Failed band, alcohol abuse, non compliant, etc.....

Jan 09, 2013

angry  It has taken me a long time to come to terms that I have failed with my band, or is it that the band failed me??? It could be a little of both.......I had my band in July of 2007, did ok with it by losing 60 lbs. I lost more pre-op (77 lbs.) I never really found my sweet spot though.

The problems begin:


  • Lost a lot of weight and felt good about me for the first time in a very long time. I was successful in my career and had a lot of confidence in that area before surgery. 
  • Started drinking alcohol
  • More eating which is triggered by booze
  • BAD behavior. 


  • stopped seeing Doc for fills and check ups.  At that time I made excuses up but now realize that it was because I didnt want to admit that I was non complaint and failing


  • ready to admit I need HELP
  • Found new Surgeon

In June, I started seeing a wonderful new doctor that I found through my primary care doc, who by the way had RNY. Can I tell you how thrilled I am that  I Have a doc that gets it!!!!!! My old primary retired and never understood my band surgery.

In the beginning, I counseled with him about getting back on track. He suggested and required me to go through his program, seeing psychology and nutrition before he would adjust my band. I did everything he asked. It was time for a fill and  I was nervous and excited, after all, I haven't had one in over 3 years!  That excitement quickly turned to fear.  I was filled and adjusted 6 times, which caused bruising, swelling and PAIN! Then the nausea and reflux began.   I was pissed!  Not at my new surgeon but at me, for ignoring my band for so long. I was scared that it could have cause long term damage. By November, it was apparent that something would have to be done, so we drained it completely and discussed a revision. My BMI was 39 and I had no co morbidities so Insurance wouldn't pay. A week later ay my next office visit i had gained 4 lbs which put me at a 40 BMI. Now, by insurance standards I was at the correct BMI so off I went, labs, chest x-ray, urine and then medical clearance by cardiologist. Plus his required psychology program. 

Right after Christmas i was cleared to have the band to RNY surgery.  Now the waiting really begins.......WAITING FOR APPROVAL, and waiting and waiting........and waiting.

So here I sit 5.5 years post-op, back up to my surgical weight, pondering all that I did wrong and vowing to NEVER make those mistakes again, realizing that  I am only human and there is a good possibility that I will  make some of them again and hoping that I will be able to pick  myself up, dust myself off and get back on track. I feel good about the odds though. Its like  I have a second chance to prove to ME that I can do this, day by day by making good food choices that will lead to long term changes. 





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