gone from 334 lbs to 257lbs (yea- he did not believe it) that is down 78lbs, I have went from 345 lbs to 263lbs, that is down 82 lbs. Together John and I have lost 160lbs. WOW.
 This board is the most AWESOME place I could have found. Even though John does not get on and read, he asked everyday how everyone is and who he needs to pray for.
 I really do not have any problems compared to so many on this board and it is humbling to remind myself of that. I am so grateful for my healthy kids and grandkids. Healthy mom and stepdad.
 I posted Johns measurements on here. No he does not know, but I bet he figures it out.
Love and Prayers to all,
Sherry (and John) 

John's weight today. 13weeks post op

Oct 29, 2007

John weighed 273# this am, down 59# in 13 weeks.BMI down to 42.8 from 51.8. And down to a 38jeans from size 50. He wants more weight gone, but he works out EVERY DAY.
Love Sherry

12 weeks post op -68lbs

Oct 19, 2007

Hello to all,
 I am 12 weeks post op today. Down @277 from 345 a total of 68lbs. More energy than before. I still do not get enough to eat, drink or protein. I am still working on it.  I found someone to work both of my shifts Sat 10/20 so John and I could attend the OH dinner and go Dancing. But John's mom has been having problems w/her potassium and gout. She is 82yrs old and lives alone, so as bad as I want ot be at the dinner, I know and feel like we need to go see her more. But it sure makes me sad.
 Everything with John is good, He cont to work out almost daily, drinking water, eating protein,etc..... Last weight 2weeks ago, 278lbs. 
I hope everyone has a blessed weekend,
Love and hugs,


Oct 06, 2007

John weighed this am. 279#'s, that is minus 52 lbs. That means his BMI was 51.8 Super Morbid Obese and now is BMI is 43.7 just Morbid Obese,
 How cool is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Sherry

About Me
Plainview, TX
Surgery Date
Mar 29, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo

Friends 81

Latest Blog 34
My Measurements 1 yr after WLS
1 yr ago Yesterday
Johns Measurements 2 days pre-op and 3 and 6 mon post
6 Months today. January 27, 2008
21 weeks post op and I DID IT!
20 weeks post op
15 weeks Post op. 3 Month follow up
John's weight today. 13weeks post op
12 weeks post op -68lbs
