Feb 07, 2012

Well lets see its been about lil over 3 years and my weight has not move much but then again my second child is 18 month now and I am AGAIN preggo due in May. At first I didnt gain much weight I started off at 185 before preggo and dropped down to 170 and came back up to 188 now. I have 3 more month before my "third" baby boy is here and I feel like I never had GB surgery...... I try to watch what I eat and try to just eat as I do baby or not but somedays are easier then other days.... with my second son they told me I my sugar was way below normal but when I did the sugar test with my third I was lil high so they have me coming back to do a 3 hour sugar test.....  I cant help but to feel that I am back to the way I was before I had surgery..... I feel like such a fool if that is the case.... I dont see my doc for a while but plan to go see him after the baby is born..... all i can do is to hope I am wrong and try to start all over again..... but if I am not wrong what do I do???
Im soo sooo sooooo lost right now..... I should be very happy and joyful planning a new baby and all but lately all I been feeling is depress.....

Having a tuff time 2 years and 2 month out

Nov 15, 2010

well, I'm about 190, 194 and i feel like I'm back to myself before my surgery. I guess it has to do with my lil bundle of joy, just after one year and 2 month ago I got preggo, i was weighing about 175-180 and i reached 30-35 pounds and when i gave birth my weight dropped down to 185-180 and i was happy, but then again i gained  10 pounds, I'm trying so hard not to go over 190, but I suck. they said i need to drink  alot of water and watch what i eat, some days i throw up and some days i can eat a lot and some days cant eat at all. I'm trying so hard to get into my size 9 jeans i got that i never was able to put it on because i got preggo and I'm trying to get my weight back down and i cant.....

First Store Experience

Apr 11, 2009

My first store experience was interesting. couple month ago i had my wow moment and it was a OK experience but today I had to go to so many different stores to look for a red dress. Yeah a red dress for my brothers wedding ... no luck on the dress but when I walked in to one store and asked one of the girls for a red dress, she looked at me and said,"we do but not that fits you" at first i was like WTF i know I'm big but I should be able to fit something, and then I thought man I guess I didn't lose as much weight as I thought i did. but she said all the dress are big and we don't have smaller ones .... lol yeah when she said that I was like wow .... I guess its just my eyes making me look big .... But still I haven't lost any weight ... heheheh kekekeke.... Its slow but its coming along .... I been carrying this cold thought and its breaking me down hopefully I'll get better.

6 Month today

Mar 11, 2009

Well, 6 month today I had my surgery ..... i only lost 90 pounds it took me forever to get under 200 and now Im just sitting there .... somedays i can eat and somedays i can't .... crazy but i still throw up like i'm only 2-3 month out .... I hate throwing up .... Im not sure Im doing very well, Im suppost to see my doctor this week but I can't see him till the first and now that is going to be pushed back ..... I need to redo everything ....First i need to drink more then 32 oz water ... yes i cant even drink a lot of water .... how crazy ..... anyone out there going throught the same thing if so .... what did you do?

February 9, 2009

Feb 08, 2009

Not doing very good.... For the past month I been going up and down my weigh..... one week I gain 5 pounds and next week lose 4 now I'm only a pound down from my last weight tracker thing. so I'm pretty stressed and tired.  I wanna give up but too late or that, I still see this big girl in the mirror when I look at myself. I don't know what to do....

January 20, 2009

Jan 20, 2009

It took a long time but I finally had my wow moment, I had to go buy some jeans today... AND i went to the juniors section and picked up a size 14 i sat down and took a deep breath of air and put them on, and all i could do is smile. They were a little lose so I had to go down one more size. I cannot remember when was the last time I got anything smaller than a size 16 and that was a plus size..... Yeah I'm so proud now only if i can drop the remaining 50pounds ... hehehe One day at a time.....

January 3, 2009

Jan 03, 2009

One week and only 2 pounds....  I don't understand and the bad part is that's probably all hair that I'm losing
For the past two days I started throwing up again. Last time this happen I started throwing up at dinner time for couple of times then couple weeks later I start throwing up every day. Hopefully the MRI will show the doctors whats wrong with me.

December 18, 2008

Dec 18, 2008

OK, so I'm now down 67 pounds and I'm 3 month and 7 days out..... I guess that is good.... but I'm still not sure.....
I'm having so many chest pains had to go the the ER, nothing serious is wrong with me.... I just need to go back to drinking my proteins ....  my wow moment today was at the ER .... they put a "normal" size blood pressure cuff and the gown they gave me was for "normal" people.....  I was so happy and the nurse said your not big to have that surgery ... she also said I must have lost over a hundred pound and I told her I wish, only 67 and she said wow that's good, but my nutritionist lady told me that this was not healthy...  My goal is to lose all my weight by spring time, hopefully by March 20. 2009 that is my goal.... I just pray I can make it there healthy and well......

December 1, 2008

Dec 01, 2008

Well, lets see, its been such a long time since I been on here writing anything, I'm not sure what to say any more, my weight has been coming off so slow and its kind of driving me crazy, I know that it takes time but it feels like I  been out of surgery for over couple of years when its only been almost 3 month,  wow 3 month dec 11..... I am not under 200 pounds yet... I lost 60 pounds so far and man its making me mad.... I started walking since I got sick of losing so slow but i get so weak when I work out....  i look at my self all the time and wonder if I look any different..... I know I am losing because my rings are getting very lose.... but my mid area is looking yucky..... maybe Im just going crazy.... I guess I'm still waiting for someone to come up to me and say "wow you look wonderful" yeah my hubby says that all the time but its not the same.... maybe Im just

November 4, 2008

Nov 04, 2008

OK this is driving me a lil crazy
I cant drop my weight fast enough for me..... I wanted to lose 1/2 pound a day and I'm only doing 2-3 pounds every 3-4 days... I think I'm doing something wrong...
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I think I need some help... I dont see my doc till next wed...
Some people said to eat more and drink more but I'm scared to gain weight.... Only if I felt that way before I got too big...
I guess I just need to stay away from the scale it rips my heart in half to see I only lost a pound....

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 12, 2008
Member Since

Friends 16

Latest Blog 34
December 1, 2008
November 4, 2008
